Zach is the Site's Clone Expert and Historian. He has been a former reviewer of Amazing Spider-Girl, Spectacular Spider-Girl, Spectacular Spider-Man (Paul Jenkins run) and Scarlet Spider. He is the writer of Crawl Space Avengers, the sites Fan Fiction. He is the webmaster of Spidey-Dude.com and the Executive Producer of the Spideydude Radio Network of Podcasts. (Host of Clone Saga Chronicles, and frequent guest of the other two shows: Spectacular Radio and Mayday Mondays)
He is a Podcast Co-Founder, and the longest tenured Administrator of the Message Board.
He has two dogs, and a cute daughter and is currently enjoying life in a happily committed relationship!
When a title ends, it is never easy on the reader, the artists, the writers. But to be honest, there was a group of guys more prepared to take on the role of writing a […]
Let’s do something new with something old, shall we? When I recently went through the Crawl Space archives to retag things (mainly reviews) to make them easier to search in the categories bar on the […]
Gauntlet Origins: Electro Writing: Fred Van Lente Art: Barry Kitson Colorist: Jeromy Cox Letterer: VC’s Joe Carmanga THEN (a short time after a certain lineman […]
I hated the sucky anti-climatic ending the Hobgoblin got as Kingsley should go out fighting either Spider-Girl or her father-not her shit clone that nobody cares about. It sucks how they made him kick everyone’s ass and then get stabbed so easily. Plus the series should have ended with the final defeat of the Hobgoblin and not May facing her clone in the one-shot that followed after. The one good thing is that if they ever decide to bring Kingsley back in the MC2 Universe, it could easily be explained that he used a dupe that April ended up killing as we all know decoys are Kingsley’s MO. Anyways, just my rant as a Hobgoblin fan.
I was the biggest Spider-Girl fan around and while the final issue that wrapped everything up was well written. I do miss May “Mayday” Parker quite a bit. It’s amazing just how this series was pretty much sent to the end piece just to get Arana as Spider-Girl, which failed now once, but three times, but at least Tom DeFalco, Ron and Sal were able to end the series on a high note and a satisfying ending.