R.I.P. Mail Order Comics.com

logoOur longtime sponsor Mail Order Comics has shut its doors for good. From 2006 to early 2013 Mail Order Comics was a proud sponsor of our website. They sponsored more than a two hundred episodes of the podcast and also advertised on our site. It’s with great sadness that they have gone out of business. Bleeding Cool has several stories about what happened, but bottom line I’m sad that people are out of work and we have one less comic retailer. 
Several of you have signed up with the service over the years and I’m sure are left wondering what to do? Discount Comic Book Service will be taking over the outstanding orders. You can learn more with this link.  

Out of curiosity, post a comment if you heard about Mail Order Comics from this website or podcast and signed up. What are your thoughts of them closing? Discuss it in the comment section. I’ve switched over to DCBS and am pleased with their service. 

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  1. I have to say, when they redid their website though, it was terrible. The old one was simple, but great. The new one never really worked properly.

  2. Sorry to hear that. I did hear about it form the podcast here and enjoyed the service for many years. They were always so great and helpful. I stopped using them when I went to trades only a while ago as the shipping was just too expensive. I hope everyone lands on their feet.

  3. I signed on with Mail Order based on the Crawlspace podcast. It was great for a long time but had definitely hit some bumps in the road the past year or so.

  4. This is too bad. I still expect Brad to talk about Mail Order Comics at the start of every podcast.

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