Dan Slott reveals next event-Amazing Spider-Man “End of the Earth”

 Comic Vine reported that during a Marvel Live panel blog, Dan Slott revealed the next Spider-man even that would lead into issue #700, beginning in March with issue #682. The story reportedly deals with the Sinister Six, and Doctor Octopus especially.

“Spidey has known that the Sinister Six was a’comin’, and the same way he designed specific tech when he heard Hydro Man was on the loose at the beginning of Spider-Island, he has been preparing and building a new suit specifically for going to war with the Sinister Six…I haven’t done a Spider-Man arc on this scope before. It’s fun to let loose. A lot I do is centered on character, but here the focus is on action and adventure. The fallout will be huge. When it’s all over, the pieces on the table will be in some pretty interesting spots.”

For more on the story, click on the link to Comic Vine’s Report.

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  1. @SW Well since you haven’t answered my question yet mind I ask you another? Can you pitch my screenname, the Lament Beast, as a villian name to Mr. Slott? I know that’s way off subject and most likely impossible… but when’s the next time I can have a conversation with a senior Marvel editor?! If you don’t want to then I completely understand but if you say ‘yes’ you’ll have my humble gratitude. I’ll say ‘thanks’ in advance for just thinking about it.

    @Fred Still had a round in the chamber?


  2. “Fred, I don’t have a fake IP address. I don’t know why I’m able to post. Sometimes they just show up.”

    More B.S Steve? Really?

    “Now then You are like many people here reading some hostile tone into my posts that matches your own irrational anger.”

    Yea, you have nothing left to say and you’re still spinning the same old record you play when you get caught being a troll. Same victim act, different day right Steve?


    Have a good night Lament.

  3. Fred, I don’t have a fake IP address. I don’t know why I’m able to post. Sometimes they just show up.

    Now then You are like many people here reading some hostile tone into my posts that matches your own irrational anger. The last think I am is angry. Even during the Facebook thing. Perplexed is more like it. It was certainly weird to me…just like the way you’re behaving now over some comic stories.

    I can’t control the way you feel, though. I think you need to take care of yourself. MAybe some folks here can help you.

    Anyway, I think #10 made a good point. It’s sort of our guiding principle on Spidey. We need to promote these things as “events” because otherwise people don’t pay attention.

    And before you all jump down my throat about that…keep in mind this very blog entry was created because we made an effort to tell people this was going to be a big story. The truth is self evident. (And, George and others, I know the world was different in 1982 and Marvel “never did promotion like this”).

    Gonna be big though. Caselli’s gonna blow you away.


  4. “Can’t we all be civilized and rational? Just for today?”

    Going to do that. Just funny to watch Wacker be his own worst enemy.

  5. “Fred, you’re getting irrational.”

    This coming from a person who went crazy over a sales chart.

    “No one is getting attacked.”

    Really? That’s not the impression you are giving on the board.

    “Take a warm shower.”

    Now you’re getting perverted Steve, more clues of a man who needs help.

    “You sound like you’re ready to fight or something.”

    Wow, this coming from a person who came in with a fake IP address to attack everybody on the board.

    “You’re embarrassing the site.”

    Now, I’m embarrassing the site Steve? God, you really need to get professional help.

    “Anyway…Design department did a nice job on the Spidey 50th logo didn’t they?”

    Wow, Steve, maybe if you came here with that type of behavior instead of insulting everybody on the board, you might just have people who would want to actually to talk to you. Instead, you rather be banned and sneak in with fake IP addressees to cause more trouble.

    Do you have anything left to add Steve? Because your antics are getting tiring and you are beginning to look more pathetic with every post you write.

  6. @SW Not all trolling is anonymous Mr. Wacker. What do you call it if it’s neither trolling nor flaming?

    @Fred Breath man, breath. Let’s not have a… I’d call it a flame-war but since Mr. Wacker disagrees on calling it that… a disagreeement-war…?

    Can’t we all be civilized and rational? Just for today?


  7. Fred, you’re getting irrational. No one is getting attacked. Take a warm shower. You sound like you’re ready to fight or something. You’re embarrassing the site.

    Anyway…Design department did a nice job on the Spidey 50th logo didn’t they?

    (Lament, this isn’t “trolling” either since you know who I am. I don’t hide behind fake names)


  8. “I am not a big man. But I am an honest one.”

    Wow, so you mistaken arrogance for honesty? I’m not a bit surprised.

    “Why are you so mad, Fred?”

    This coming from a man who went out of his way to get multiple IP addresses in order to get back on a web site that he was banned from to attack everyone on a message board. And you say I’m angry. You truly are delusional.

  9. Lament Beast…you seem to equate posting with “flaming”. They aren’t the same thing.


  10. @SW You’ve gone and done it Mr. Wacker! You’ve gone and confuse me! What he said sincere? Sarcastic? I don’t know!

    Still, flaming Fred is unprofessional. Don’t flame or you’ll get flamed right back.


  11. “Fred, you have picked the right website to freely insult me. It keeps me tickin’!”

    Poor baby, so you going to keep creating IP addresses in order keep harassing people and insulting the mods on this board because of it?

    You’re such a big man Wacker.

  12. 34-Agreed. You spend your time and money on things you like. I’m glad to have been a part of helping you learn that.

    33-Fred, you have picked the right website to freely insult me. It keeps me tickin’!


  13. Really Wacker? REALLY? Do you understand the irony I see when you wrote “…some of the regulars though are more than a little embarrassing and too hot under the collar.”? ‘Cause let me tell you I laughed so hard my ribs ached! Heck, they still hurt now!

    You see Mr. Wacker I have no problem on Marvel. No, no, no, I have a problem with a senior editor publicly flaming consumers (I assume that’s the proper way to describe us and not as costumers?). You see, even when you’re off work you still represent the best interests of Marvel. Need you discourage me from returning to buying your comics? I haven’t bought any comics but Marvel comics all my life so for you to, for lack of better wording, flame fans/consumers on multiple sites… makes me wonder, really wonder if I should return.

    After all, manga’s free on the web. Then there’s RvB. And free online movies. And t.v. And games. Good, now I think I shouldn’t return PERIOD!


  14. “I don’t even know how to create new IP addresses. Is that even possible?”

    Great, more B.S. from you.

    “Anyway, seems what I wrote is pretty true based on the reaction.”

    Wow, you really do live in your own delusional little reality now do you.

    “Certainly not insulting to the site.”

    So you say.

    “It’s a good site…some of the regulars though are more than a little embarrassing and too hot under the collar.”

    Another passive aggressive bash from you, what a shock.

    “Anyway, on behalf of Marvel, I apologize that we’re still publishing comics you don’t like.”

    And yet you still comes here with different IP addresses despite being banned to cause trouble and attack people who disagrees with him. I think there is a lot more to apologize for than you think.

    “Seems like the world’s never gonna learn”

    Like you should talk.

    “Oh noes! Guy who won’t sign his words says I’m insecure!”

    Coming from a person who cries like a baby when someone talks about the book’s lagging sales. And you say that’s not being insecure?

    You’re a real piece of work Wacker, i have to give you that.

  15. 25-Oh noes! Guy who won’t sign his words says I’m insecure! It’s must be Wednesday on the internet!


  16. I don’t even know how to create new IP addresses. Is that even possible?

    Anyway, seems what I wrote is pretty true based on the reaction. Certainly not insulting to the site. It’s a good site…some of the regulars though are more than a little embarrassing and too hot under the collar.

    Anyway, on behalf of Marvel, I apologize that we’re still publishing comics you don’t like. Seems like the world’s never gonna learn, so keep up the fight!


  17. Yeah “Seinor Editor”, before you posted, 3/14 posts previous were griping about the announcement of another event which in fairness is vlid complaint all comic fans have at one point or another. Plus, it wasn’t about the event itself, just the announcement of one. In some ways I can see how that would be seen as negative, but at the same time this is coming right fter a summer event. And again, not the majority of the posters have expressed negatively.

  18. I always feel so embarrassed for Wacker when he posts on here. His insecurity about the quality of the title is so sad. Just let the material speak for itself if its good? Insulting people and acting childish isn’t going to help convince people anything!

  19. Looking at the fourteen posts that were made before Wacker came into the thread:

    Posts commenting on the number of Spider-Man “events” in a critical manner: 3
    Posts commenting on the number of times Spider-Man has changed costumes recently in a critical manner: 1
    Posts referring to the way Doc Ock’s tentacles are drawn in a arguably critical manner: 1
    Posts trying to clarify whether this is called “End of the Earth” or “Ends of the Earth” in a neutral manner: 2
    Posts speculating on what the story will be about in a neutral manner: 1
    Posts wishing Dan Slott luck in a positive manner: 1
    Posts commenting on the artwork in a positive manner: 3
    Posts saying that this being an “event” is not necessarily a problem in a positive manner: 2


    Wacker’s coming in here to say this site is negative is self-fulfilling (if even that). The majority of posts before he got here either expressed a positive sentiment or did not express an opinion one way or another.

  20. “if you need help with that insecurities of yours, there is help waiting for you to call them”

    Remember that Steve has to admit that there is a problem and right now he believes that he’s a better person. Maybe after he hits rock bottom ( Let’s say after getting into a fight with a comic book writer on a face book page over a sales chart), maybe he will admit to himself to having insecurity issues.

    Or just maybe he will still live in denial. You never know.

  21. if you need help with that insecurities of yours, there is help waiting for you to call them 🙂

  22. Come on whacker! 3 posts in and you are already insulting people. Couldn’t you do any better? I mean, you basicaly wasted 2 posts there. BTW,

  23. “Fred…feel free to back that up. I stand by what I say.”

    Really? you mean your recent passive aggressive snaky ran on CBR you made that went:

    “Same here. The site is pretty awesome.

    Aside from the awesome show of daily acrimony and spreading of misinformation, they publish the Spidey daily strip. Worth it for that alone.

    I’ve donated money to the site and you all should too.”

    That’s not bashing Wacker? Wow, you really do live in your own little word. And Waid thought that JMS was Passive Aggressive, go figure.

    “That’s what makes me a better person.”

    This coming from a person who went out of his way to create multiply IP address after he was banned to keeping causing trouble.

    If that’s what you call being a better person……

  24. Fred…feel free to back that up. I stand by what I say.

    That’s what makes me a better person.


  25. “I love that some people are basically upset that the story has a title…A TITLE!!!!!”

    Poor little Wacker, hates this site so much to bash it and make up stories about it on CBR and everywhere he goes yet despite being banned, he has to go through the trouble to change his IP address to come here because he can’t find honest opinions that matter outside of this site.

    That’s Wacker for you.

  26. I think this sounds good, I’m looking forward to it. I don’t buy the criticisms about the new costumes….I mean, Peter has access to build suits that help him, why wouldn’t he do it?

  27. I’m actually looking forward to the new costume. It looks like a mix between “the end” costume and the batsuit. THat might be interresting. And is Steven Whacker really back here? Or is it a copycat?

  28. To guy complaining about “new costumes every six weeks”: the character has the opportunity to better himself now that he has access to any tech he wants. If he worked at Horizon and DIDN’T create something to help him, that would be completely against character, and I doubt you’d just accept that. I feel like no one on here is ever happy. If you hate it so much, stop reading (or pretending to.)

  29. I love that some people are basically upset that the story has a title…A TITLE!!!!!


    This place is as predictable as the tide. Love you guys.


  30. Why must these companies keep publishing stories and trying new things?!?! Don’t they know we’re older and going to pre-hate it?!?!


  31. @13 – clearly, if you read the article, it mentions NO tie-ins with this story… so no worries.

  32. #10 – it does matter if it’s an “event” if that means it’s going to be yet another tie-in mess. If it’s another full-on event the way Marvel usually means events I’m not gonna be too thrilled about that. I’m still trying to recover from Spider Island. And if that event was any indication, I am not a fan of the way Slott writes events.

    #11 – Agreed. My initial facepalm when I read this was tempered slightly by that ray of hope.

  33. Don, you titled the article “End of the Earth” and the cover title is “Ends of the Earth”, this one ‘s’ makes a lot of difference

  34. @#7: It doesn’t matter if they’re “events” or “long story arcs”, as long as they’re good stories.

  35. That is a cool image, I must say. But are those Doc Ock clamps, or are they robotic dinosaurs created by Stegron??? George, please verify.

  36. I’m sick of all these events! Why does everything have to be an event? Why does everything have to be a story arc? What happened to plain simple continuity?

  37. When did Doc Ock change the end of his tentacles to clamps? All I keep hearing is one of the gangster robots from Futurama asking, “Boss, you want me to give him the clamsps?!?”

  38. He’s got pretty high hopes for this one, it looks like.

    All I’m gonna say is, good luck Slott.

  39. I’m guessing it would be like the Daredevil story “Guardian Devil” in which Mysterious was dying and needed a way to “leave with a bang”. Since Doc Ock is dying as well… maybe there won’t be any attacks on Spidey but rather on Peter Parker? Make it personal? End of the Peter Parker’s World? Hmm, now I’m getting images of Peter walking down the streets of Paris as he builds a new life… Great, now the image of Euro Spidey is stuck in my skull!


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