A popular member on Youtube by the name of Main Event TV seems to be having a disagreement with Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott. He has more than 10,000 subscribers so a lot of eyes are seeing this online fight. Here are his two videos addressing the disagreement. He posts Slott’s replies in the videos. What are your thoughts? I like at one point he says…”that Spider-Man Crawl….something website. ”
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on Marvel.com and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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Sorry that this is spammish (it is not intended to be). A debate was started in the marvel forum showing the sales decline and the person that provided the data was banned. Slott attacked the person with his normal caps and silly faces. Then a supporter of the person stood up to Slott and he was banned too. Slott keeps claiming it is the same person because he knows that will get attention away and that the forum member has no way to prove it was not him. After the ban Slott started attacking again so the forum member issued a debate challenge and of course Slott won’t accept (but he will keep up with silly comments).
It was very interesting that Slott would ignore the facts and attack based on silly things (then again that is his style). It was also funny that the moderator removed key data proving Slott wrong and allows Slott to flame forum members, yet he will ban forum members if they flame Slott. I think it is interesting that Slott cannot accept criticism and has to try to belittle everyone that disagrees with him. He claims people who disagree are bias but let’s think about this; who has the real connection a writer or a reader…this should be a simple one. Also his own actions tend to prove him wrong.
If one thing is for sure it shows that Slott has no class and is at best a troll.
You can get Superior Spider-Man #1, right now, at Barns and Nobles in Erie, PA 2/4/13. Just saw some still there. Saying something is “Sold out” is deceptive. Yes, it may be sold out from distributors, but that doesn’t mean the shops that ordered them have sold them all out.
In a few short years, as I approach my 50th birthday, the world keeps reminding me how ridiculous people have become when THIS is some kind of headline on an internet site…
This is true. There could be hundreds or thousands of copies of ASM or SSM unsold out there, and we have no firm way of knowing.
“Also like to point out that sales (even if they are high) do not always equate to a high level of quality…”
Also, selling out at a distributor level isn’t the same as people actually buying the comic.
One, Marvel decides how much to print. They stopped a policy of repeat printing, mostly to drive up demand for back issues.
Two, this is basically like a studio crowing about how many theaters a movie is opening into. Yes, there’s a lot of seats/copies available. But if no one goes to see the movie, or picks the comic up, then it’s just wasted money.
We don’t know how many of these comics actually sold to people in the stores. Perceived interest isn’t the same as actual interest.
I can tell you all the Superior Spider-man comics in Tampa Bay Area have sold out in lauding even Daredevil, and someone thinking they’ll end Marvel because 8 people sided with him is a joke. Move the hell and grow up.
I’ve never seen anything to make me think Slott trolls people or is rude. Sometimes I think the way he responds to criticism is what I would call “ill-advised,” but that doesn’t mean he’s trying to provoke people. I think he just overreacts and gets involved in arguments he should leave alone.
I agree that Wacker’s conduct can be much more over the line.
Ain’t that the truth Daniel. Look at TV and movies for great examples. Just cause the Kardashians get high ratings doesn’t mean it’s great to watch. And also if the guy misread the article, which can happen, they’re are much easier ways to point that out, like explaining that he read it wrong and pointing out where. Also there is a history of stalking, that woman’s blog was a great example. As for the guy not blocking immediately, he explains that he was thinking a grown up conversation could be had and was willing to have one its either than or the train wreck excuse
Also like to point out that sales (even if they are high) do not always equate to a high level of quality…
I think Dan Slott is an ok writer but all the nonsense he engages in is embaressing and so unprofessional. If its all so great and wonderful then why feel the need to pick fights and he did pick a fight here. There was NO need to engage. It was his petty choice. He is putting me off Spider-man with this behaviour and it is making me lose all respect for him. I am not trying to be aggressive or to insult him but I don’t understand how this is continuing. I have not heard of this with any other writer!
Why can’t he just reply to any criticism (if he really must) “Sorry, you didn’t enjoy it, got a new arc coming up with X and I hope you prefer that! Thanks for reading” Is it so hard to be professional?!
Finally, yes there has been criticism of some of his writing on this website but none of it has been personal and has all been constructive and well explained and justified. No Spider-man writer ever wrote only good stories!! The management team dont need to pretend like everything they produce is!
Why aren’t my posts appearing up here?
He doesn’t have to like the book. Hell, I don’t either. But he could stand to dial down the aggression just a tad. And I normally like rants. Especially when they’re somewhat humorous. Other than that, at least he backs up his complaints. And addendum. HE’S the one who brings up the site this time, not Dan. That’s a switch.
And god, can the LOL thing just go away?
HA, you guys should get this guy a guest spot on a future podcast. Once again Team Spiderman conducting themselves in a questionably unprofessional way when it comes to interacting with the public at large, but this time getting called on it, very directly. Guy expresses his opinions very strongly and is pretty good at keeping records.
@Nick MB “He’s rarely done much to deserve the sheer level of hate….””Actively insulting and trolly? Not really,..” Are you serious? Clearly you have not read many Spider-Man forum threads on CBR and I’m talking even before issue 700. He can come off rude at time. Frankly, I’ll say it again, I don’t even know why any of them feel the need to comment on fan forums outside of giving new information about something or to promote something. Trying to tell people their opinions on something they paid to read is wrong, just seems like a bad idea from the very start. If you’re a writer/artist you take the good with the bad on your work and move on. Telling people how wrong they are isn’t going to suddenly change that person’s mind on how they felt when they finished experiencing it, and if anything it’s only going to dissatisfy them even more.
I find it shocking because none of the Marvel professionals of the past felt the need to be that direct in voicing negative opinions on fan opinion before. Granted there was no internet then, but could you see a Romita, or Lee siting at a table writing, or typing a reply to a negative letter some fan sent them to be put off in the mail to SHOW THEM.
I thought you were supposed to learn from the past to make a better future. They don’t seem to be learning anything than how to turn people off, maybe not to the brand “Spider-Man” but to them personally, which in result hurts any brand they associate themselves with for as long as they are associated with it.
HA, you guys should get this guy a guest spot on a future podcast. Once again Team Spiderman conducting themselves in a questionably unprofessional way when it comes to interacting with the public at large, but this time getting called on it, very directly. Guy expresses his opinions very strongly and is pretty good at keeping records.
My point? I just grow a bit weary of the Slott-bashing when, based on my reading of the situation, he’s rarely done much to deserve the sheer level of hate. Defensive? Sometimes, yes. Actively insulting and trolly? Not really, yet people talk as if he’s a supervillain. Always seems weird to me.
At least Wacker actively insults people – even though I can often see his point (and laugh at his jokes), I can also see why a reasonable person could find it a bit much.
But you’re right, this is all a matter of opinion in the end. Oh well.
I can’t decide if Slott and Wacker do this sort of stuff out of a misguided belief that any PR is good PR (along with, “even if the fans are mad, at ;least they’re thinking about us!”), or it’s a sort of sincere immaturity.
I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Slott needs to rise above this crap. He should spend ZERO amount of his time arguing with people on the internet. It does not matter if he’s right or wrong. If he has a point or not, he always ends up looking bad.
Even if this guy Main Event TV came out worst (which he didn’t), Slott would still look bad. I honestly can not understand why he would waste him time picking a fight with someone on Twitter over a posting a link and a misquote. And the whole “well actually it’s selling out at distributors” thing is so unbelievable childish and petty that it’s embarrassing.
I enjoy Slott’s work but his behaviour online saddens me and detracts from my enjoyment of his work. He really needs to grow up.
“I’m not sure why I have to accept “Slott picked the fight in order to get attention” as some kind of total unalterable fact, really.”
Did not say that you had to accept anything. If you want to believe that moon is made out of cheese, then that’s up to you. You have that right.
“The guy posted his review of ASM #700, and Slott was disagreeing with something they said.”
If Slott disagreed with his review, then that’s up to him. Its something Slott does a lot to critics of his work.
“Surely one big rule when posting anything online is this – if you post about someone (or their work), accept that they might see it and want to challenge you on something you’ve said.”
And you point is again? You also fail to say that Slott does this a lot, to the point of insulting people who are dares criticizes him. But hey, anything to excuse his behavior right?
“I mean, obviously it’d have been better if Slott just hadn’t bothered, but it’s not as if he came out of nowhere.”
And yet Dan did came out of no where.
As i said, Different strokes for different folks.
@21 I’m not sure why I have to accept “Slott picked the fight in order to get attention” as some kind of total unalterable fact, really.
The guy posted his review of ASM #700, and Slott was disagreeing with something they said. Surely one big rule when posting anything online is this – if you post about someone (or their work), accept that they might see it and want to challenge you on something you’ve said.
I mean, obviously it’d have been better if Slott just hadn’t bothered, but it’s not as if he came out of nowhere.
@24 I think what set him off was the chance to make as big a deal out of this “feud” as possible to get more YouTube views/Twitter followers.
I read this tweet “fight” when it was going on. The guy misread and misrepresented something that an interview with Steve Wacker said and Slott corrected him. That’s all that happened.
I feel like I missed something, what set this guy off like this? Just Slott responding that the book sold well? And I love how he makes fun of Slott for taking the time to respond to him like he has no life while this guy sent WAY more tweets about it and made two 15 minute videos about it..lol. Oh and makes fun of him for wearing comic t-shirts and then shows up in his second video wearing a Superman shirt!
P.S. typo, i meant ‘Slott usually brings this site up when He ( Not you) wants to scapegoat this site for the problems he is having on the net.”
“Why the hell does this site keep coming up whenever Slott opens his mouth? Is he blaming us for this guy or something?”
Slott did not bring us up, the other guy did. Slott usually brings this site up when you wants to scapegoat this site for the problems he is having on the net. Blaming us for all of his personal misery.
“I’d actually say that once Slott had made initial contact, other guy did most of the escalating, bringing the “feud” up again and again and again, probably to get more material and views for his YouTube videos.”
The guy only posted a link, nothing more. Slott started it once he made this person’s post a favorite and when he started chiming in about the books sales, something that was not mentioned at all by the person who posted the link . Proof positive of Slott’s motives for looking for trouble. Slott knew his little band of fanatics will start up when he made this person’s post a favorite. No matter what transpired next, it still going back to Slott firing the first round and he knew what he was doing.
” re: Slott’s past history, I know he gets defensive but I don’t recall any stalking. I dimly recall some anecdote about Slott “stalking” a woman on her blog which turned out to be a couple of fairly innocuous comments, which people had blown out of all proportion to try and make Slott look bad.”
If that’s your opinion on what transpired, then that is up to you. Different strokes for different folks.
“And people wonder why many Marvel creators/staff trivialise and/or ignore internet commenters”
Whatever… if you feel the need to make excuses for how Slott behaves towards criticism or how Wacker acts on message boards, then more power to you.
“yes, some of them may have valid points and be up for a rational discussion, but a lot of them will pull this kind of crap, and why spend hours of your life trying to distinguish between the two?
Because it shows maturity and reading comprehension.
No matter what spin you want to give, Slott was still the one who started it, not the person who posted the link. Slott picked a fight in order to get attention and when that did not get the attention he wanted, he then started to apologize. No matter who looked bad in this argument (Both do), it does not change the fact that Slott still started it and he picked the fight to get attention.
I liked what he said at about 11 min in the second vid. Spidey used to be a role model for kids. He certainly was for me. But not anymore, in the comics, that is
Why the hell does this site keep coming up whenever Slott opens his mouth? Is he blaming us for this guy or something?
I’d actually say that once Slott had made initial contact, other guy did most of the escalating, bringing the “feud” up again and again and again, probably to get more material and views for his YouTube videos. But hey. Since the only account we’re looking at is from his hyped up perspective, I’m probably not going to view it as a 100% honest and brilliant record of the whole incident.
re: Slott’s past history, I know he gets defensive but I don’t recall any stalking. I dimly recall some anecdote about Slott “stalking” a woman on her blog which turned out to be a couple of fairly innocuous comments, which people had blown out of all proportion to try and make Slott look bad.
And people wonder why many Marvel creators/staff trivialise and/or ignore internet commenters – yes, some of them may have valid points and be up for a rational discussion, but a lot of them will pull this kind of crap, and why spend hours of your life trying to distinguish between the two?
“As I say, Slott should’ve left it alone, not a great moment for either of them, and this is definitely another exhibit for the “Reasons Dan Slott Should Stop Having Arguments On The Internet” gallery.”
It was not a great moment for both of them, but it does not change the fact that Slott did start it and he escalate it to where it went and he still did not stop, despite the evidence that this person was getting very angry with him. He went as far as to make the original post a favorite, knowing full well that his little band of fanatics will go to this person’s board and cause trouble. If that’s not someone looking for attention and trying to start trouble, then i don’t know what is.
“But eh. Considering the number of names the guy calls Dan Slott in these videos alone, it hardly comes across as Slott victimising a defenceless fan.”
And yet the names and points this person brought up about Slott is nothing i have not heard before from others fans who had to deal with Slott and his behavior. Like it or not, Slott brought this on himself.
“If he’d called Slott a “loser” and a “stalker” and whatever other crap on this website, he’d probably have been warned or banned, I don’t really see why he gets to be “not at fault” just because he did it on YouTube.”
Because its his site and he has the right to say it. All because you or i might disagree with him does not give you, i or anyone the right to censor him and what he said about Slott was tame compared to some of the other people who have deal with Slott’s nonsense have called him. You don’t think Slott stalked people over their opinion? There is a story of him doing it to a woman who dared to criticize his work. He went to her site and started to cause trouble. You think that was wrong to bring up? There is a history of Slott ( Especially on this board) getting way too defensive and personal over people criticizing his work. So you think this person was wrong in bring up Slott’s past behavior? Especially with him acting up on this person’s twitter account? Come on…..
“Especially the part where Slott tries to apologise for any offence and the guy just tells him where he can shove it.”
Slott only apologize because he came across badly in their exchange and people started taking notice. Slott was also the one who did not let it go and he still was the one who escalated this problem in his typical fashion, like he always does.
Both came across badly but no matter what spin you try to give, Slott was still the one who started it.
As I say, Slott should’ve left it alone, not a great moment for either of them, and this is definitely another exhibit for the “Reasons Dan Slott Should Stop Having Arguments On The Internet” gallery. But eh. Considering the number of names the guy calls Dan Slott in these videos alone, it hardly comes across as Slott victimising a defenceless fan. If he’d called Slott a “loser” and a “stalker” and whatever other crap on this website, he’d probably have been warned or banned, I don’t really see why he gets to be “not at fault” just because he did it on YouTube.
Especially the part where Slott tries to apologise for any offence and the guy just tells him where he can shove it. Classy work. And based on the dates, this is all a couple of weeks old anyway.
The dude making the videos doesn’t look any better than Slott here, guys. He claims that he doesn’t care what Slott thinks or if he apologizes, but he apparently cares enough to make a 14 minute video about it. The twitter conversations he posts make both of them look childish. He goes on and on about how he just wants Slott to go away and leave him alone… but keeps replying. He sounds way too angry about the whole thing, and goes on way too much about how right he is and how he “bodies” Slott, to appear in any way confident or logical.
That’s the problem with flame wars. It doesn’t matter what you say, you look ridiculous no matter what.
” So yeah, I’d say there’s a tiny factual error in there.”
And yet Dan does not mention this at all but goes on the defensive about sell outs.
Come on….
“It is not even an interview with Dan Slott, it is an interview with Steve Wacker. And the point about Superior being a short run isn’t even made by Wacker, it’s made by the interviewer.”
That is not the point and you know it. Its about Slott’s behavior and how he started that fight for no reason. Whether its Slott’s words or not, the guy only posted a link and Slott as usual flies off the handle and picks a fight. There was no excuse for it and you know it. Slott could have just wrote that he did not write that and that would have ended it and the guy seems reasonable enough to let it go but in typically Slott fashion, he escalated the problem. The guy who linked the site was not at fault here.
@11 The article linked in the video description which the guy cites as “Slott’s own words” saying Superior will be a short run is this one:
It is not even an interview with Dan Slott, it is an interview with Steve Wacker. And the point about Superior being a short run isn’t even made by Wacker, it’s made by the interviewer.
So yeah, I’d say there’s a tiny factual error in there.
Sigh. The guy making the videos didn’t bother reading the interview he was citing properly and then threw a tantrum when called on it.”
The guy only link a article with Slott’s own words. So he did not get anything wrong.
“Dan Slott should stop getting into arguments on the internet because even when he’s technically right about the details, it just goes in circles. Not anyone’s finest hour really.”
Technically right? Slott picked that fight and got what he deserved. This is not the first time Slot has done this and I doubt its the last. Like I said, he’s his own worst enemy.
Sigh. The guy making the videos didn’t bother reading the interview he was citing properly and then threw a tantrum when called on it. Dan Slott should stop getting into arguments on the internet because even when he’s technically right about the details, it just goes in circles. Not anyone’s finest hour really.
Dan Slott is truly his own worst enemy and the sad part is that Wacker and Marvel encourage his behavior.
Maybe shouldn’t have worn a Superman T-shirt if you’re going to try and belittle someone for wearing a Spider-Man one.
To be honest I haven’t been buying Spider-man in years since I haven’t been enjoying the stories being told. The last issue I bought was mostly due to a friend getting a letter printed. This has kinda made me want to join him in boycotting anything else Slott does
Actually Emmanuel if he’s a ‘freelancer’ then he can be pulled immediately from the book. No contract breaking involved. Also, I wanted to add this the first time, Main Events right, Superior is a dud, I live in the capital of my province we have 2 comic book stores and you’ll never have a problem finding a copy of Superior Spider-man no 1 or 2 for that matter, plenty of copies.
The pure and utter disbelief in that guys voice is utterly amazing. I feel so bad for him.
I really liked this whole thing, Slott is a troll and it’s pretty bad, but he’s hired on as a freelancer, so not much can be done. But hey, it’s not a big deal, it’s just a comic. Things will go back to normal eventually.
I think this is very sad. I say this because I believe Dan Slott secretly wants all the hate, he has already shown that he loves trolling people. But sadly this guy is “so famous” is that he can get away from practically anything now. He’s basically acting like the Joker on his tweets.
This reminds me of the JMS fiasco in that I just feel embarrassed for everyone involved.