Marvel has just released a a new teaser image and Dan Slott is confirmed to be writing something “Superior.”
Humberto Ramos is also attached.
So is “Superior Spider-Man” the new title or are we going to have Amazing Spider-Man vol 3 #1? It seems my predictions from September 15th are coming true. I’m now two for two. Discuss in the comment section.
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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After reading issue 695, perhaps Doctor Strange’s spell is reversed and the world learns of Spider-Man’s identity. Mephisto’s spell is broken and Peter and MJ get back together. (Peter wakes up in the shower and it’s all been a dream). Ok, scratch the last part. *L*
Superior Spider-Man? There’s nothing superior about him. Amazing, yes. Spectacular, of course. Sensational, perhaps. But superior? Nope. One of the guys in my local comic shop went as far as speculating Peter Parker won’t be Spider-Man anymore. If that ever happens, I will no longer read Spider-Man. There can only be one. His name is Peter Parker.
I think CrazyChris mooted a similar idea to the one suggested in #29 on the forums a while back, I’m all for it. “The Superior Spider-Man” sounds like it might fit for a Spider-Man with Doc Ock’s mind (because Octavious is pretty damn arrogant) and it would be a big change. And a less obvious one than “the sidekick takes over the book”.
LOL @ 29. That’s hilarious because it’s not at all difficult to imagine that story actually happening, the way things are right now. Face/Off would probably even get referenced in the comic…
Guess: Ock traps Peter in Ock’s dying body, Ock transfers his mind into Peter’s body, and starts experimenting around with what it’s like to actually be Spider-Man. Remember that he still feels some sort of awkward affection for May. Many months of hilarity ensue. Ock’s body finally dies, Peter transfers his consciousness into the arms, eventually manages to re-claim his real body. Like the Travolta/Cage movie Face/Off.
It could be kinda like when Spidey got Captain Universe’s powers. Except its Alpha’s powers. And he’s the Superior Spider-Man for a while. Then he feels his powers are doing something like killing him and he gets rid of them and we get Normal Spidey again.
Ramos, Stegman and Slott?
No, thank you. I’ll pass.
And like the moniker “the world’s greatest super hero,” will we have to wait until they actually write him like he is?
or — Peter Parker, The Superior Spider-Man
Amazing Vol 3, Superior, Team-Up Vol whatever
@15 The only people on that list that might be capable would be Christos Gage & Chris Yost… and to everyone that wants all the older writers to come back (in some attempt to recapture the glory days), that never usually works… we’ve seen DeFalco’s recent work, and David’s FSM wasn’t all that great with the sole exception of an oddd good issue here and there… Stern might work… but while there are capable writers at Marvel currently, I honestly feel that Slott has the best grasp on the character currently…
Just my opinion…
I want the man who gave us Kraven’s Last Hunt, Child Within, Spec #200, ASM #400, Spider-Man: Lost Years and Spider-Man: Redemption to write Spidey again. I’m talking of course about JM DeMatteis.
@19: DeFalco did a really poor couple of issues for the anniversary… Put a sour taste in my mouth regarding his more modern writing, same with the New 52 titles he is on.
I really hope Slott turns down the team-ups and special guests in this new title.
What about Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz?
@17 That would be great enough that i’d probably start buying the book regularly again…
@ Spidergeek You know who I want writing Amazing?
Peter David
I don’t think anyone would argue that Slott is better than that.
… Well, I guess I’ll give it a chance. Anything to wash out the taste of the Alpha Arc…
Spidergeek, if you’re going to insult me and the site at least spell Spider-Man correctly.
2 for 2!!! One more, and I’m taking you to Vegas, Douglas!!!
It won’t be “Superior Spider-Man”. In fact, there won’t be a Spider-Man at all. Peter Parker is the new Marvelman. Just enjoy the ride folks. Hopefully it’s a good story. It ain’t permanent.
I know you’ll be all negative about it, but I’m excited. That is just about the best creative team there could be for Spiderman. Tell me… who would be in charge of the series, other than them?
My doctor has chubby fingers… so I’m not really fond of getting my prostate checked… ugh.
This excites me as much as an impending prostate exam.
This excites me as much as an intending prostate exam.
@3 It’s almost certainly going to be the new main book. You don’t need three artists to do a monthly. I can see two, maybe, if they alternated arcs, but not three. But Stegman was amazing on Scarlet Spider, so I think the promotion is deserved.
Good guess BD. I still think that your guess about him getting Alpha’s powers is an incredible longshot, especially after how that arc ended. I think the more likely scenario is that he gets Ock’s tentacles in some way. Heck even the title is in metallic font with a slight right glint of Spidey’s costume. Not to mention the whole change occurs around an Ock story wherein Ock is about to die and learns Spidey’s identity.
I have a theory that all this time Slott has been plaguing Peter with guilt over his creations and if Ock dies he’ll take Ock’s greatest creation and try to put a positive spin on it by putting it to good use as Spider-man. Something goofy like that… who knows? Something about all of this gives me a Spider-man/Doc Ock merger vibe.
*Ten hours later*
I’m curious how this book will start itself off, especially since it’s a new #1. I’m looking forward to Camuncoli still being on art.
I’m still really hoping this will be a spinoff. If it replaces ASM I’ll be really, really bummed out.
Well… there goes the MarvelMan theories…
One thing though… the word “Superior” does not necessarily imply that the comic will be called “The Superior Spider-Man”.. as we’ve seen quite a few of these teaser images with single words that aren’t on the book’s title… Family, Killers, Soldier, Extended, Chimichanga, etc… though the word certainly would imply a power upgrade of sorts…
I’m also thinking to a line back in OMIT, when Dr.Strange was pleading Peter’s case to Reed & Tony, and the words were along the lines “Because he’s better than all of us”… or something like that…
I trust Slott… and I’ll see where this goes…