Josh Keaton redubbed on Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

 Josh Keaton, former voice for Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, was hired to return to the character for his guest spot on Avengers: EMH. According to this Facebook post, he was apparently redubbed for Drake Bell, the current voice for the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon’s Peter Parker. Speculation about whether Keaton would return for the Avengers guest spot was bubbling, but once the episode hit, Bell had the part. With this news that Keaton was initially hired, how do you think this came to pass? Comment below!

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  1. I hate it! Loeb is destroying marvel animation
    Drake bell’s voice is not right for spidey. He makes him soo whiny

  2. Well, that being done, maybe I should just re-word what I started to post. Nothing against Drake Bell. I just don’t give a d*** about him, or the new Ultimate Spider-man cartoon. It’s already been said countless times that it’s not for me. The new Avengers was so good, I felt like it was Marvel’s way of saying, “well maybe you’ll like this…”

    And now thanks to the new Ultimate Spider-Man, starring Drake Bell, the Avengers cartoon which made me believe that Marvel was finally capable of rivaling the best that DC animation had to offer, is basically being canceled/retconned to cross promote Ultimate Spider-Man… starring Drake Bell… who I just don’t give a d*** about.

    Grats to Josh Keaton for being the gentleman’s gentleman about this, but I’m always going to prefer you to Drake Bell, whom I have nothing against. I just don’t give a d*** about him.

  3. Drake Bell…

    Testing for a text filter. My comment didn’t post last night…

  4. That’s what my birth certificate implies. I can see how the 4th wall thing and cartoonishness might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but to me, I’m getting my fix as I find it hard to read the post OMD stuff.

  5. 44 – That’s an extremely rude thing to say. Cool it. This is a warning.

  6. #43: are you sure you are 35?! I mean, maybe your 5 and 7 year old kids write your posts here and you just dont know it, huh?

  7. As a Spidey fan since the age of 4 (I’m almost 35 now), who stopped collecting the book post OMD, I’ve been enjoying Ultimate Spidey with my 5 and 7 year old kids. Is it Spec Spidey or 90s Spidey? No. However, I don’t feel it’s the travesty others make it out to be.

    Why does Loeb get all the hate? Was it for certain that HE ordered the change?

    This just gives fans a reason to petiton for the alternate voice cut and Marvel the abilty to sell more dvds of it!

    Props to Keaton for his classiness!

  8. How long before these guys at Marvel realize that the majority of fans do not like Ultimate Spidey? After watching 9 episodes, there are so many things wrong with it, and the jokes are not funny. Marvel had an opportunity to make the best spiderman cartoon ever and blew it. Where is peter parker and his money problem? Heck where is peter parker? The show is all over the place, and spidey never broke the 4th wall.

    Really disappointed in Marvel, and i hope they will cancel the show and replace it with something like spectacular spiderman. Now that was a great show from episode 1

  9. We are not jumping over Mr. Bell for this but we are so very pissed off with the guys who cast him as Spider-Man in the first place.
    By the way, I wonder why Josh isn’t mentioning the fact that he auditioned for the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon but was eventually turned down.

  10. Glad to see that Josh is handling this well. I tip my hat to you sir.

  11. From Josh Keaton’s tumblr:

    “A couple of things. First of all, the outpouring of love and support from Spider-Man fans this weekend has been…well I’m not gonna lie, it’s been awesome and I love you all.

    With all that love, however, comes the great responsibility of reminding everyone to chill out a bit.

    Was I saddened as not only a previous Spidey but as a huge fan of the source material to no longer be included in what would be a great finale to another great show that many talented people have worked so hard on? Particularly one where *SPOILERS* shows up and *SPOILERS* happens? Of course. It’s a huge bummer, letdown, etc. But the fact is, this is business and it happens all the time!

    A couple of juicy tidbits: I was also the original voice for Gary in “Team America” but the producers decided after hearing everything back that they would do all the voices themselves (aside from the irreplaceable Daran Norris as Spottswoode). Even in Disney’s Hercules, I originally did all of the singing in the film. Recorded with the orchestra and everything. The verdict? My voice was too “pop” instead of the musical theater-y sound of Disney songs at the time, not to mention I was going through a voice change and couldn’t hit the 5 minute sustained note at the end of the song for longer than 4 minutes, so they brought in Roger Bart to do the singing. Again, bummer? For me, sure. But such is par for the course in this industry and if I took it personally every time something didn’t go my way I would be butthurt dweller ( if you don’t know your meme).

    And don’t jump all over Drake for this, it had nothing to with him. He’s an actor doing a job and collecting a paycheck just like me. As someone who faced my own share of disapproval early on from CDB fans I know that it can be tough to be the new guy. He’s out there doing his thing and I respect that. And no I won’t punch him.

    At the end of the day, I can look back and say that I got to play the coolest damn superhero ever in a show that was so good that it not being around makes people a little bit insane. I’m totally cool with that.”

  12. @22… not really… I like the recent wave of superhero cartoons that we’ve seen since Batman:TAS… I guess in my mind, the ONLY voice for Peter Parker was the guy in the 60’s toon… so this is all “no biggie” for me…

  13. I just watched the episode everybody is talking about here. a terrific episode indeed. It is a huge pity Spidey wasn’t voiced by the talented Josh Keaton. Drake Bell’s voice is just way off for Spidey specially in such a serious episode. shame on you Marvel

  14. From what I hear, Josh will be providing the voice of Spider-Man in the new game!

  15. Josh Keaton is more popular than Drake Bell… All the explanations thrown out for the redubbing doesn’t change this…

  16. I was well aware of this fact before, but this bit of news confirms it: Marvel has the wrong people in control of their properties (not even just their TV shows… but that’s a battle for a Brand New Day… terrible pun, but I hope you got it.) The cancellation of Spectacular S-M left me severely disappointed, but in the end, I understood why it happened. Sony Culver no longer had the rights, and Marvel wanted to make a Spidey show solely owned by them. I get that. One thing that show taught me was that Josh Keaton, much like Chris Barnes, was born to voice Spider-Man. If he were to have only one purpose in life, it would be to play that role. Not only does Josh have the same passion we all share for the character, he does one of the most admirable jobs of voicing him that I have ever seen.

    I’m not here to bash, but USM just isn’t my glass of Dr. Pepper. If I wanted to see somebody constantly break the fourth wall and/or have all sorts of goofy animations, I would either 1) read an issue of Deadpool, or 2) watch some episodes of Teen Titans. This is not Spider-Man. Drake Bell is not Spider-Man. Granted, he isn’t the worst Spidey voice I’ve ever heard (Mike Vaughn, that accolade rests with you… Jesus), but he is no Keaton. What irks me the most, and I’m sure it’s the same with everyone else that this offends, is that Josh was literally hired to do the part of Spidey in EMH, and even recorded all the lines. It would be different had a Marvel higher-up merely mentioned “Yeah, we’re gonna have Spidey guest-starring in some episodes of EMH, and personally I would really like to see Josh Keaton reprise the role.” and in the end the part was given to Drake Bell instead. But no, Josh had already done the part.

    But now I’m ranting I suppose. I have loved EMH up to this point. I can’t wait to see how Mr. Loeb decides to handle it with the standalone stories, rather than the amazing serialization I’ve seen from it thus far. That’s the only reason I’ve digged the show so much. Josh Fine and Chris Yost did such a tremendous job on this show, and making it serialized. Overarching storylines… never thought I’d see it from a Marvel cartoon. Once again, Marvel has made what I view as a poor decision, and they have angered me yet again. This time there is no justification. Josh Keaton is Spider-Man, ’nuff said.

  17. I am so angry about this. Not only was this done without the consent of any of the show’s creators; Chris Yost, Josh Fine, the voice director, and Josh Keaton were not even told. But this was one of the last episodes done by Chris Yost and Josh Fine before control was handed over to Jeph Loeb. He should have respected what they were doing, because it was something they know fans would love. Instead Jeph Loeb just dubs over Josh last minute with the voice actor from his crappy show he’s trying to pimp.

    So disappointed in the folks at Marvel Animation. I want to see the episode as it was intended by the people who worked on it. Not by Loeb and Quesada and whomever’s decision it was to hack it last second without telling anyone.

  18. Clearly, Marvel has finally learned to make movies but have lost the grasp they had on cartoons. Ultimate is horrific and then they cut these people out and insert new people in which cost extra money AND the fans hate it. Good job, Loeb, you blew it again!

    Next up, he will totally Lucas the whole thing and retro dub Bell’s horrible screechy voice into every incarnation of Spidey. This is just sad.

  19. @25 Except it wasn’t that Josh was “not precisely what the directors or producers are looking for” this was done by Jeph Loeb and not by the producers and directors of the episode. Josh Fine and Chris Yost had no say in this and this episode was there last one before moving on to other things, with Loeb and the Man of Action team taking over after them. It was Loeb stepping in trying to rebrand the voice of Spidey as Bell because they’re trying to push the travesty of the Ultimate cartoon as much as possible, even if it means dicking with shows that aren’t related to it at all.

  20. I hate when drake did the voice over for spider man in AEMH. I also was looking forward to Josh Keaton doing the Web Slinger’s voice, hope they can fix this ridiculous voice problem before the second season continues in June.

  21. This really leaves a bad taste in my mouth, the way I look at it is Josh should have been Ultimate Spider-Man if they were going to have the cartoon at all. They prepped fans with him as Ult Spidey in Shattered Dimensions, and he’s been in every video game since hell he even played 616 Spidey. Now, I’m sure Drake Bell is a decent voice actor and some people enjoy him, but hell I can’t stand him as Spidey’s voice. The fact that they re-dubbed a veteran Spidey voice actor is kind of “douchey” especially since they mass marketed him through video games, through our rumors that he’d be voicing Ult. Spidey, and cancelled his cartoon. At least he got paid

  22. I wonder though, is it possible that the episodes with the original recordings can still be out there? If so, I’m sure someone inside the studios will probably share the sentiments and risk it all so those episodes can be seen. Mind you I don’t approve of someone risking their job to do something like that, I’m just imagining the possibility. I’m just glad they didn’t manage to do that in MvC 3 and Ultimate.

  23. @ 25 your right, but its also kind of a betrayal to the fans themselves. Perosnally I think Josh is in the right, yeah show biz sucks, and lifes not fair but it could have worked out, they could have to diffferent Spider-men in both shows. It worked in SPider-man (1981) & Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. whiel one is tenchinlyly a sequal seriers they both aired the same time, on different stations, and it worked very well. Josh as Spidey and Bell as UltraSpidey could still work both seem to be in different universes so, it could work and both fans would be please. I Don’t like USM but hey Bell si way better hen Andrew Garfeild as Spider-Man. So what?

  24. Hang on a moment, gang.

    I’m certainly no great fan of the editorial decision of Joe Quesada, but let me call attention to something: I can tell from first hand knowledge that it’s not at all uncommon for an actor to dub a voice part and get replaced afterwards. You may be perfect for the part, but if you’re not precisely what the directors or producers are looking for (or if they change their minds about the direction of the production for whatever reason-which also happens not infrequently), then that’s that. Replacement/redubbing happens more often than you might think in the voice over business. It may not be a deliberate slight so much as those in charge were looking for a particular sound or stype of voice, or at least a different one.

    That’s show biz.

  25. Are we sure Mark Waid wasn’t involved in this decision because it was definitely a dick move!!

  26. So sorry to hear about this for Josh. He’s my favorite Spider-voice and what a shitty thing to do to him. Bell and Ultimate Spider-Man have really disappointed me so far. I’m playing catch up and just watched the Harry/ Venom episode. When the symbiote came out the toilet I was like, man….. And also the cut away scenes after nearly every sentence to break the fourth wall for a joke gets old.

    Also thanks to Chris, our newest admin and Don for keeping this thread civil.

  27. Baba Fat: “# 15: thanks! you are the greatest. I wont be insulting anybody here again. u have my word. BUT I MEANT EVERY WORD I SAID ABOVE”

    Not good enough son. You’re outta here NOW.

  28. Wow, color me insulted in way this turned out. 🙁

    I mean I didn’t even notice the difference until someone pointed it out. 🙁

    Man, that is one dirty dirty trick from Loeb and Marvel.

  29. Mike 13: He recorded for the role as a nod to SpecSpidey so Marvel redubbing over it with Drake Bell feels like a slight against fans of the show and maybe a bit spiteful against Spec being a better received Spidey show over their Ultimate baby.

    If you still don’t get it think of it this way, say your favourite TV show had your favourite actor as a guest star for a few episodes but when they aired it turned out that they’d refilmed all his scenes and replaced with a Disney darling star like Drake Bell. For no reason whatsoever it happened and no logical purpose for spending the money on more actors when everything had been filmed. Doesn’t that seem like a stupid move worth complaining about? Worth trying to get it changed back to the way it was originally intended?

  30. Wow… do people really care about who voices who in cartoons?

    I can see long-standing voices… but this guy voiced Spdiey for just 2 seasons… did he really leave an impression?

    I’m not criticizing… just surprised… SpecSM was a great cartoon, maybe the second best one ever made… the 60’s toon will always be #1 in my books… but I had no idea a voice actor could have such a strong following… especially after 24 episodes… and like someone said, at least he got paid… so who cares?

  31. Enigma, please don’t lecture users on the site rules. If it’s something we haven’t seen yet, report it. If it’s something we have already addressed, leave it be.

  32. # 15: thanks! you are the greatest. I wont be insulting anybody here again. u have my word. but i meant every word i said above

  33. Baba, insulting the site is not a good way to respond to a warning. If any other admin saw this first I’m positive that you’d be banned instantly. Since this is only my second day as an admin and I’m not inclined to flaunt my authority right off the bat, you’re actually going to get a second warning from me. And even then I’m not so sure that an admin with more seniority won’t just ban you anyway. Don’t count that possibility out!

  34. @#12

    No one’s telling you you can’t feel that way, but you should already know that there are rules against personal attacks. They already go above and beyond to vilify this site, so why would we want to turn around and prove them right?

    Like I said, you want to be pissed with them, be pissed with them… I’ve been pissed with them since 2006. But if you just want to call names, please don’t do it here. Besides, no matter where you go, they’ll find a way to blame your outbursts on us, anyway.

  35. #9: ok ok! I wont do it again. but if u ask me this site has become so soft. internet is burning in the rage of spidey fans who are pissed off with the Ultimate Spider-Man show and what has crawlspace done to reflect their anger? nothing! all u did was ask somebody to write positive reviews on the first two episodes of this crappy show. tell me, when did u sell your soul to the devil?

  36. If you have Twitter, try tweeting #JoshKeatonIsSpiderMan to Joe Quesada. Screw USM.

  37. Just saw the episode, it was alright. Although, it would have be a LOT better if it was Keaton.

  38. Baba Fat, make sure you criticize the decision itself rather than insulting the individuals who made the decision personally. Calling Marvel creators morons is crossing the line into personal epithets. This is a warning.

  39. Unbelievable, Keaton does a great Spidey. If Bell can do a Spidey in a more serious tone and have some lines that can appeal to everyone then I say, go for it.

  40. more proof that Jeph Loeb and Joe Quesada are morons
    I hate them . I hate them so much

  41. More proof that the kiddies get a lame version of Avengers to go with their lame Spider-Man cartoon?

  42. You could say that Marvel wanted the Spidey voice actor to be consistent with The Ultimate Spider-Man version. Afterall, everyone has a vested interest with seeing Ultimate Spider-Man for the long haul.

  43. Holy crap that is ridiculous. I was really looking forward to hearing Josh potentially voicing Spidey in Avengers…

  44. Keaton>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bell. At least he still got paid 😛

  45. From what I’ve been hearing, neither the Avengers producers, Josh Fine or Chris Yost were involved with, or even aware of this decision. I’ve also heard that Jamie Simone, the VOICE DIRECTOR for the series was not involved with this either. So this decision came from upstairs… Jeph Loeb and maybe Joe Quesada too.

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