Amazing Images

Here are some new movie images that have surfaced online. To the left is from Beenox for their upcoming Amazing Spider-Man video game. On the right is an image of Andrew Garfield taking his mask off in the new movie. I wonder if they’ll find various excuses for him to take off the mask in the new movie? 

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  1. Hopefully the powers that be heard all the flack Raimi’s movie’s got with all that unmasking, and they keep it on 90% of the time. I fear they’ll do the same thing with Captain America in the Avengers. Hope I’m wrong.

  2. I never expected free roam
    Sweet pic

    Aaaah, if they’ll unmask him they MUST do a final swing

  3. @#1

    Yeah, it’s almost like they had to cave and give us the game we kept asking for to make us accept THIS Spider-man…

  4. ” I wonder if they’ll find various excuses for him to take off the mask in the new movie? ”

    God I hope not… that’s one thing I’ll NEVER forgive Raimi for…

    Really Sam… AGAIN?!?!?!

  5. Spider-man games always looks good at a distance. It is the close up and civilian presence that determin the validity of it…but yeah, that view really do look sweet.

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