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Spider-Sam Saves the Day

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  1. @Hobo-Goblin: Aww, and here I was looking forward to reading it. Oh well, I´m sure the mini-series is good anyway..

  2. I used to love super hero cards and this series was my favorite. I had one that was a hologram of Spider-man then Superboy then Spider-boy.

  3. @fantasyfreak

    This meet-up doesn’t even happen in the mini-series. I think at most, there’s a cameo of both of them together.

    Besides, it’s Phil Urich in the costume at this point, not Norman Osborn.

  4. Great looking card. I barely remember this card set. I dont’ think I got it, but I loved the Marvel Masterpiece ones.

  5. I need to read this miniseries for THIS meeting alone 😀 Oh, and when I noticed that the side panel was on the left side, my first thought was: I liked it better on the right side. Then: Crawlspace has a youtube channel now?!! Subscribe! 😀 Need to get used to all these sharing functions. So many choices, what to do? hmm..

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