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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2 – Review

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  1. My point exactly. I’ve also lost a few web of challenges because of the cut scenes and other BS reasons. I finally got the platinum trophy the other day and I’m debating whether I want to keep it in my collection or sell it.

    I tried using Amazing Spider-man to knock that 200 hit trophy out. I didn’t think about finding a spot where it would be easy…

  2. Oh, and Styleshift… I think the easiest place to get that 200 hit combo is probably in that level where you need to defend the 3 carts from the failed experiment/zombie-like creatures. They’re pretty simple to beat and there are a ton that are thrown at you. I was up around 190 I think but the cutscene kicked in and messed up my counting so I just missed it.. i was not happy about that.

  3. Just did a nice long marathon session with the game today to finish it up. Really pleased with it and definitely think the 4.5 is a super low rating. I plan on giving it a much better review, but I am viewing it as a Spider-Man game and story and not just a typical game like IGN is properly doing for the most part. They can definitely improve on some things but I would actually say Beenox took a step in the right direction despite the short turn around time. I hope they get another crack at the next game to continue what they’re working on.

  4. I also want to point out that I still really enjoyed this game.Anyone who loves Spider-man will get a kick out of it. Seriously just rent it, it is worth playing. Miguel O’hara is perfectly characterized. (He is much less sympathetic towards others than Peter is. After all he is not driven by a great loss…) The story was well written and they did fix some of the problems I had with SD (pressing R2 to swing now feels more reliable, wall crawling on ceilings has been fixed.) but I’d be a friggin liar if I said it was worth a full 60 bucks….in fact you face off against as many enemies as Ultimate Spider-man got (without the area clearing attacks.)

  5. Well…I wouldn’t say that the IGN review was poorly written just because I disagree with the score. Practically everyone and their mom has been criticizing edge of time for the same reasons. Honestly I would rather IGN completely trash the game so that we get a better effort out of Beenox next time around. (Though I doubt they will continue to be the lead dev with the scores they’ve been getting around the net.)

    The review was intelligently written and his complaints were justified.

    No matter how much Beenox talked this one up, you are ALWAYS in a laboratory fighting robots, collecting keys, activating switches with half the moves (and same animations) that were in the first game.

    Sure Shattered Dimensions was also a beat em up but at least you traveled to different environments and it’s level based structure allowed for a nice breather so the game didn’t get so repetitive.
    No one said the FPS/Stealth sections should have never been in a Spider-man game. Instead of taking them completely out to appease the group that disliked them, Beenox should have just made them more interesting. On the other hand they made alot of WTH omissions in the combat system that just did not pan out properly. I can’t tell you how much I hate not having the Spider-sense and defensive stance during combat. I wanted to plat this game but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to knock out a 200 hit combo just because of the screwed up way they implemented the combo system in this one. (The other trophies were easy peasy though!)

  6. Yeah, the IGN review was very badly written. I agreed with some stuff in it, but it mostly seemed to be whining about the exclusion of things people didn’t like in Shattered Dimensions.

  7. Good. I’m looking forward to your review….
    IGN just gave this one a 4.5 (I was right about this title getting poor reviews. There wasn’t enough DEV time plain and simple…and it becomes obvious with the many grammatical errors and lack of creativity in the level design towards the end of the game.)

    But I still liked it mainly because I paid half price. I don’t think it should have gotten scores THAT low but a lot of their points were spot on.

  8. Still haven’t had a chance to sit down with this guy, which makes me sad, but I’m not surprised by the length. Comic book games in general don’t seem to be the longest most involved games on the market, which is a shame. Arkham Aslyum proved that comics could make for really great games, but most recently Captain America and X-Men Destiny have been incredibly short/easy. I’m not complaining because I would consider myself halfway between a casual and hardcore gamer. I like spending a long time with a good game like the Bioware titles, but every now and then a quick short game is good to prevent it from getting stale or bored with it. I would like to see a nice long involved Spider-Man game as long as it doesn’t get repetitive like the first Assassin’s Creed did. I’ll have more in depth thoughts on Edge of Time though soon once I set aside a day to get fully involved with it, but I’m sure it’ll be short and sweet like Shattered Dimensions was for the most part.

  9. I’m a casual gamer and a huge huge Spider-Man buff, I still tend to wait
    This one appears to be good from the footage I saw of it so far, but I felt that way about that disappointment from 2008, so I’ll be holding back
    I may wait until I get a package of both SD & EoT together, much like I did with Assassin’s Creed 1 & 2, just to get all the extra suits. I got disgusted (in gameplay only) of Assassin’s Creed 1, love the second, maybe I will feel the same way about these as well

  10. The length of the game depends on whether you like to do extra challenges or not. If you do than you’ll get more hours out of the game.
    What I really miss is the defensive stance, Spider-sense, and area clearing attacks…

    It’s really cool that you can do web shots from any animation now. (Swinging, perched, wall crawling, etc.)
    And I was so happy when CDB got to cry out: “MAAAAAARY JAAAANE!!!!”

    It really is a good game. Don’t let the negatives let you miss out completely on the experience…If your a casual gamer you’ll be perfectly happy with this game. But if your hardcore (rent it or wait.)

  11. I don’t mind it being beaten within 6 hours, better than being 8 hours long or more, it gets boring by then
    I wish they would bring the web yoyo and free roam swinging mechanics (not an open world free roam game, read what I said carefully please) back

  12. Not worth a full $60 bucks…It’s a rental. (Wait for the price to drop if you can)
    Definitely worth experiencing if your a fan of Spider-man (why else would you be here DUH!), but it’s not without a few hiccups.

    This game can be beaten within 6 hours…and has the least amount of Comic villains in any Spider-man game ever created. (You’ve already seen EXACTLY half of them)
    There were some irritating moments during game play. You have less control over your altitude during web swinging. Believe me there are other weird changes in control. Like free falling. ugh 🙁
    But the scale and sense of urgency is much greater than the last game and the story was fantastic and definitely makes up for the lazy story of shattered dimensions.

    I have not enjoyed a Spider-man story since Spec Spidey. 🙂

  13. Now I really confirmed Joseph being voiced by Neil Patrick Harris, I still think he’s the better Spider-Man voice to me compared to Barnes and Keaton
    I hope I enjoy this game, I do mean it

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