Donovan Grant
View articlesTypical college aged comic fan who wants to write and draw in the biz
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Spider-Captions # 298
by Brad Douglas
What is going on in this picture? Add a funny caption in the comment section.
Spider-Captions # 62
by Brad Douglas
Here’s yet another Spider-caption. Feel free to add your funny word balloons in the comment section.
Spider-Captions # 280
by Brad Douglas
Happy Labor Day fellow Americans. So what’s Spidey working on in this picture?
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #49-“The Return of the Green Goblin” Review: “1. Why use of portal is “most clueless possible”? He’s stuck there in -between, and what’s to say father-son bond…” Mar 18, 13:42
Evan Berry on Panel(s) of the Day #1653 (Ditko!): “Panel 2 contain a really gigantic leap in reasoning. He’s not wrong, though, if I remember correctly.” Mar 17, 14:23
Hornacek on Read’s Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #69/963 Review: “As I finished this issue I could hear Brad in the head from the old Satellites episodes saying “Just tell…” Mar 13, 20:03
Bill Slattery III on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “Glad you enjoyed it, Mister Mets, and thank you!” Mar 11, 21:18
Mister Mets on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “I did not know I needed this list.” Mar 11, 05:57
Hornacek on Panel of the Day #1651 (Splash Page Sunday!): “Marvel, bring back the little blurbs at the bottom of the pages advertising other comics!” Mar 9, 09:20
Evan Berry on Spider-Variants of the Week 3/5/25: “If Count Parker is going shirtless, I wonder why he would bother pulling those independent glove/sleeves on. It’s a striking…” Mar 4, 13:32
Aqu@ on MARCO SPEAKS SPIDEY: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3 REVIEW: “Indeed, the cartoon was great and it ended too soon! The only thing I didn’t like was the character of…” Mar 4, 05:55
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 27, 00:06
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 26, 23:58
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Run little Andrew, run before he kills you off! He’ll probly turn you into Rhino’s big toe, you can see it in his evil smile, he’s thinking about it.
I think Howard Mackie could write much better scripts for the Garfield Spider-Movies…
“Come here and pull my fingers”
Andrew: “Nice Hat”
Dan: “Nice Mask”
Andrew is thinking: I am really getting tired of taking pictures with these fanboys and their spider-man webshooting fingers.
I’ll never get used to seeing Garfield’s neck. I swear the neck alone is taller than Slott in that picture.
No-one told me Danny De Vito was playing the Mindworm in the new Spidey movie!!!
Andrew thinks: “I don’t care what this guy says, I’m still not convinced he’s Stan Lee…”
Hmm slott wasn’t content to screw up just the comics now he’s branching out. Next will be the show look out ultimate spidey!!
Andrew: “Superior my left nut. Are we done yet?”
My friend Dan is here to help with the script… To make it – SUPEIROR!!!
Is Dan really that short?
Andrew, run. You’ve seen what he did to the comics… do you want him anywhere near the movies?
“I get pictures with Spider-Man, and you don’t.”
“Alright, we’ve done the picture. Could you please start to wrap up Superior Spider-Man now?”
That CGI Rhino next to Garfield is f’ing HIDEOUS.
Andrew: “So this is the guy who killed me off in the comics.”