Webs Weekly #11

Happy Halloween! What other character would be the perfect fit for this special holiday entry of Webs Weekly? Spidey’s arch enemy runs around treating every day like it’s All Hallow’s Eve, carrying around a bag full of goodies such as his deadly pumpkin bombs that have become as recognizable as his green rubbery mask. Osborn is free again and primed to bring the Avengers to their knees with his new team of Dark Avengers. The only problem is that we have no indication if that will be as the maniacal Green Goblin we all know and love, the Iron Patriot, or just simply as a man in the control room pulling the strings of H.A.M.M.E.R. I for one hope he slips on the green jammies again, but until he does, here he is in the Halloween costume to end all Halloween costumes.

October 3, 2011: Green Goblin by wildlifehoodoo (right)

Let’s start off with a profile of the Green Goblin. That is, a profile picture of the masked maniac. Here’s a great artistic look of the Goblin, and it looks so good that it’s as if Norman decided to actually sit for a portrait by wildlifehoodoo. The painting, done in Photoshop, is awesome and looks like a real life oil painting. This piece is part of wildlifehoodoo’s collection of Marvel character profile shots, and all of them are incredible looking, especially his Cyclops. I suggest checking out the full set. For those who want more Halloween goodness he has a whole collection of art focused on witches and other fiendish characters.


October 10, 2011: CHASING THE GREEN GOBLIN by nachomolina (left)

Another great realistic picture of the Goblin, this time being pursued by our hero. This is a fantastic action scene showing off the destruction of the Goblin’s pumpkin bombs being unleashed. I appreciate the Daily Bugle building being included in the lower left corner of the New York cityscape as well. If you’re like me and enjoy the use of fire in this piece, than make sure to check out nachomolina’s page for a sweet depiction of everyone’s favorite bike-rider with the flaming skull, Ghost Rider. nachomolina also shows off his love for fantasy with art set in the world of Game of Thrones and the World of Warcraft.


October 17, 2011: The Green Goblin by HarryBuddhaPalm (right)

Norman must really love Halloween. Imagine how much dedication it takes to carve out a jack-o-lantern this creepy. Any child trick-or-treating in his Spidey costume would surely be frightened by this scene. I like the dark background and how the main light source of this picture comes from the pumpkin. The glow on the Goblin is really well done. Harry’s got a big collection of various genres ranging from comics, Street Fighter and Venture Brothers. There’s also a group of various characters which would provide for popular Halloween costumes ideas, from mermaids and cowgirls to female sailors and clowns.


October 24, 2011: Goblin Spidey by pungang (left)

Norman doesn’t like just dressing up as the Green Goblin, but as seen in pungang’s picture, he also enjoys cosplaying as his favorite rival, Spider-Man. I enjoy this concept and like the little details pungang has added to the art, such as the tear in the spidey legging’s to reveal the green scales of Norman’s goblin-outfit. The lenses of the spidey mask seem a bit small for my liking, but I like how the left eye is cracking under the pressure of Green Goblin’s grip. pungang’s collection of art is like looking at a snapshot of geek culture, with a look at numerous popular figures. Representatives from the Marvel Universe, Lost, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Indiana Jones, Sucker Punch and Futurama are on display. There’s something for everyone. And anyone who wants more Halloween treats, there’s a nice Michael Jackson Thriller piece and an unusual mash-up of a decaying Twinkie Zombie.


October 31, 2011: Green Goblin :: Sketch 04 by Red-J (right)

There’s a lot to like about this sketch of the Green Goblin. The detail and shading is wonderful and, along with the great use of orange as a spot color, makes up for the fact that it’s not fully colored, something which I normally prefer. I like how the costume is jagged around the edges and think the hat being patched together is a great touch. The pumpkin bombs look just as crazy and dangerous as the Green Goblin does. This sketch is part of a collection featuring other great looks at Spidey, Black Cat, Black Widow and even Pepper Pots in her own Iron Man outfit. There are also a lot of cool stylized pictures of Deadpool, Wolverine and video game characters such as Sub-Zero.


That wraps it up for October’s Webs Weekly entry. I hope the Green Goblin, my new personal saint of Halloween, treated everyone fair and didn’t give them too many tricks this year. I’m going to go fight off this candy coma I feel coming on so I can do some Halloween festivities in the World of Warcraft with my own goblin.

“Remember that one time during the fight when it looked like you might actually win? No? Me neither.” – Marvel vs. Capcom 3
“Did I mention I beat up Firelord once? No, seriously. Firelord.” – Ultimate Alliance 2 
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  1. Love the Chasing the Goblin one.
    The last one reminds me of Hero Freestyle by Wiz Khalifa, the line where he name drops the Green Goblin.

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