Happy Birthday Zach Spideydude Joiner

Happy 24th birthday to our good friend of the website Zach “Spideydude” Joiner. He’s been a part of the site longer than anyone and is a loyal friend. Please take time to wish him a birthday wish in the comment section. Don’t hold it against him that he loves the Clone Saga. 

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  1. Happy Birthday, Zach. I liked the Clone Saga too, but I like the first one a little better than the 90’s one.

  2. Happy Birthday, Zach. I’m glad you’re on the podcast again. I always enjoy (and usually agree with) your opinions. Have a wonderful day, and take care. 🙂

  3. Matt, I’ve been busy and haven’t had much free time to update the site over the last few days. But I got Stan’s birthday in with 10 minutes to spare.

  4. Today is Stan Lee’s birthday as well, so I guess I was right that Zach’s a clone of the Man himself!

    Happy birthday to you both and Mabuhay!
    Iron Patriot

  5. Happy Birthday, Spideydude! I myself have been interested in the clone saga and have been collecting the volumes that have been released. It’s definitely interesting, though I can see where some Spider-fans got a little sick of all the plot twists and the length of it.

  6. “Happy B-day” , Spideydude I want you to know your not the only one who happens to love the “CLONE SAGA” I do as well! In fact for Christmas I got the
    Marvel trade of the Original Clone saga from my brother and his wife. Finally don’t ya know who else is a fan and a creator of Spidey having a B-Day for shame on this very site for forgetting Stan Lee’s Day! I believe he’s 89 years young by the way…….

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