Happy 26th Birthday Kevin Cushing

A big front page happy birthday to Kevin Cushing. He’s been invaluable to the site over the years and  an even better friend. So please take time to give him a big birthday greeting in the comment section. Also check out Kev’s various projects on the site. There’s his reviews of the Scarlet Spider title and also his weekly editorial the Cushing Critique.  And you can dig farther in the archives to check out his web comic Spider-Man: Crawl Space. 

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  1. Let’s see. 26….when I was 26 I thought I still had may good years ahead of me….and then…well, you’ll know when you get there.

    Happy birthday, Kevin

  2. Happy Birthday, Kevin! Here’s to another year of you getting to looking forward to more Morbius stories, here’s hoping that issue nine will be a great birthday present next year.

  3. Happy Birthday Kevin! Hopefully this is the year you become an enormously successful actor/writer!

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