Podcast 243- Live Callers Pt 2

Podcast243Aug2013picWe wrap up our 15th anniversary of the website celebration by taking live callers. Highlights of the show include:

*We discuss an obscure Spider-Man cartoon where Aunt May tries to kill Spidey with poisoned cake. This is as hilarious as it sounds.
*Origins of how the Crawlspace began and where the name came from back in 1998
*JR’s thoughts about Norman’s first plot to trap Spider-Man in the desert.
*Our friends Michael Bailey and Zach aka Spideydude return for the anniversary fun. 


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.
Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board. 

If you missed Podcast # 241 which is the first part of the call in show, you can click here. 

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Podcast 242- 15th Anniversary Call In Show

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  1. How long has it been since the site had a make-over? How ’bout holding a contest for a new wordpress theme for next years anniv?

  2. ALWAYS enjoy Bailey being on. ALWAYS.

    “I’m pulling a Zach and Calling on my phone” made me chuckle.

  3. Just a heads up: It says 241 instead of 242 at the bottom. Shame I couldn´t make it to the call-in show, it would have been fun 🙂

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