Podcast #275: Superior #24 Review, ASM2 Trailer Talk, Peter David on Superior, Wacker Exits

Podcast275Jan2014picHighlights include:

*Review of Superior Spider-Man # 24
*Will Peter David or Matt Fraction take over Superior Spider-Man? 
*Thought on new Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailers and  posters
*JR Recognized on Cracked.com
*Steve Wacker leaving the Spider-Office


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.

If you missed any of the previous fights here are some links.

Podcast # 274-Stegron Friday Night Fight
Podcast # 273-MB Questions, Web Pits, Best Modern Villain, Next Spider-Satellite.
Podcast # 272- Spider-History of Dec 2003 and Bertone Bio of Stunner. 
Podcast # 271- Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon review with Rocket Raccoon.
Podcast # 270- Friday Night Kingpin Fight

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1 Comment

  1. While listening to this week’s podcast, the though hit me, “Why are their so few writers at Marvel? Why are so many of their writers on so many Multiple books? Has it always been like that and only because writers are now such a big thing, as far as knowning their names,it’s more obvious. It just feels the Marvel universe is now mostly in control of something like 5 writers

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