Dan Slott reveals next event-Amazing Spider-Man “End of the Earth”

 Comic Vine reported that during a Marvel Live panel blog, Dan Slott revealed the next Spider-man even that would lead into issue #700, beginning in March with issue #682. The story reportedly deals with the Sinister Six, and Doctor Octopus especially.

“Spidey has known that the Sinister Six was a’comin’, and the same way he designed specific tech when he heard Hydro Man was on the loose at the beginning of Spider-Island, he has been preparing and building a new suit specifically for going to war with the Sinister Six…I haven’t done a Spider-Man arc on this scope before. It’s fun to let loose. A lot I do is centered on character, but here the focus is on action and adventure. The fallout will be huge. When it’s all over, the pieces on the table will be in some pretty interesting spots.”

For more on the story, click on the link to Comic Vine’s Report.

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  1. @76, your wife is right. At everyone else: chill out fer chrisake.As for the actual event, looks fun, can’t wait, but then again I like Spidey, so clearly in the minority here 🙂

  2. @#67 Dissing Fresno? Must be a Tuesday! Haha jk… I’ve got friends down there.

    @#74 Yeah, we all miss that. It made Ock classy.

  3. I would love the next time Wacker posts if everyone just ignored him until a mod can re-ban him. You’re not going to convince him of anything and he’s not going to change. But his act has worn thin here. If I had anything to say to Wacker I know where the CBR boards are.

  4. I’ll probably get shit on for this, but I let my wife read the above interaction, and she has no idea who the players are and who they are, and simply said that she thought Fred’s panties were in a bunch and came across as the one who was more “uptight”, though she did point out that Wacker seemingly antaganized him along the way… and then she called me an idiot for being a part of this… lol

  5. Such a shame. After catching up on the past few podcasts and listening to some of the wrap up on Spider Island and how Slott really gave MJ some strong stories, I saw this promotion and thought, ah maybe I will try this and give it another shot. And then I see Wacker on here and on FB fighting with JMS and I just think, nah, not buying anything that helps pay that mans salary, sorry. Oh well.

  6. I like the art, but I do not care for the ends of Doc Ock’s new tentacles. I miss the usual three pincers (or four sometimes, like Steve Skroce did on “Amazing” in the late 90s), but then again, I miss Doc Ock looking normal in his usual green-and-orange suit, his bowl-cut hairdo and glasses. I really hope Ock gets cured and we can see Doctor Octopus back to normal again. He’s already died before, so I doubt Ock will die for good in this story, but I want to see him not dying anymore. Otto Octavius deserves to be cured. He also deserves to have his lover Stunner back from her coma too, but I digress. Besides, wasn’t there a comic cover of a story set to be out last month where Doc Ock was normal again, putting on both a “Spider-Man 2” movie-style coat and his trademark sunglasses on with his tentacles? What happened to that?

    Oh, well. As unlikely as it is, I hope next year has the permanent restoration of Spider-Man’s marriage to Mary Jane. Heck, if nothing else, if the world DOES end in December 2012, we would’ve had it back in the monthly comics before the REAL “Ends of the Earth” takes place, right? 😉

  7. @68 –
    I like to equate him to Mr Mxyzptlk.

    He pops up every few months or so, causes all kinds of trouble, then gets sent back…only to return again. 😉

  8. Sadly, getting a new IP is as simple as resetting your router these days. I equate Mr. Wacker to a boomerang; we throw him out, but he keeps on coming back…

  9. Once the war ends the villagers come out and celebrate! Though being somewhat of a mediator was fun while I lasted.

    Still, CLAMPS?! Why can’t it just be like the claws from Spider-man 2? With the hidden blades?

    *Sigh* And I’m damn certain Mr. Wacker didn’t read my request…

    And TMZ dissed my hometown of Fresno today…

    Oh well! Not everyday can be a great day.


  10. @64 – The general email for the spider-man editors is spideyoffice@marvel.com. That’s what you would normally use to send a letter for the letters page. They do read those letters. I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for or not. I don’t know a personal email for Mr. Wacker or his business email.

  11. Does anyone has whacker email adress? I’d like to send the guy my name, adress phone number etc. Just so if he wanna know what a small part of the market thinks of him and his methode, he can call me anytime and even adress me by name.

  12. “CrazyChris, I can’t remember any time I’ve thought you were wrong.”

    Like that one time he declared he was right in the fifty-fifth post when it was really fifty-seventh? Heh. 8)

  13. @Wheatcakes It’s perfectly understandable.

    @CrazyChris 55th post…? Well, all I’ll say is… hmm, I don’t know what to think about it… Yes, yes, you called it sir, I’ll give you that.


  14. ME ON POST 27: “Wacker’s coming in here to say this site is negative is self-fulfilling”

    WACKER ON POST 31: “Anyway, seems what I wrote is pretty true based on the reaction.”

    On this, the fifty-fifth post, I declare myself right.

  15. @George Berryman 11 hours? *Whistle* You must be extremely tired right now. I want some permanent work but occasionaly working with my dad setting floor tile or unclogging drains keeps me busy.

    @Wheatcakes We just ended a ‘flame-war’! Don’t blow on the embers and get it started again!


  16. Gotta give credit to Dan Slott. Whether you like the fellow or not, he was man enough to say “enough with this site” and follow through.
    Steve move, Dick.
    Uh, reverse that.

  17. @George Berryman Aaaand where were you when the war raged?! Nah, just kidding! Just trying to keep my mind off the ridiculous cold and my sore throat.

    There’s always a nice, calming feeling after a ‘flame-war’ ends.


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