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  1. I like the one on the book itself. The unused one is neat, but the Amazing Fantasy image gets reused a lot.

  2. Got to love the classics. Looks great. It’s amazing how amist the controversy back then that the whole Ben stories got lost. Some of it is just great Spider-man.

    Never heard of Steven Butler but that’s a great homage.

  3. Love the actual cover. The unused one is drawn beautifully, but A) The AF15 variant has been done sooooo many times and B) it doesn’t fit Ben’s personality as a hero. As the Scarlet Spider Ben was always more of a “hide in the shadows, do what must be done then get the heck out” hero.

  4. Gotta agree with Dr Warren, AF15 variations are done to death. I like the one they went with. Even if the Scarlet Spider costume leaves a lot to be desired. Would have been a cool rare variant though.

  5. i like the one they used, the amazing fantasy cover has been used in a lot of variations, even by the mid 90s

  6. Both of them are nice covers, shame they couldn’t both find a home. Also a shame we’ve finished the Scarlet Spider era in the clone saga trades, or they could’ve used the unused one for one of them as a nice little Easter Egg.

  7. Maybe they should have used the unused one as a variant. What are the odds of it being used for Spider-Island?
    I love the official cover a lot more

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