The Crisis has passed, and the hosts return to where they rightfully belong…THE SIXTIES! Covering a guest spot in Daredevil #27, the gang also take flight with the appearance of the all new Vulture! Younger and more relatable, how will the rebooted Vulture fare amongst the hosts? Give us a download and find out!
Donovan Grant
View articlesTypical college aged comic fan who wants to write and draw in the biz
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Bill Slattery III on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “Glad you enjoyed it, Mister Mets, and thank you!” Mar 11, 21:18
Mister Mets on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “I did not know I needed this list.” Mar 11, 05:57
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Evan Berry on Spider-Variants of the Week 3/5/25: “If Count Parker is going shirtless, I wonder why he would bother pulling those independent glove/sleeves on. It’s a striking…” Mar 4, 13:32
Aqu@ on MARCO SPEAKS SPIDEY: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3 REVIEW: “Indeed, the cartoon was great and it ended too soon! The only thing I didn’t like was the character of…” Mar 4, 05:55
Ain’t it always the way. 🙂
Yeah. The funny thing was that after I wrote the it was on the iPod iTunes store.
What Iron Patriot said. People with a full desktop version of iTunes, who subscribe to the show, have told me they can get it immediately, but it’s not going to show up in searches for usually about an hour or so. Those who download through the iTunes app on their iPhones (like I do) won’t be able to see it until then.
It’s on iTunes now. It’s usually on iTunes after an hour or so of it being posted on the Crawlspace.
Oh. But when I click on the Crawl Space Podcast
It’s already there. And I usually download it the same day
It takes some time before it gets uploaded on iTunes. All podcasts are like that.
Why aren’t you guys on iTunes?