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Amazing Spider-Man Video Game Trailer

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Spider-Girls # 21

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  1. Spidey’s wallcrawling wouldn’t work with boots, and while reflective lenses look cool, they look pretty orange here. Oh, and the shape of the eyes is off.

  2. I don’t get how some people say this costume looks more like what a high school kid could make.
    Looks way to complicated.

  3. Awesome…… I really the only one who likes the costume? I think it’s a good redesign, and I like the small touch’s they’ve added to make it more realistic(reflective lens, exposed web shooters, boots)

  4. Are they STILL afraid of what people would say if they showed the whole god d*** costume? Or are they afraid of what people are already saying since they’ve seen the thing?

    I’m not gonna condemn the movie because of the costume, BTW… but I still think it sucks…

  5. The costume is really horrible. Far too much going on, looks a mess. Also it appears the eyes are really yellow. Looks awful.

    On the pluss side at least the new video game most likely includes the classic comic book version so we don’t have to look at it.

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