Coming Soon … Video Game Articles Return!


You bet your sweet bippy!

I should probably (re)introduce myself.  Way back in the old days of 2010-2011, I used to write reviews of The Amazing Spider-Man for the site.  It was a heck of a job back then, since the book was coming out three or more times a month, but I churned out those reviews as best I could.  In October of 2010, after beating Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, I emailed BD and asked him for permission to review the relatively brand-new game (which had only been out for a month or so) for the site.  While giving me the green light, he left it open for me to review other Spider-Man games.  I wrote and published the review soon after.

Not long afterwards, I was doing some much-needed organizing of my game collection … well, heck, I wrote an entire article about that.  Go ahead and read it for the full story.  The short version is that I was struck with a fit of inspiration to go back and review the Spider-Man games I grew up playing.  The first article, covering the superb Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin, was written soon afterwards.  After a hiatus brought on by many unpleasant occurrences, I wrote an article covering the awful Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge.  With my usual lack of subtlety, I teased that Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage would be next and immediately got to work on it.

It never happened … but that’s about to change.

Thanks to a series of fortunate events, I’m back writing about video games for the site.  It will be a little different this time around, so I want to key you folks in on what I have planned …


  • A review of Lego Marvel Superheroes.  I’m going to begin with a review of the recent (kind of) Spider-Man game (kind of) that will cover the PlayStation 4 version.  Thanks to the PS4’s sharing features, this one will have unique video and screenshots and experiment with a new review format.  Keep your eyes peeled!
  • A review of The Amazing Spider-Man.  At some point, I’ll be returning to 2012 to review this tie-in game to the really terrible film of the same name on the PlayStation 3.  I probably won’t get to this for a while, but look out for it in the lead-up to the next film and game.
  • An article about Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage.  I promised this would be the next game in the lookback series, and it will be!
  • An article about Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety.  This was the fourth game in the vintage series that I was going to cover, as indicated in the introduction article.
  • A series of articles on some other vintage Spider-Man games.  I won’t spoil which ones, but the header image is a hint about the first one of these!

Being a mercurial fellow, I can’t commit to a fixed schedule — after all, I need to actually have time to PLAY all these games — but I hope you’ll check back in with me as I cover the good, the bad, and the downright awful gaming history of the comics icon that was all know and love (HA!  I somehow connected this to Valentine’s Day!).

If you have a preference for what games I should cover, by all means, sound off in the comments!  Your feedback WILL impact this project!

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Dan Slott talks about Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl

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Weird Marvel Collectibles # 98- Spider-Man Valentine Lip Balm

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  1. @ BD – That Captain America/Spidey game is the one I was playing when the big 7.0 Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989 hit San Francisco on Oct 17th. I eventually did beat the game, but not on that day!

  2. Here’s a 23 minute playthrough. Again, I thought this was the best thing in 1989. I played it so much back in the day. And this is probably Superior Foe Boomerangs first and only appearance in a video game. It also features a Spidey/ Hobgoblin fight….and probablly the reason I love it so much…a Spidey vs Hulk match!

  3. Amazingly, that Green Goblin costume still looks better than the one from the Raimi movie.

  4. One I never hear about that I love is Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr dooms revenge. It was sooo good for 1989. I played it in my Commodore 64 and didn’t think graphics would get any better. I’m looking forward to the reviews and welcome back Gerard.

  5. I’ve got a particular fondness for the Spider-Man (2000) game on multiple platforms (mine was PC). I never played the sequel Enter Electro though.

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