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Spider-Memories # 109

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  1. I’m familiar with Simmons’ manner of dress during a concert. If you look at Kiss’s recent tour schedules, I still think they are less intense than an 8 show a week Broadway schedule, sometimes 2 shows a day on as many as 3 days a week. Reeve Carney had to be spelled as Spider-Man a couple of shows a week and he was a lot younger than Simmons. And to have him do the role on a part time basis would run counter to the reason for hiring him in the first place, particularly at what he would charge. If they were going to give Alice Cooper $125,000 a week, Simmons would command more…

  2. @MadGoblin : Have you seen what Gene Simmons wears onstage with KISS? He’d be more than fine in that outfit for a few hours a night… 😉

  3. @#3

    My guess… they’re banking on bringing in the remaining KISS fans to milk off of at this point.

  4. I can understand the appeal of having big names like Cooper and Simmons play the Goblin, particularly considering that grosses have seriously sagged…but from a practical aspect, both men, even though they are probably in good shape for their age, either already are or will be 65 years old within a year – and doing up to 8 shows a week, particularly in that costume would take a toll on a man half that age.

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