Goodbye Amazing, Hello Superior Spider-Man

USA Today got a nice exclusive first look at the new Superior Spider-Man book. Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 won’t happen instead he’ll get a new adjective.

Highlights of the interview include:

*Writer Dan Slott comparing himself to Spider-Man’s God.

*The blue on Spider-Man’s suit will be replaced with black.

*He will have an odd talon on his big toe and hands?

*Changes to belt and gloves

*Spidey wont’ be so friendly

*New Sinister Six with a new member. Doc Ock getting replaced?

*Different eye pieces in the mask.  

*Editor Axel Alonso compares Slott’s usual writing to Fan fiction. However is excited for the new direction.

FYI, if you’re keeping track I’m not three for three on my predictions from September. However, I’m thinking Crazy Chris’ idea of Doc Ock in Spidey’s body isn’t a bad theory. You can hear it on this podcast I just released. 

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  1. Valuable information. Fortunate me I discovered your website unintentionally, and I’m shocked why this accident did not happened earlier! I bookmarked it.

  2. spider-man is doc ock!! and you all can see this in AMS # 700 and in avenging spider-man #15.1 and peter parker dies in doc ock´s body, Peter makes that doc ock promise he will be good, spider-man will be superior because doc ock doesn´t have any inhibitions you could see it in AMA#700 when he punches scorpion, doc ock realizes that peter was alwat contining himself to not kill anyone.

  3. I think it will still be Peter BUT he will have dispensed with the Peter Parker persona and will just be Spider Man 24/7. Would also explain why MJ is dating the “new” incarnation…..I find it difficult to believe that she would date another man calling himself Spider Man, would seem a little trite and out of character. Also find it difficult to take the Doc Ock in Peters body seriously: surely if MJ is his new girlfriend she might notice the complete change in personality and lack of knowledge regarding their past together!!!

  4. There’s this dysfunctional notion pervasive in comics fandom — and encouraged by the publishers — that a reader who’s positive about an upcoming project is a “good fan” who’s open-minded and levelheaded, but a reader who’s negative about it is a “bad fan” who’s being irrational and looking for something to hate, whether the comic in question deserves criticism or not.

    But consider this: If you deliberately set out to enflame your fanbase, as Marvel and its employees do on a regular basis, you can’t turn around and complain that some of the fires are jumping to conclusions.

  5. ^

    I kind of agree with 77 on this one, it’s no secret that I’m not a Slott fan at all. Picked up and read a couple of issues (I don’t remember which ones) that Slott wrote and found a bunch of sex jokes and almost fan-fic like writing (this is my opinion though, you guys may feel differently and that’s okay.) Hell even the issue of Avenging Spider-Man (one of my fav books featuring the web-head)
    that Slott wrote wasn’t very good.
    I dunno, maybe it’s just me but I don’t have a good feeling about how this will turn out.

  6. @77 That’s not really true. I love Slott on the book but when you change “Amazing” to “Superior” and then there is basically an announcement that says, “It won’t be Peter” it’s leaving Spider-Man fans who are still into the book with little hope. It’s not Slott’s fault but Marvel has an awful track record when it comes to these things with Spider-Man. And everyone who has read comics for any length of time knows that this “Superior” Spider-Man nonsense isn’t going to last long at all.

  7. I feel like no matter what, if Slott’s name is in the author’s place, everyone will immediately hate it before reading it.

  8. i too am trying to keep a level head and be optimistic about this. regardless of the change i don’t think a book without peter in the lead role is will keep the interests of any spideyfan. we will have come 700 issues of asm with either pete or ben, who essential was pete in the lead role. i hope this is an interesting story that will reinforce the reason that peter parker is and always will be the one true spider-man …

  9. ^
    Yeah, I sense it too. I’m honestly trying to keep an open mind about this (I really am) but with some of the info we’re getting from Slott just doesn’t seem to bode well for this new book.
    I mean I like the fact that we’re getting a redesign for Spidey’s costume (something I bitch about constantly, I mean if every other hero can get a redesign or have a modification to the suit why not Spidey?) But the darker Spider-Man idea just seems unnecessary, isn’t that why we have Scarlet Spider?

    On a side note, Alonso’s fanfic comment made me laugh. It’s nice to see he realizes something we’ve noticed before.

  10. 73 comments on a story that hasn’t happened yet. And that’s just on this site.
    Anyone else smell a Clone Saga/BND online riot brewing?
    Slott said he’d be going in to a reinforced bunker after ASM #700 hits the shelf. I laughed at first. But now….I’m thinking that may be a wise choice.
    This Otto-Spidey does NOT amuse! Though, I heard the finale will have elements of ASM #600.
    Couple that with everything else that’s been stated by all of you and it leaves a big octopus shaped question mark.
    I hope for the sake of the readers, and Slotts personal safety, that we’re missing something here.
    But my common sense is tingling….there’s danger ahead.

  11. Just a thought…
    If Marvel is going the utterly creatively bankrupt route, the most obvious new Spider-Man would be… 616-Miles Morales, Spider-Man. It’s so blatantly obvious that no one has mentioned it, because it’s so massively WRONG.
    Think it over a little while.
    I really, REALLY hope I’m wrong.

  12. @49-

    As far as I can tell from my poking around the net, Scarlet Spider will still be ongoing while “Superior” Spider-Man is starting (thank God, Scarlet Spider is my favorite Spider book aside from Avenging.)

  13. With regards to the quote “And Spider-Man will get back together with Mary Jane Watson. But it will not be Peter Parker Spider-Man,” Dan Slott was actually asked about this on his twitter about how that made any sense for MJ to “get back together” with “Spider-Man” if this is a “new Spider-Man.” And Dan Slott replied:

    “Cause people are getting the quote wrong. I said something VERY specific and people are paraphrasing and changing the meaning.”

    So perhaps what Slott ACTUALLY said was that PETER and Mary Jane are getting back together, only Peter is no longer Spider-Man.

  14. Nothing stupid about what you said, honestly. A lot of readers feel the same way, and I, too, was a DC reader til the New 52 clusterf**k happened. Thanks for sharing your opinions.

  15. Yo,
    Even though this could be totally stupid, but I just think the idea of Ock in Peter’s body is an entertaining one if we were to get great character arcs, writing, epic soap opera, hbo comic but kid friendly (classic Spidey) and a promise Amazing would return with a nice pre brand new day vibe.

    One problem being that if we get Ock-Spidey then no doubt Marvel will use him as an event against the rest of the MU, everyone knows Spider-Mans is the best hero on the planet. Even if it isnt said very often. And they are event hungry. Marvel might be dominating in the movies, but the company has made some stupid mistakes, New 52 is ok here and there.

    That being said they havnt been done very well with all the gimmicks. So it might suck. I miss the JMS days. Can we not get an A Team Spider man book, with unexpected but magnificent writing and art, the book deserves it. Its one of the most famous and best comics ever and at least deserves to continue well past my lifetime.

    Honestly this is why Im glad Im a DC guy, cause at least a multiverse exists in the history. Marvel’s work on Spider-Man over the last few years with the big events (there’s been some great stories here and there, for the most part ok-good.) Well growing up time I guess.

    Sorry think that’s a few years of pent up feelings on the subject haha

  16. “And Spider-Man will get back together with Mary Jane Watson. But it will not be Peter Parker Spider-Man.”

    Oh, Danny, Danny, Danny. *shakes head*

    You just can’t help yourself, can you? You just had to give that middle finger to the readers, don’t you?

    Still, at least my theory about Alpha seems to have been proven wrong (though I have little doubt that was Marvel’s original intention). There’s that, at least. But still, this is looking like a monumental mish-mash that didn’t need to happen. Last time I saw creators fix what wasn’t broken this bad was when DC resurrected Barry Allen.

  17. I believe the new spidey will be wait for it KAINE PARKER something will happen with peter and kaine will comeback to NYC and take over

  18. Slott just announced that Peter won’t be starring in “Superior Spider-Man”:

    “Writer Dan Slott teased a few more Superior Spider-Man details during a retailer breakfast held at the start of New York Comic Con. Marvel Comics has confirmed that Slott told retailers in attendance that the Spider-Man starring in the January-debuting series is indeed a character other than Peter Parker, and that Spider-Man and Mary Jane would be getting back together — which would mean that Peter and MJ will not be. ”

  19. UGGHHH!!! A darker more edgy Spider-Man already exists! His name is Kaine and you can read about him in Scarlet Spider!!! Why does Marvel go out of its way to piss us off!?!?!?

  20. I smell a clone. I just hope that this resets in 20 issues or so. Then, maybe I’ll buy it again.

  21. Doesn’t make much sense for Spidey to have claws on his hands and feet unless someone else is behind the mask.

  22. @Stillanerd

    Well if Spider-Man get’s with MJ, he must have Peter’s body. Seems a bit of a stretch her getting with another person who is also secretly Spider-Man.

    Hope this doesn’t last long. If only the end of this see’s a return to the TRUE pre-OMD continuity and the end of Dan Slott’s run.

    Also how has any of this stuff not been done before?

    – A Spider-Man relaunch without Peter as Spider-Man? See Ultimate Spider-Man & post Clone Saga Amazing!
    – Possible body swap? Done to death.
    – New costume? New powers? Done to death.
    – Girlfriend tricked into dating fake version of boyfriend. Pretty cliched at this point too.

    My guess is Peter will still be in the book, but he’ll be trying to stop the impostor.

    Got to admit though, I am very intrigued to see how this plays out.

  23. Oh boy. After reading this article on Bleeding Cool about what Dan Slott stated at a NYCC retailer breakfast, CrazyChris, your “Doc Ock takes over Peter’s body” theory looks like it’s gotten a lot more legs. Because apparently, Slott has revealed the following:

    “He stated that Peter Parker would not be the Spider-Man in Superior Spider-Man that replaces Amazing Spider-Man.”

    “He says that he has retractable claws.”

    “And Spider-Man will get back together with Mary Jane Watson. But it will not be Peter Parker Spider-Man.”

    Still don’t know why he would need retractable claws if he has wall-crawling powers, unless they’re supposed to be like weapons or something, but oh well.

    Now, that last part could be either a) What he actually meant was that Peter and MJ will be back together, but Peter is not Spider-Man, and that the article just worded it wrong. Or b) It actually is what it says, that Spider-Man and MJ are back together, only Spider-Man isn’t Peter. Problem is, in light of what’s been developing between Peter and MJ during Dan Slott’s run, it wouldn’t make any sense for MJ to be in a relationship with someone other than Peter–unless, of course, she still thinks it is Peter. Which would totally play into your “Doc Ock takes over Peter’s body” idea, CrazyChris.

  24. Meh.

    I’ll be sticking with the book until 700 because that’s when my subscription runs out. However, I think that I’m done after that.

    “Aggressive” seems to be the word being thrown around a lot. It all seems to be pointing to the theories of “Doc Ock” somehow taking over Peter’s body or whatever will make him more “aggressive” and “darker”.

    If it knocks my socks off I’ll probably stay with it. However, everything I’ve read in the article and from the sketch and the cover it looks like a bunch of rehash. How long before “Superior” Spider-Man turns right back into Amazing Spider-Man? How long before Mr. Aggressive becomes Mr. Great Power and Responsibility again? 6 months? A year? Right around the time for the next Spider-Man movie?

    I’ve enjoyed Brand New Day. I’ve enjoyed Big Time. However, this doesn’t look like my Spider-Man. I hope maybe they find new readers but if Marvel is going to lose ME at this point they are going to be losing A LOT more readers. That makes me sad. However, there are a lot of AMAZING, pun intended, comics being published by Indie creators and lesser known companies that have this 2.99 price tag that Marvel has abandoned.

    I honestly hope that it’s good but with Marvel’s track record when it comes to Spider-Man and big event, Peter Parker life altering events they have dropped the ball so far it’s gone to hell.

  25. I’m going to take a guess and say it’s… Kraven maybe…? Guy’s been MIA for a while and he still holds a grudge for not being rekilled so… he rebecomes Spider-man as a Spider/Hunter hybrid, and kills the Doc on national t.v. …? This forces Peter to cease being Spidey until he clears his name, and Kraven runs around NYC as the Superior Spider-man…?

    I don’t know, I just came up with that when I was stuck with jury duty yesterday.


  26. While the Doc OcK in Peter’s body is very intriguing and would be fun, my theory is a bit different.

    Dark spiderman to me means “Kaine”. And I was lookng at the December 2012 previews magazine, where they list Scarlet Spider 12.1, but no other issue. Shouldn’t issue #13 be listed in the solicitation? I wonder is SS is being cancelled to allow Kaine to move back to NYC?

  27. So this is merely pulling from the sketch of the new design. We can see little hooks on the finger tips and the toes. This indicates someone with no natural wall crawling ability which leads me away from thinking this will be a mind swap. Second thing, the feet. The footies are now tabi boots. Another character that wears tabi boots: Iron Fist. At least that’s what the costume design leads me to. Him or Shang Chi, since Peter learned Spider Fu from him, but definitely someone with a martial arts background.

  28. Based on the sneak peek Marvel just released of the first issue, it doesn’t look too dark, the villains appear to be Slyde, Big Wheel, Shocker, Beetle, Living Brain, and Boomerang…is that going to be the new Sinister Six? Cause that would be….interesting.

  29. “See guys, see? Spidey is now all dark and edgy like Batman! And he’s got cool claws on his costume and he has these cool ninja toes and, did I tell you he’s all dark and edgy and…? Guys? GUYS? Where are you GOING?”

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