Over the last few months, we gotten a steady stream of images, previews, and interviews. While one would have thought that Sony would have paid the 6 million dollars to have the trailer seen in front of the biggest sporting event of the year, which was the most watched event in world history…. but I’ll digress. BEHOLD….! LO, HERE BE A TRAILER!
Zach Joiner
View articlesZach is the Site's Clone Expert and Historian. He has been a former reviewer of Amazing Spider-Girl, Spectacular Spider-Girl, Spectacular Spider-Man (Paul Jenkins run) and Scarlet Spider. He is the writer of Crawl Space Avengers, the sites Fan Fiction. He is the webmaster of Spidey-Dude.com and the Executive Producer of the Spideydude Radio Network of Podcasts. (Host of Clone Saga Chronicles, and frequent guest of the other two shows: Spectacular Radio and Mayday Mondays)
He is a Podcast Co-Founder, and the longest tenured Administrator of the Message Board.
He has two dogs, and a cute daughter and is currently enjoying life in a happily committed relationship!
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Am I the only one that likes Gwen finding out Peter is Spider-Man? Sure it didn’t happen in the comics, but neither did she go to high school or work for Dr Connors and that’s not a problem in the film. This isn’t the comics it’s an alternate retelling, like Ultimate or the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, things are going to be different and all that matters is if they work in the film or not.
I like Gwen finding out as it’s making sure we’re not getting the same story already done in the Raimi films. It means we won’t get 2 films of “will they/won’t they” romance with Peter not telling her he’s Spider-Man. I’m happy we’re not seeing that again as it’s already played out its story potential.
Capt. Stacy hunting Spidey? Well the Jameson stuff was played out in the Raimi movies and I can see why they’d not want to use him for a while in the movies but still keep a civilian antagonist for Spidey. They can also use him in a way that JJ can’t be used, as someone who changes his opinion on Spidey at the end of the film. So that even if the city still hates him Spidey managed to prove he’s a good guy to one man, I think that’d be a good way to end the film.
I was excited when I heard there was going to be a reboot. I had some questions about casting Andrew Garfield, but after the teaser I was okay. I didn’t care about the costume. I was just hoping the cast and crew would put out something good, because I couldn’t stand the 3 Raimi films.
This trailer has me so hyped right now. I’m loving everything about this. If this is just a taste of what the film has to offer, I think I might be getting the Spider-Man film I wanted back in 2002.
Greg, Raimi’s MJ had father issues. Gwen never did. Well, not til JMS!
Loving all of it so far. The trailer really blew me away, and is one of my most anticipated movies of the year. They seem to of corrected some of the mistakes that were made in the originals, like Spider-Man being an outlaw, and him having a snarky sense of humor.
i don’t know it looks great. the costume looks much better when in action.
8.5/10 for me right now
-this peter seems similar to spectacular spider-man Peter and Ultimate Spidey and kind of college spidey where he has more confidence and not afraid to stand up for himself. all that is different is the clothes and hairdo and Peter looks like a nerdy misfit here.
-I like seeing a Gwen being Gwen and not Mary Jane clone
-I like the whole peter’s parents being scientist roots which feel better than the whole spy angle imo. I like Peter trying to recreate or finish his dad’s work seems cool and makes sense if a son is trying to find out more about his dead father and himself which both 616 and ultimate did so it is accurate.
the wise cracking was alright and kind of better than Rami Spider-man wise cracks.
-I think the Spider-man being a genius was potrayed nicley and his websling and action scenes look nice
– I like the Spider-man being a vigilante younger, more ultimate Spider-man(and kind of that reference Spider-man loves Mary Jane#9 where Gwen Stacy said that her dad thinks Spider-man is a vigilante gets in the way of real police work) like George Stacy so it’s understandable. and if Jim Gordon hates Batman at first before realizing that he’s a hero in some versions why not George.
only real problem was Lizard’s look and peter mask getting taken off but it’s understandable since the actors need facetime especially superheroes.
and my lil brothers and sister who doesn’t have interest for comics loved the trailer and was trying to figure out why it was being rebooted
Looks pretty cool. I don’t understand why people let themselves get worked up into a lather when a movie adaptation has some differences than the comic book. Sheesh.
So does everyone else in the world. 🙂
I’m having problems with all the re-coning going on. (and I am one who didn’t mind the organic web shooters). First, the costume…its nice that they didn’t put him in a muscle suit, other than that, I don’t like it, too much going on with the stripes, and gloves and the booties. Second, Capt Stacy- He wasn’t a hot head, and kept his cards close to his chest. It was always suggested that he knew Peter was Spider-man, but kept it to himself. Third, Gwen, she doesn’t need to know, nor did she ever. The parent’s back story would be fine, as long as it didn’t effect the origin, which is looks like it does. Having his father, tied to Oscop, and tied to Conners is lame. Plus it looks like Peter guilt will come from creating the Lizard. Lastly, Peter (Andrew) is acting way too emo for the Peter we know, either Ditko or Romita version. Bottom line, way too much retooling for me to be excited about the project. Btw it looks more like Ultimate Spidey, which I don’t care for at all.
Meh. I like the Hobbit trailer more.
@21-Daniel: He wears his suit under his clothes all the time, even in the Raimi movies.
@27-Parabolee: Gwen knowing would add punch to her probable death. In the story, Gwen was knocked out/already dead the whole time.
@28-GregXB: Pretty much, yeah. In the comics, Gwen was a party girl who devolved into the sweet soft spoken girl who is crying every other issue, which is what happened to MJ in the first franchise.
@38-Spyboy: Oh noes! SHED:The Movie!
@21-Daniel: He wears his costume under his clothes all the time, even in the Raimi movies.
@27-Parabolee: Gwen is probably going to die in a later movie, so it’ll be great for her to know that it’s because of Pete’s secret identity. In the original story, she was either asleep or already dead the whole time. Her knowing would add punch. Also, being a teenager right now, there’s no problem with Peter being a bit more cynical and antisocial. That’s just my opinion, though.
@36-GregXB: Pretty much, yeah. In the original comics, Gwen was the party girl who devolved into this sweet soft spoken girl who cries for Peter every other issue, which is what happened with MJ in the original franchise.
@38-Spyboy: Oh noes! SHED:The Movie!
Zach, I think you’re the only one here taking me seriously.
Saw the preview event of this in Sydney. The trailer looked awesome, but they also showed around 10 mins of additional footage from the film (some unfinished with temp tracks and incomplete visual effects) which gave further insight into the story and was basically a beefed up trailer. Key higlights include:
– it looks like Peter has some hand in creating the Lizard
– it is implied that Gwen Stacey finds out Peter’s secret identity throughout the film
– in the scenes where Spidey is dismantling the antenna on top of the Oscorp building in the trailer, the extended footage that was shown implied that the antenna will be used for another purpose by the Lizard, possibly as a way to turn New York City into a town of lizard like creatures. A bit like what Magneto tried to do at the end of the first X-Men film.
– Peter’s parents and Curt Connors worked with each other in the past. Peter’s parents and the mystery of what happened to them are connected to the plot.
– There will be scenes similar to the first Spider-Man film where Peter learns his new powers.
There were a few other things, but this is the main stuff.
spiderben suit makes me squeee with joy
No, Raimi had Gwen and called her MJ. Everything you cite is a superficial covering. That was Gwen Stacy. Just because she called him “Tiger” once a movie does not make her MJ. And as I recall, Stan and Steve’s Gwen was pretty popular too. That was Gwen with red hair. The psychology of the character was all Gwen.
And then, when Gwen showed up in Spider-Man 3, she was MJ.
Norman never talked to himself in a mirror. Ever. The Goblin was never a separate persona. That was an invention of the 90’s Spider-Man cartoon. He was sick, and twisted, but that wasn’t his problem. He wasn’t Two-Face! He was psychotic, but there was only ever one mind at work there.
To quote J.R., Norman Osborn wasn’t a good man gone bad, he was a bad man gone nuts.
And when Doc Ock appears again, I don’t want him to be the Curt Connors with arms. I want the Master Planner!
As someone who’s not afraid of some change in the Spider-Man formula, the trailer really piqued my interest in this film. I am officially interested.
MJ was miss popular in high school with party exterior? Check. Secret depths underneath that create a bond with her and Peter? Check. Actress/model? Check. Calls him “tiger”? Check. Yeah, Raimi had MJ in his movies. Norman would hallucinate all the time in Romita era Spidey!
Why for the love of all the is spider totemistic can Peter NOT keep his frickin’ mask on?!?!? If they are going Ultimate with Peter’s parents and Captain Stacy, they shoulda with Gwen, too. Punk rock Gwen!
As a stand alone this trailer gets me excited, it’s only when I think about what I know of Spider-man and his universe that i get nervous for this film. I was ambivalent before this trailer, now I am timidly curious.
Still don’t like the suit! Decent trailer though.
I’m not in love with this, though I do like the wise-cracking Spidey scenes. Everything else I hated, especially:
– Capt. Stacy wanting Spidey to be an outlaw and calling for his arrest (though I do like the public hates Spidey, as it should be and lacked in Raimi’s films).
– Peter feeling guilty for Connors’ turning into Lizard. Pete, not everything is your fault!
– Does Gwen find out Peter’s Spidey in this? It seems to hint at it a lot.
– Peter, keep that darn mask on! STOP TAKING IT OFF!!!
– What we saw of the Lizard. Anyone else having bad “Super Mario Bros.” Goomba flashbacks?
– The new Spider-Man suit. Good lord, I LOATHE that suit. It looks awful in action too, which I hoped I’d be proven wrong on.
– The lack of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, and the latter didn’t even speak once!
I’m sure people will like this movie, but I’d rather spend my money on “The Avengers”.
I agree with everything Parabolee said. Is Uncle Ben going to die in this, i feel like it hasnt been mentioned at all, its all about his parents in the interviews,etc
leave the mask on!!!!!!!!….DAMN!
You think Raimi’s Mary Gwen Watson was faithful?
How about Doc Ock the very nice man with an Evil A.I. on his back?
Or Norman Osborn having a split personality (which he didn’t in any comic book prior to that movie)?
Shall I go on?
And for the record, once again, I am not in love with this thing either.
@25 Sorry? What?! More faithful to the characters? In what way?
In the comics –
Peter is an awkward nerd misfit. Not a skateboarding trendy rebel that listens to punk rock.
Gwen hates Spider-Man and NEVER finds out about his secret identity. Even before she blamed him for her fathers death she was terrified of him.
Capt. Stacy is one of Spidey’s biggest defenders.
Peter never agonized about his parents.
Peter was bit on the hand, not his kneck while observing a science experiment NOT breaking into Oscorp to see the work his father did.
I’m sorry but regardless of what anyone thinks of Raimi’s movies, they were very faithful to the comics. This movie does not appear to be AT ALL.
Having mechanical web shooters and the occasional bad jokes does not make the characters more faithful.
And to be honest when I heard about the car scene it sounded great and funny. But in the trailer it doesn’t not work for me, it’s less Spidey wry humour and more cynical teen douche humour.
Looks amazing, like it’ll hit all the notes that the Raimi films didn’t. So pumped it’s unreal
Hmmm…. maybe I am going to be sold on this one.
It’s nice to see Gwen Stacy in this. Let’s be honest, Gwen was in all three Raimi movies. They just gave her red hair and slapped the name Mary Jane Watson on her. Then MJ showed up for a little bit in the third movie, but with her hair bleached.
Spider-Man is actually funny. Grant he mumbles a lot, but I like this guy better than Maguire already. Toby can act, but he had maybe a little more charisma than Hayden Christensen.
Lizard is looking better. Not a fan of the design. But better.
I am sure that, if George Stacy survives this movie, he’ll become Spidey’s supporter among the police.
Am I in love with what I’m seeing? No. I still don’t like the costume. But while the Raimi trilogy had a more faithful costume, they took a lot more liberty with the characters. This is taking a lot more liberties with costumes and look, but seems to be a lot more faithful to the characters. And that always wins with me.
If they introduce MJ, and at some point either in this movie or the next, they will…. I am expecting that classic introduction.
@22 Parabolee… They do have a J. Jonah in this movie… except he’s a cop instead of newsman, and they call him Capt George Stacy
@10 Enigma… It doesn’t bother me to the point that it’ll make me hate the movie, but I just think it’d be a cool visual for the movie to see thicker McFarlane-esque webbing. There look to be bigger problems with this movie then the webbing in my opinion.
This actually looks alright, but to me it doesn’t look that different from the Raimi movies. I really think this reboot is unnecessary.
I’m sick of describing how disappointment I am with this movie.
I just watched this 3 times and once in slow motion to see every detail.
I am one VERY sad Spider-Man fan. Despite the great cast, this movie just takes too many liberties with the source material, this is not my Peter Parker, it’s not my Gwen Stacy, it’s not my Capt. Stacy and with that costume, it’s not my Spider-Man.
Also the wisecracking was not as good as I had hoped either. Also is there no J. Jonah in this movie?
The Lizard look fine though, I guess I can say that.
I think for what it is trying to be it will achieve that but I dont think it feels like Spider-man to me. The moodyness of it is coming off as a little over the top. The parents thing would be much better suited to a sequel. Surely the dark, sad bit should be centred around Uncle Ben’s death…? Also does it not seem stupid to think that he would be wearing that costume under his clothes? I still think it will be a good film though
Enigma- lets simmer down now.
@18: Agreed. They just decided to change his partner to Dr. Connors, which still gives him a connection a villain.
This looks like it’s going to be awesome. Granted, I actually liked SM3, but this still looks like it’s going to be better than that. The Lizard looks good, and I don’t mind him not having a lab coat. Granted, he still lacks the snout, but hopefully he develops that later in the film.
I think Richard Parker being a scientist is coming from the ultimate stuff. It seems to me that they are combining 616 stuff with ultimate stuff.
@13-Iron Patriot: I wish the whole parent storyline would have been dropped. I remember reading an ASM story in the 90’s where the parents were like spies or SHIELD agents. Now the dad is a scientist? Seems a bit of a stretch with the source material, but oh well.
It’s not as far stretched as turning Barbra Gordon into Alfred’s niece…I’m looking at you Batman & Robin.
As far as the Raimi movies go, the first one was good, but not great. It had it’s moments, but in terms of being an origin movie I felt it did a great job. Fans of the comics probably wanted more action scenes, but Spider-Man’s origins aren’t as well known as say Superman or Batman.
Spider-Man 2 is probably one of the best comic book movies of all time, for me it is #1 or #2. Everything was done just right. Alfred Molina was perfect as Dr. Oct. The only thing that seemed unclear was the whole “losing spider powers”, but I have read that story was cut out, but bits and pieces remained behind.
Spider-Man 3…just bad. It suffers from the same thing that plagued Batman & Robin. Too many villains so there is no character development. Changing of source material, Sandman kills Uncle Ben, and too campy, dancing Peter.
This looks promising, but let’s not forget that Raimi did a good job and #3 was taken out of his hands.
@14-Reader: OH SNAP.
I was excited after the teaser trailer, but this one has me at almost as excited as I am for the Avengers. The Raimi movies are great, and still are great, but I don’t think they should be compared together since they obviously are going to have a different feel to them.
@13 – red pigeon let him in, j/k.
@4-Kwed: From what we see, I get the feeling that Richard Parker had a vital part of the experiment with him, and Peter bringing it in was what Connors needed. That’s just me,though.
@12-Reader: It’s a nice change of pace.
One question, though, how’d Spidey get in the car?
Looks really good, but it does look and feel a bit too dark for a spider-man movie.
This looks SO good!!! The scene when Spidey is in the car with a car jacker is great.
“I’ve also never really seen a man with spider-like powers or a humanoid lizard running around the city, but those are in this movie too. So it’s not like we need to be realistically accurate with the webbing.”
So you can overlook those things, but thin webbing bothers you? ; )
@ Donovan Grant
I don’t care if you ARE right about the “humor” part. You dare speak ill of the Raimi Spider-Man films, and don’t even specify the 3rd one when you do? You’re dead to me, mister.
@5 Enigma… yeah, but real webbing belongs to a really tiny Spider… I know the whole thing about the thinner the line the stronger it is, but I just like the idea of a more visually appealing webline. Especially if it’s going to be in 3D.
I’ve also never really seen a man with spider-like powers or a humanoid lizard running around the city, but those are in this movie too. So it’s not like we need to be realistically accurate with the webbing.
also not a fan of the Lizard’s look
Granted Captain Stacy in the comics never had a bad opinion of Spider-Man. He just wanted to find out who he was. I don’t mind this however because A) Spidey’s new in town, giving more reason for the police to distrust him and B) it’s an element never really hit up in the Rami films.
His hidden past? What hidden past?
Capt. Stacy = pre “buddy-buddy” Lt. Jim Gordon? But then again, I don’t really know THAT much about about Capt. Stacy. So this could actually be accurate.
Great, so now the Lizard is Peter’s fault?!?!? Guilt trip up to 11 much?!?!?
And now I’m gonna say it… Mary GWEN Watson bugs me. If they REALLY wanted to do this, change the name of the god **** movie. Or is her future… pre-determined?
And now for the unbelievable… that trailer… ACTUALLY LOOKS GOOD! I may consider watching it now.
Ever seen REAL webbing? It’s pretty thin too, man…
looks good. A few things though to pick at…why is it looking like Peter creates the Lizard. Connors was always smart enough to do it on his own. Also I’m not liking the whole Peter’s parents storyline. And seriously…can Spider-Man just keep his mask on.
But I did kind of like the “do I look like a cop?” line.
This is gonna be awesome. Already the humor is where it needs to be, and is 10x better than it was in the Raimi movies. The tone’s perfect. The CGI’s improved. The action looks great. I’m loving this!
This has me far more excited for this movie than I was before; love the web shooters and the wise-cracking Spidey especially.
Didn’t really wow me, especially following the Avengers trailer. Why does Stacy have to be going after Spider-Man? The webbing still seems incredibly thing in my opinion, although the way he shoots them out is kind of cool. The wise cracking is nice, but the mask is killing it for me. And finally, I’d really like to see a lab coat on the Lizard, but from what you see here of him he looks less Koopa-Troopa like… alright, off to work