It’s difficult for me to look at this image and not think of our own JR.
Donovan Grant
View articlesTypical college aged comic fan who wants to write and draw in the biz
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Spider-Art #69
A nice manga-esque image of Mayday Parker, in her father’s costume for some reason.
Spider-Art #17
Agnes Garbowska gets in the Halloween spirit with this Zombiefied version of MJ!
Retiring my Spider-Man Con Shirt after 15 Years
by ryan3178
This weekend I attended C2E2 in Chicago with my nephews and met up with several Kickstarter projects that successfully had their comics or graphic novels funded. We all had a wonderful conversation about our experiences […]
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 27, 00:06
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 26, 23:58
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #47-“The Awakening” Review: “Last episode was no middle finger unless you want it to be. V. and S. weren’t shoehorned, problem was how…” Feb 26, 10:21
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #46-“Partners” Review: “Actually episode had 1 big and one medium bad moments, respectively: Vulture’s spider-illness being mysteriously gone and Scorpion being one…” Feb 26, 09:18
Joshua Nelson on Best Spider-Man Stories by Decade: the 2000s: “@Zemox The entire “color” series by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale is great. Of the four, Hulk: Gray is probably…” Feb 25, 02:08
Evan Berry on Panel(s) of the Day #1649 (Mary Jane Monday!): “Is it just me, or does Mary Jane look like Rerun from What’s Happening!! ?” Feb 24, 09:12
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #43-“The Cat” Review: “Tiana didn’t beat Doc Ock in hand-to-hand or brain-to-brain combat but just used technology he earlier used, so criticism is…” Feb 24, 08:29
Hornacek on Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #68 (Legacy #962): “The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man. Part 8: “Four Lives To Live”: “@Evan Berry: I am always trying to make a Simpsons reference in these reviews. I assume that Cyra will sacrifice…” Feb 24, 04:27
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #42-“Guilty” Review: “Well Aunt May always sees good in people and she doesn’t say anything bad to Peter. Anna is obviously in…” Feb 24, 02:59
Evan Berry on Craig’s Critique: Amazing Spider-Man #68 (Legacy #962): “The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man. Part 8: “Four Lives To Live”: “@Hornacek – I guess if this issue can inspire you to reference the first Treehouse of Horror, then I guess…” Feb 23, 16:10
I didn’t know today was Romita Sr.’s birthday. Thanks for that info!
Feel free to suggest any artist you’d like to see on the comments section of any pic. I’m always up for new and diverse artists and pics.
Hey Donvan,
Of most these Spider-art pieces that you find I’m pretty sure I have not seen them before you have put them up, but I had found this one here way back in last August and had it on my desktop during the month of October. With today being John Romita Sr birthday I rather super surprise you don’t have one his many spider art pieces for today? But do you know if Brad has a section for visitors to the site to voice who is their favorite Spider-artists and the area could have a dislike column as as well? or maybe you could add it to your part here and every month when you make the last pod cast you can include it as a segment part? I should also send you guys my past two years of Halloween costumes just for fun!