Sony Announces Venom and Sinister Six solo movies

user28801_pic11978_1283907513Sony has just announced on the Electro Arrives website that a Sinister Six and Venom movie will arrive after Amazing Spider-Man 3. Will Andrew Garfield be in them? Who knows. But here is the press release. 


Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jeff Pinkner, Ed Solomon, and Drew Goddard to Collaborate with Marc Webb and Producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach on Developing the Universe and Expanding the Story in “The Amazing Spider-Man 3,” “Venom,” and “The Sinister Six”

CULVER CITY, Calif., December 12, 2013 – In a move to forge a new legacy in the story of Peter Parker on screen, Sony Pictures Entertainment, in association with Marvel Entertainment, is developing several new projects in the Spider-Man franchise, with Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jeff Pinkner, Ed Solomon, and Drew Goddard to collaborate on overseeing the developing story over several films that will be produced by Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach, it was announced today by Doug Belgrad, president of Columbia Pictures, and Hannah Minghella, president of Production for the studio.

The five writers, along with the two producers and Marc Webb, have formed a franchise brain trust to expand the universe for the brand and to develop a continuous tone and thread throughout the films. Under the deals, the studio announced that Kurtzman & Orci & Pinkner are writing the screenplay for The Amazing Spider-Man 3, which the studio hopes Webb will return to direct; the film will go into production next fall for release on June 10, 2016. In addition, the team will build on the cinematic foundation laid by Webb, Arad, and Tolmach in the first two movies. They will expand the franchise as Kurtzman & Orci & Solomon will write the screenplay for Venom, which Kurtzman will direct; also, Goddard will write, with an eye to direct, The Sinister Six, focusing on the villains in the franchise. Hannah Minghella and Rachel O’Connor will oversee the development and production of these films for the studio.

In tapping these five writers, the studio and the producers are guiding the future of the franchise with the writer/producers who have each played significant and key roles in developing such highly successful franchises, films, and series as Star Trek, Transformers, “Alias,” “Fringe,” Men in Black, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, World War Z, “Lost,” Cloverfield, The Cabin in the Woods, and Marvel’s upcoming “Daredevil” series.

Commenting on the announcement, Belgrad said, “The Spider-Man film franchise is one of our studio’s greatest assets. We are thrilled with the creative team we have assembled to delve more deeply into the world that Marc, Avi and Matt have begun to explore in The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. We believe that Marc, Alex, and Drew have uniquely exciting visions for how to expand the Spider-Man universe in each of these upcoming films.”

Arad and Tolmach added, “This collaboration was born out of the great experience we and Marc had working with Alex, Bob, and Jeff on The Amazing Spider-Man 2. With more than fifty years’ wealth of stories in the comic books to draw upon for inspiration, the Spider-Man universe is truly boundless; in addition, the Spider-Man comics have the greatest rogues gallery of any series, and to have the chance to explore that on film is truly thrilling. Until now, we have approached each film as a separate, self-contained entity, but with this move, we have the opportunity to grow the franchise by looking to the future as we develop a continuous arc for the story. That is what Alex, Bob, Jeff, Ed, and Drew will do in this unprecedented collaboration, and we’re excited about the directions they are taking the character and the world.”

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  1. Unlike FF, ASM never generated co-star superheroes (Prowler? Puma?), so Sony needs to try to squeeze water out of a rock here by making villain movies. I could see some anti-hero movies (Morbius, though the idea of the virtuous vampire is quite old-hat now). But the public awareness of these villains is pretty near zero.

  2. I do love that there will be a Sinister Six movie, but I loathed the first “Amazing Spider-Man” and even the second doesn’t look so good in my opinion, so this doesn’t give me a lot of faith in a solo S6 film would be done right. I have even less faith over a Venom film after what “Spider-Man 3” did with Venom.

    However, I would still love to see Mysterio in a Spider-Man film one day and have him made out to be a serious threat. If they have a Sinister Six roster, I’m sure the Vulture and Doctor Octopus would be involved after their wings and tentacles, respectively, were seen on display in TASM2 trailer. But I’d love for Vulture, Doc Ock, Sandman, Electro, Mysterio and Kraven on the team so they could stick to the comics, unlikely as that would be.

    It’s strange. Sony is making spin-off films of the Sinister Six and Venom, yet fans want to see a solo Loki film made from Marvel Studios and that’s very unlikely.

  3. So excited for this, not gonna lie. I love the idea of getting a Sinister Six movie. What could you do with that? Is it going to be a two hour set up for Spider-Man 4? My mind is Blown!

  4. YES for villain movies! It is a risky financial investment, but maybe the movie-going public can appreciate a supervillain themed movie (c’mon, tell me you wouldn’t see a movie about the lives of Dr. Doom or Red Skull).

    Here’s hoping they pick a good cast to play the Sinister Six (and here’s hoping Mysterio makes the cut)!

  5. @5 – If this were a Disqus board I would downvote your post because you used the word “lubrication”.

  6. This is basically SONY applying yet more lubrication to the Spider-Man franchise. Disney and Marvel won’t get the rights back until people are sick of it.

  7. A stand alone Venom without Spider-Man? Even his own title series had Spider-Man included. I’m not sure how they will get the origin of Venom/Eddie Brock without his hatred of Spider-Man/Peter Parker.

    Unless they plan to introduce him in Amazing Spider-Man 3 as the main villian and then give him a spin-off afterwards. That could work.

  8. I’m more excited about the Sinister Six movie!!! As for the Venom movie… Is it going to be an origin? Is it going to be Eddie or Flash?

  9. A Sinister Six movie sounds like a really bad idea – who would want to watch a movie based on the bad guys and not Spidey? And then I think about the great reviews that Superior Foes of Spider-Man is getting. This *could* work. And some complaints about having the Sinister Six in upcoming ASM movies has been that there’s not enough time to give each of the six villains enough screen time and character development to make it work. Having this separate movie could help with that.

    Consider me cautiously optimistic.

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