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MTV Disects Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

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Carnage USA #3

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  1. marvel’s copyright infringement ninjas have come to confiscate this home made spider-man doll. lolz

  2. Yep. He has infiltrated the fashion squad of the HAND, and is now saving a spider clone (badly made). This is a DC promo.

  3. “Ahhh. The kicking and the punching, not so much, who knew you Hydra guys give such great Shiatsu.”

    (with the Bendis Jewish Spidey, take…)

  4. “Will Spider-man get roofied by the ninjas? Found in the Marvel summer event, 18 years in the making! Written by Joey Q, Bendis, and Slott!”

  5. Fortunately for Spidey, he has a team of ninjas to take him home after he gets drunk.

    NOTE FROM WACKER: It was apple cider, dagnabbit!

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