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Spider-Art #20

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  1. I used to have that book when I was a kid… All thought of replacing it just died a cold, cold death.

  2. This was a scary Halloween surprise! This is almost like catching Aunt May in bed with a man!

    #6: I had the exact same thought about the “Giant Sized Man Thing” and was going to post it until I saw you got there first.

    How and why did this photo happen?

  3. 1. “Guys, I know how to get more lady readers!”
    2. “Who wants to see MY Red Hulk?”

  4. Imagine having that booked slabbed with an actual Stan Lee pubic hair in it, complete with COA(crotch of authenticity)! The resale possibilities are astounding!

  5. “I don’t always rub comic books on my naked genitalia… but when I do, I make sure it’s Marvel.”

  6. Seriously though, I agree with #8. I didn’t need to see this. But hey, its Halloween!

  7. “Now THIS is a No-Prize, True Believers! ‘Nuff said!” – Stan “The Stud” Lee

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