Listen to Donovan and Stella Grant’s Wedding APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

engagement pic


Thanks everyone who congratulated Donovan and Stella Grant on their marriage. Dustin from “The Batman Universe” attended the wedding and recorded the ceremony. You can listen to it here. 


Wedding pictures forthcoming. 

APRIL 2ND EDIT: APRIL FOOLS!!! Donovan and Stella aren’t married and are just platonic friends. Listen to the linked podcast for the full joke. 

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  1. BTW, is this the new hotness? Setting up April Fool’s Day days in advance? There’s something kinda unfair about that…

  2. I was planning on sending Stella and Donovan personal messages to congratulate them too. Great prank guys. I really believed it. 😉

  3. @#4 Part of the whole setup.

    @#5 Nothing wrong with that, need enough time to set the prank up so that the episode could be anticipated and released on April 1st.

  4. Apparently it was all an elaborate setup for this april fools joke(personally, I find that to be cheating, but oh well, you got us guys :D).

  5. Didn’t you post (as a non-April Fool’s joke) that Donovan and Stella [genuinely] got engaged? Did that engagement dissolve?

  6. .. damn, kids!!! That was fast!!

    Congratulations! Here’s hoping you’re very miserable together! 😉

    … what? It’s ME. You knew here was a joke coming.

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