The REAL scoop on Ultimate Spider-Man

 Agent X, a Marvel TV insider who first broke the news of the Avengers Assemble cartoon, has come forth with more news regarding the Marvel Animation Studios lineup. About USM particularly, X reported that “Marvel knows how much fans hate the show. They know, that they messed up when they could have brought both kids and adults fans together, instead of focusing on the children. Regardless of what their PR BS makes it sound, the reason Ultimate Spider-man has been renewed for a second season, is that the network ordered the second season WAY before the series debut. The publicity stunt Marvel pulled by stating the show has been renewed by popular demand, is just a strategy to try and tell fans that people like this show maybe you should give it a second chance.”

 Word is that Marvel is also starting a new X-Men show titled “Uncanny X-Men” and a new Hulk show called “Hulk and the Agents of SMASH”. You can read about that, USM’s ratings and more about the new Avengers Assemble cartoon at this link. Thoughts?

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  1. @JC -marvel fan..?

    “…and did any one know that Andrew Garfield (the actor who plays spiderman/peter parker in the new movie) is a homosexual! Just copy his name and Google it, he is flat out gay! That’s sick. If they want to have a gay hero, they need to create a new one and make it be gay, NOT ruin the reputation of a good hero and replace it with whatever mess they want.”

    Okay, that coment is homophobic and retarded on so many levels. So, it’s sick for a gay actor to play a straight guy? Is it sick for heterosexual to play a gay guy too? You do realise pretending to be someone else is kinda what actors do?

  2. with this ‘new’ spiderman; it’s supposed to be the movie for the
    “ultimate spiderman” universe. They completely change the story of how
    Peter became Spiderman, AND they also destroy lots of his character
    that made us like him in the first place!…and did any one know that
    Andrew Garfield (the actor who plays spiderman/peter parker in the new
    movie) is a homosexual! Just copy his name and Google it, he is flat
    out gay! That’s ridiculous. If they want to have a gay hero, they need to
    create a new one and make it be gay, NOT ruin the reputation of a good
    hero and replace it with whatever mess they want.
    They “marvel” (now owned by Disney for all who didn’t know) gave a lot of “fluff” reasons for why they discontinued the original Spiderman series. But honestly it was not because they needed a new actor, and it was not because the director/writers were running out of ideas, or because it was not making enough money, or ANY of that. The reason they made this new movie was because they wanted to change the character of spiderman. I mean, think about it, Spidey is one of the few heroes today with a sound, moral character that he lives by in addition to going out and fighting crime. In short, he’s one of the few heroes we have (had?) today who actually fights crime for the RIGHT reasons! And they are working to change that with this movie.
    Also, they tend to have LOTS of liplocking between Peter and his girlfriend in the movie…and what’s up with that?! -now, don’t get me wrong, I’m 18 and i have NOTHING against some good…”R n’ R” lol but the character of Peter Parker was never one to go around jumping on top of MJ (or whoever his gf was at the time) every time he saw her.

    I will say that the movie had good effects, and from a technical standpoint, was well-made. But like so many other movies we see today the content behind the “oooh…aaah” was lacking. If you really want to be entertained…watch the original first three movies.

  3. this show is pathetic! It’s almost like they are trying to ruin all of the super heroes we grew up to know and love. I’m 18 and this spiderman just sucks. I tried watching it…but now i don’t even turn it on the television.

    And with this ‘new’ spiderman coming out; it’s supposed to be the movie for the “ultimate spiderman” universe. They completely change the story of how Peter became Spiderman, AND they also destroy lots of his character that made us like him in the first place!…and did any one know that Andrew Garfield (the actor who plays spiderman/peter parker in the new movie) is a homosexual! Just copy his name and Google it, he is flat out gay! That’s sick. If they want to have a gay hero, they need to create a new one and make it be gay, NOT ruin the reputation of a good hero and replace it with whatever mess they want.

  4. I have no hope for anything they make as long as Jeph Loeb is in charge. It can only get worse…

  5. this is true. marvel didn’t have to end the show they choose to. over on they used to do an interview with greg wiseman after every episode of spectacular. following sony giving marvel back the television rights to spidey they interviewed him briefly about what this would mean for the third season of the show. he responded that the future of the show was up in the air since he had no idea if marvel would continue it or start their own series but should the show continue he would begin to introduce other marvel characters starting with the human torch.

  6. Enigma, this is coming from a known site that marvel uses for its mouth piece. Take it with a grain of salt.

  7. the Spectacular Spider-Man is still the best superhero animated series ever, and teh Ultimate Spider-Man will forever be the worst superhero animation in the history of mankind

  8. At #9. Your right about sony owning spect. spidey, but it was only cancelled when marvel reacquired the cartoon animation rights which was also when around when Disney bought Marvel. Marvel could’ve picking it up if they wanted to. But they wanted a 100% marvel spidey. This is on marvel, not sony. You can’t really count that as a reason not to see the movie. If anything I’d say sony knows more about what they’re doing than marvel right now… well Greg Weissman did at any rate.

  9. so Rick Jones turns into a ripoff off Abomination? sounds kind of lame, but I might check it out. Was it during this whole Fall of the Hulks/World War Hulks or before?

  10. # guy is A-Bomb an abomination like version of Rick Jones created by the books he is cool…in the new series, if it is to be like Ulitimate Spidey, probably not so much:)

  11. I’ve given this a little more thought, and something comes to mind. The 90’s Iron Man cartoon. It was just one step above the Fantastic Four cartoon, which was laughably silly. Then the 2nd season happened. It remains one of my all time favorites. Season 2 of this Ultimate mess hasn’t even happened yet. Maybe they can pull off another “Iron Man season two?”

  12. Oh, and pass on the hulk cartoon. Maybe I´ll look into the first episode, but probably not more than that. Who is that blue guy supposed to be anyway? Abomination?

  13. @J Garret: Put like that, it doesnt really make sense now does it? 😀 Besides thats not what they first told us when they revealed it. They even said it was supposed to be in the same universe as Ultimate Spidey, and now they´re saying its not. Scared of the backlash much? I hope it will be a good X-Men cartoon. Speaking of X-Men cartoons I still need to see Wolverine and the X-Men. Some people have said its good, and now that there is going to be a new show, it gives me the perfect excuse to watch the old ones to hype myself up for the new show 🙂

  14. So they cancelled a serious toned, dramatic Avengers cartoon with a cast similar to the film universe to create a serious toned, dramatic avengers cartoon with a cast similar to the film universe?

  15. @#16

    I just want someone to make a GOOD Spider-man cartoon again. I don’t care who.

  16. @#9. Yes, because Marvel studios has certainly earned our trust about handling Spidey right with Ultimate Spider-Man the cartoon? No? Yeah, I think I hope that Sony keeps the rights for a long time…

  17. For the record, I F****** HATED Teen Titans. And this show looks just as silly.

  18. The truth has been (possibly) revealed! But I’m still going to stick to my beloved anime.

    They know how to entertain!


  19. I liked Teen Titants too. It had a balance between silly moments (with really good comedy) and serious and dark stuff. It had and underlying smartness that you could see if you paid enough attention. None of this things I see in Ultimate and I really REALLY hate this show. So, Rick, I don´t think you`d like this show.

  20. i have never watched any of it but loved teen titans, would i kinda of like this then guys?

  21. “According to Agent X, Avengers Assemble is the most ambitious TV animation project for marvel, ever. Unlike, Ultimate Spider-man and Hulk Agents of SMASH, the new Avengers show is taking cues from the successful Marvel Cinematic Universe, and from the thousands of angry fans comments towards the direction of Ultimate Spider-man. As a result the new show WILL NOT be in the same universe as Ultimate Spidey, nor is it in the same universe as Hulk and the Agents of SMASH.

    – While still a cartoon, Avengers Assemble will be taking itself seriously and trying to appeal to both kids and hardcore fans.”

    I’d say this gives me hope, but Marvel’s lied to me before…

  22. @#7

    The series wouldn’t be terrible if they didn’t “Teen Titans/Lizzie Mcguire” it…

    Good to know. There’s ANOTHER reason not to see the new movie…

  23. I’m hopefully that if they know they screwed up, they’ll stop doing it. I can get past some of the liberties with the story-line, but cutting away to a jetpack every five seconds, or having peter explain everything like he the walking handbook for marvel is kind of annoying. It really stunts the flow of the episodes.

  24. You know, the series wouldn’t be TERRIBLE if they hadn’t messed Venom up so bad…and stopped whenever Peter was explaing everything to do an example wth tiny Spidey.

  25. Matis: All the storylines, animation, and anything with Spec. Spidey is owned by Sony. Thats the reason that they couldn’t go on, because of all the legal wrangling. People need to understand that.

  26. Hell, Marvel could just let Paul Dini write a serious cartoon. He’s done it before…

  27. Reading this, it sounds like that even though they know they screwed up, they don’t have any plans for overhauling the series. Am I reading that correctly? The Ultimate Spidey comics were so fantastic, it’s just a shame that they decided to try to make this into a kiddie Teen Titans-ish toon. I miss Spectacular Spidey big-time.

  28. Marvel should just admit there mistake and bring back Spec Spider-Man with Greg Wiesmen at the helm, oh wait they can’t! He off with DC creating the second best animated show on Television today!

  29. I wish we had proof to back this up. It’s just going to be dismissed as rumor otherwise.

  30. I don’t know how trustworthy this guy is but I hope a lot of what he says is true, that Marvel realise how badly this series is getting received. Animation is almost always geared towards young children but USM has seem to have forgotten that there are still a lot of people who are adults who want to enjoy the shows too. Spec Spidey and 90’s Spidey were perfect for both ages. It didn’t pander for the younger audience, had mature jokes for adults and were both fun. USM is just tiresome to sit through. Hope the next Spidey show takes a page out of previous Spidey cartoons.

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