Clone Memories #1

ASM149CoverYou know what this place needs?

More Clones. 

I’m here to deliver. Over the next few days,

I will bring some art to you, and all will involve hoodies, clones, Jackals and clones.

And hoodies. (Suck it Berryman!)

 First though, no memory lane lookback of Clones is complete without looking at the beginning. Amazing Spider-Man 149 people! Ben Reilly’s first appearance! Jackal (Not Gwen) strapped to a bomb! Thrills and chills man!

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  1. @#2-But didn’t Jack the midget and the Guardian melt as well. In fact I don’t think any of the clones turned to dust except Ben. Clone degeneration was so inconsistant. But Ben will be back somehow Berryman, just you wait! 😉

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