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Podcast # 152 Spider-Jeopardy 2011

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  1. “I’m so cool, I’m going to make fun of a nerd on TV.”
    Why don’t you turn on another channel and see how many shows are A.) for nerds, or B.) run by nerds
    What if the guy under that mask is handicapped? Way to act like a blatant asshole and make fun of a guy whose just trying to make his son laugh in the clip.

  2. If this is what you want to do, that’s your business… but Charles opinion of it isn’t exactly a unique one. I’m pretty sure plenty of people would agree with him.

  3. LOL, I thought he made fun of Spider-Man the character

    I’m more of a Spider-Man geek than you are BD, and I would still make fun of a guy dressing the way this one did and doing what he does in public

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