Podcast 216- Superior Spider-Man 2 &3 Reviews, Bio of Living Brain, Osborn Plays Mephisto

Podcast216Feb2013picHighlights include:

*The gang reviews Superior Spider-Man # 2 and 3. A few of the members were very upset about “Spock” trying to get into M.J.’s pants in the second issue. 
* Bertone’s Bio’s of the Living Brain which made an appearance in the most recent Sinister Six team.
* Mary Jane originally said something different to Mephisto in One More Day.
*JR discusses Willem Dafoe portraying the devil in a Superbowl commercial.  If this were the Marvel universe it’d be Norman Osborn playing Mephisto. 


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 If you missed the other two shows of Feburary here are the links. 

Podcast 215 is here

Podcast 214 is here. 


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