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Superior Spider-man Team Up #5 review

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The Superior Spider-Man #20 Review (by DMG)

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  1. It’s a Red and Black variant of the Future Foundation suit. I know because I’m friends with the cosplayer, Ryan Turney.

  2. Wow, all the wrong guesses on which costume this is. It is the Stealth Suit, the one that Kaine currently owns as Scarlet Spider.

  3. Yeah that’s a Miles costume. And god damn this is probably the hottest MJ yet!

    @2: Lol Carlie Cooper gets ZERO cosplay love. I wonder why? She’s such a snappy dresser! *sarcasm*

  4. And yet another MJ type (yay!).
    Which raises the question, as anyone ever
    bothered to do a Carlie Cooper cosplay?

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