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Spider-Art #10

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  1. I like the idea of Electro, I think he’ll be good movie material. Hope they go with his costume the Bullseye route and loose the mask and give him something more casual looking instead of tights

    As for Harry, eh

  2. @ #4 – Jeff Gutman: Absolutely agree. Electro, although a weak villain from a comic standpoint would be be very visually interesting. Add in the high flying aerials to avoid the electrical bolts, could be fun.

    @ #5 – FSUSpiderfan; Agreed. Having Norman in the backgroud pulling the strings, would setup a good Gobin movie for #3.

  3. Very interesting, obviously he won’t have his silly costume. It’d be cool if they went with his Ultimate uniform but I’m sure they’ll give him a unique get up. As for Harry Osborn and MJ, that’s pretty rad.

  4. Not much of a fan of Electro, but I think it’s a good idea to include Harry Osborn.

  5. I think Electro would be a good onscreen villain but there needs to be a boss villain above him. Maybe Norman Osborn but I would still like to see another powered flunky as well.

  6. Electro will be a great villain. So much you can do with him visually! Imagine him electrifying the NY skyline, waves crackling through the air!

  7. Oh Godd! That’s the Romita issue we went over in ASM Classics which Bertone tore asunder!

  8. It’s interesting that they’re still opting for a less significant villain for the second movie. I might be a bit disappointed, actually. I was really hoping that Osborn would debut as the Goblin next and that we’d get all the way to Gwen’s moment so that the third movie could be about the aftermath of that. But I guess it’s also a pretty understandable approach to want to build Osborn up to the third movie.

    Maybe this one will make it past the trilogy point and MJ can come into the picture. Hey, I can dream. I’ll probably be happy as long as Webb stays on for three films and they don’t shy away from what we all know needs to happen.

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