Podcast # 153 Reviews, Itune Reviews,1986 Spider-History

Here are some of the topics we discuss on this episode. 

*Itune reviews. Click on this link and I’ll read your review on the next show. 
*Death of Cliff Robertson who played Uncle Ben in the Spider-Man movies. 
*Reviews of Amazing Spider-Man # 665-668. The Betty Brant issue causes quite the debate.  
*This Month in Spider-History. JR takes us back to September 1986.


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  1. Good podcast, I thought the reviews were all over the map this month, which is good. However, I did feel there were too many of them, especially on a month where 4 issues of ASM came out. After a while, not much more can be said about a comic.

    George, let me get this straight: you disliked ASM last month because Firestar was written differently when compared to a 15-year old Avengers’ run, and because of the FF’s costumes? Okay.

  2. I literaly screamed ” TWO IN A ROW!!!! YEAH CHIEF!!!” thank you Beyonder I was home alone.

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