Alex Saviuk Wizard Comic Con Interview Pt. 3

Legendary Spider-Man artist Alex Saviuk continues his talk to me from the Wizard Chicago Comic Con. Saviuk talks about his thoughts on the “Amazing Spider-Man” film. He also talks about his favorite issue to pencil and what it’s like to work on a comic page instead of a newspaper strip. Be sure to click on the HD for it in high definition. This took me hours to edit and I hope you enjoy.

If you missed the first two parts here they are.
Part 1
Part 2

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  1. Even though the stories were mediocre, I loved his 90’s work on Name of the rose, and his rendition of spidey, Hobgoblin, Rose, Richard Fisk, Nick Katzenberg.
    I think his style was goood for crime/gangster stories.

  2. I know, I know… I was just never a fan of his art… and it didn’t help that the bulk of his work on Spidey was on “Web of Spider-Man”… so even on his best days, he was probably working on a poor to mediocre story…

    Just my opinion….

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