Banana Pants: Harry Osborn Splits

It was brought to my attention that, due to a printing error, many copies of Spectacular Spider-Man #200, the death of Harry Osborn, shipped without dialogue on the final page. I’m here to bring you the page as it was originally intended to be read. Thanks for the idea, Donovan Grant!

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  1. I don’t have any digital codes to give because I buy them digitally in the first place, which is the only way I can possibly do same-day reviews. If someone wants to volunteer some codes for a prize then I’ll make a contest out of it once I’ve gone through the ones I’ve already made/plan on making. If anyone has codes they’d be willing to offer up for something like that, or are willing to offer up codes when new issues come out, please send them to me in a PM through the message board. Don’t post the codes publicly.

  2. What about a CTBP contest? The person who finds the best example in Peter’s backlog of what made this phrase such a classic wins a free download code for Superior #3? (or 4, maybe.)

  3. Man… Sal Buscema could really nail the pathos of any given scene. It’s like he read the script, thought “Damn.. it’s crazy town banana pants? I really need to bring out my ‘A’ game.”

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