Spider-Island Deadly Foes Review
The Basics Phil Urich dons his Hobgoblin costume and puts his plan into winning Norah Winters heart into high gear. He decides that the easiest way to beat the competition is to actually murder the […]
The Basics Phil Urich dons his Hobgoblin costume and puts his plan into winning Norah Winters heart into high gear. He decides that the easiest way to beat the competition is to actually murder the […]
The Crisis has passed, and the hosts return to where they rightfully belong…THE SIXTIES! Covering a guest spot in Daredevil #27, the gang also take flight with the appearance of the all new Vulture! Younger and more […]
This co-player of Mary Jane from the 1990’s cartoon recieved a great reaction. Here are the other two pictures I have of her.
My third and final article in this series is my best attempt to look on the bright side of the new Spider-Man movie. For anyone that missed my first two articles please be sure […]
Who knew Spidey drove a Sentra? Look at the side mirror, this pic cracks me up. Leave a funny caption or the reason he’s driving in the comment section.
Interesting Tid-Bit: Have you read Brian Michael Bendis’s Spider-Woman run? If you have not, I beg you to give it a chance! It is wonderful and made a Spider-Woman fan out of me! Spider-Island: […]
Tell me, my friend, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? I have. I’ve also challenged the devil to a fiddling contest and won. I’ve thrown back a couple of drinks […]
Here’s another example of some female love of Spidey. Love the 1990’s MJ cosplay!
If you’re new to Spider-Captions the goal is to write a funny caption in the comment section. Extra points for bringing the funny.
Spider-Man Marvel Adventures 17 Writer-Paul Tobin Pencils-Matteo Lolli and Di Salvo Colors-Soto color Inks-Terry Pallot
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