According to Comic Book Resources, Marvel Comics is laying off at least 15 workers in the editorial and production departments. The consensus so far is that the move is a cost-cutting measure, based in no part on anyone’s performance.
Donovan Grant
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It’s sad to see people laid off. It doesn’t bode well for the health of the comic industry.
My best wishes to those laid off – may you fine work soon!
LOL right, didn’t mean to diss her.
You really should have added a “t” to that abbreviation, Don.
The CBR report said that Rachel Pinnelas, who is/was an Ass. Editor for the Spidey books was laid off as well. Is that incorrect?
Waitaminute… Disney buys you out… and you still have to do this?
Real or not, just don’t get him started…
… and is he seriously calling us out for having a problem with people losing their jobs? Does he want us to be happy about it or something?
For some reason I doubt your the real Steve Wacker.
The always classy Crawlspace posters.
No one from the Spidey office was let go, by the way. Though two people I used to work with were.
Sad week. Sorry to those who wanted it to be sadder because of some comics you don’t like. Nice sentiment.
Without the money brought in by their most popular writer, they’d probably have to fire even more people.
I asked this on another board, and I’ll ask it here… how many jobs could be saved if they just dropped Brian Michael Bendis?
^ I agree. It definitely stinks. I just got my lay-off this week too (not from Marvel). But it does happen, and with many companies it happens more frequently- I’m just saying that I don’t think 15 is enough to make a news article about it. I hear of a lotta bigger lay-offs coming from other companies all the time. Heck- my work has been known to lay off more people than that at a time (albeit construction can be sorta seasonal)
At this current time with the economy the way it is, many or not, it sucks to lose your job.
It’s a tough situation and I wish them the best. Been on this side of the ball before. One day you are needed and love and the next, you are shown the door.
Guess it’s too much to hope that Quesada will get canned, right?
This is probably as good a time as any to ask what I always wanted to ask… what does a comic book editor actually do?
Is 15 people a lot for Marvel to lay off? It doesn’t seem it.
Still, better to have Marvel Comics on your resume than not to, I’d imagine.
Ooooh, you’re gonna catch hell for bringing this to everyone’s attention, I’m sure!
Though this has gotta be more negative than anything they’ve blamed us for, BD.
I don’t want to seem biased, but there’s several vocal Marvel employees they could lay off rather than getting rid of the fresh blood.
But remember, everything is going well! 🙄
My condolences to those that lost their jobs. It’s always sad when someone loses their livelihood.
Regardless of anyone’s overall thoughts on Marvel as a company, this is still a sad day for a lot of people, and sometimes I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I hope these guys are back on their feet soon.
Who put Elektra on that poster? UGH I CAN’T STAND HER!!!!
And yet Steve Wacker still has a job? Oops did I say that out loud?
Seriously though, this sucks for those guys. Sorry to hear it and hope they are able to find employment elsewhere ASAP in this economy.