The video is after the jump, but does anyone remember Pity from the Gathering of Sinister Six prose novels? She was also an alleged sister from Peter’s past.
The video is after the jump.
The video is after the jump, but does anyone remember Pity from the Gathering of Sinister Six prose novels? She was also an alleged sister from Peter’s past.
The video is after the jump.
Brad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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I really like the voiceover 🙂 Anyone know who that is? Sounds familiar. But why make a trailer for a comic? It´s neither a cartoon or a motion comic, so why have a motion comic trailer for the regular comic? It just doesnt make any sense.
I remember Pity, BD. I commented on it as soon as I saw Donovan’s post.
The Sinister Six trilogy was a great series. Adam Troy-Castro did a really fantastic job with those. It captured everything I loved about Spidey: the action, the humor, and the never-say-die attitude.
He did an awesome job with Spidey’s supporting cast, too.
Except Dan Slott. He’ll continue to think PL is one of the 3 worst Spidey stories ever.
Killing Peter Parker and replacing him with Doc Ock – that’s fine. But PL? Forget about it.
Yes, okay. This will last.
Actually if it does I don’t think anyone is entitled to complain about the Parallel ives retcon anymore