Podcast 233- JR’s Spider-History 1976, Bertone Bios of Ock and May Love Story

Podcast233June2013picHighlights of the episode include:
* JR’s This Month in Spider-History. We head back to June 1976
* JR reviews Amazing Spider-Man # 157 where Ock is haunted by a ghost. Doesn’t that sound familiar? 
*The only other book that came out that month was Marvel Team UP # 46 which teamed Spidey up with Deathlok.
*In this months “Bertone’s Bios” he examines that love story of Doc Ock and Aunt May. The love story went beyond just the 1970s. 


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If you missed the two previous podcasts of the month here they are. 

Podcast # 232

Podcast # 231

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  1. Holy crap. And I just listened to the episode after Kevin and Bailey left when Zach said that he was never leaving. “You’d have to pry this podcast out of my cold dead hands.” That’s too bad.

  2. @Jonathan- No we’re not going to do the segment. Zach and I have parted ways. We’re still friends but he’s not on the podcast anymore.

  3. I just listened to this whole episode again. Huge props to JR and Bertone on their segments. It wasn’t planned but they played perfectly together.

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