The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Announcement

Hey there, folks. is reporting that Columbia Pictures has announced a sequel to the Amazing Spider-Man. The second part of the reboot is scheduled for May 2, 2014. Sounds like the company is pretty confident that Spidey’s latest foray into films will be well received, at least financially. Here’s hoping that they can start strong in 2012 and lay the ground work for a thrilling sequel.

What do you think, webheads? Is Marc Webb headed in the right direction with this series? Is there a specific story or villian you would like to see in the follow-up? Is it too early for Parabolee to speculate on the quality of the sequel?

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  1. @10 – Whoa there buddy, no need to be so belligerent. We are all Spidey fans here.

    And I don’t need to make excuses because despite it’s problems I am very fond of Spider-Man 3.

    And as far as placing all the responsibility on Raimi for the movies short comings. Well that is simply unfair.

    The facts are this, Raimi did not want 3 villains in the movie, he did not want Venom in the movie (this is general knowledge). And because of the release date set by the studio they had to start filming and creating the special effects for the action scenes before everyone was happy with the script (I believe confirmed in the commentary). The final script was by committee and written around action scenes that could not be changed and with far too much input and pressure from the studio to hold Raimi entirely responsible with the final product. These are not excuses, they are simply the circumstances that show that holding Raimi entirely accountable is unfair and unrealistic IMO

    You can say Raimi bowed to them, but he works for the studio. His choice was quit the movie or give up some of his creative vision, on 3 he chose the first on 4 the later.

    @22 – Word has it that the reason 4 ultimately fell apart was because raimi did not have complete control over it and refused to go through the same issues he went through with 3. And since Tobey and Kirsten said they would only make the movie with Sam, without him there was no movie without a new cast. And the studio refused to give him the control he wanted (and deserved), so they mutually bowed out of the project.

  2. @ ChaosInc

    You didn’t like Spider-Man 2…

    … I could go on with this, but there’s no point.

  3. @ 21: See while I enjoyed Spider-Man 1 I didn’t think it was that great and I’m one of the few people that didn’t like 2.

    Most of the flaws in 3 can be found in the other movies but they’re covered up by good bits, sometimes. In 3 there was no covering up the flaws and there was a load of new ones there brought on by executive meddling.

    I also wasn’t talking about you but other people I’ve seen around the internet who do protest quite loudly that Raimi should’ve made 4 and it would’ve been the “bestest thing evar!” because he was supposed to have complete control over it.

  4. 2 against 1, huh? Well I’m glad to see ONE of you doesn’t heap ALL THE BLAME on Raimi’s shoulders

    Of course he bowed to them… they were signing the checks. If they were signing yours, I bet you would have too. But that makes it solely Raimi’s fault, right? And I’m only borrowing a page from YOUR playbook. You choose to believe your opinion, after all. And think about this. if Spider-Man 3 was so much of Raimi’s vision, don’t you think he’d be doing 4, instead of packing his bags and leaving?


    And I’ve seen so many Raimi crucifers that I’m starting to get d*** sick of it! No, I didn’t say he was incapable of making a bad movie, and I do NOT think he was responsible for Spider-Man 3 sucking ass! You know why I think that?

    SPIDER-MAN AND SPIDER-MAN 2!!!! What, you saying that after he does a good film, then does a better film, he just went ape-s*** and forgot how to make a good movie?!?!

  5. @Enigma_2099

    You can choose to believe that, but the buck stops with Raimi IMO.



    There was meddling/suggestions, but Raimi ultimately bowed to them. Do you have a cohesive vision or not? Ziskin wanted Gwen which he didn’t, but then she convinces him and he puts her in the film. I’m sure the villians (VENOM) were no different. After the first two he should have excercised some of that currency he built up. And of course there were scenes and characterizations in there which we know studio meddling had nothing to do with.

  6. I’ll need to check the movie itself to see how deserving it would be of a sequel, but to be honest, seeing how big Spider-Man is as a franchise and what effect that abominable thing (Shattered Dimensions, with it’s doo doo dumb story and awfully repetitive gameplay) did to expand the trey of Spidey fans -and that is what it did, made more fans- I think they stepped in the right direction to go with a sequel already

    I don’t think there is much wrong with Spider-Man 3, only the dancing, which I found funny. As for Sandman, it’s one of those things that work fine on screen, not so good in mainstream comics continuity (I started hating on SM3)

  7. As Bleeding Cool have pointed out, there was a release date set aside in a similar way for Raimi’s aborted Spider-Man 4. I’m sure if Amazing Spider-Man tanks, this will just never happen. And based on the current approach, they won’t need to start shooting until 2013 even if this does happen, so that gives plenty of time for Garfield and co to do another project or two in the meantime. It’s a fairly reasonable gap between movies, I think, just a bit presumptuous that they’ve announced it already.

  8. @ 16: I think it’s a mix between the executives and Raimi that made 3 a bad film. All contributing to it and making it a pile of shit.

    I have seen too many Raimi apologised though, thinking he can’t have made a bad film and it must be some other outside force at work. It’s true there were executive meddling in parts of the film, but in the parts that didn’t have that it was still bad.

  9. @#10

    Pot… meet kettle.

    I refuse to believe that the man behind the first two movies was solely responsible for the 3rd. And maybe Nolan worked cinema magic because he was just better at it.

    I think the same problem with the comics was applied to the movies… editors/execs butting in.

  10. @11 Iron Patriot, Torment would be a cool story to do I think, I enjoyed that story although I don’t think Callisto would be a big draw as a villain. But they could easily switch her out with Kraven to make it a better story.

    #13 Webhead529, Jason Isaacs would be really interesting as Norman. He plays bad guys so well, sadly I don’t think I can ever see him as anybody besides Lucious Malfoy now though. I wouldn’t mind seeing them leave the Goblin out of this trilogy though (unless it was to kill Gwen) and focus on some other villains we haven’t seen on the big screen.

  11. @9 Brian-I just was not crazy about Dafoe. To me, Norman should be cold, cunnning, and calculated, then absolutely bat@#$% crazy as the Goblin. Great actor, but he did not do it for me as Norman, he was too “hokey”. And then you had that atrocious metal outfit (no fault of Dafoe’s). If I had my choice, I’d love to see what Jason Isaacs (The Patriot) could do with the role.

  12. Even though I don’t like the Lizard at all, I already have a story idea for him, assuming we get three films:

    1st movie-Curt Connors is a supporting character, turns into the Lizard, gets cured by the end of the film.(Or he can die, that works too, but I’d rather have Curt playing a part as well, like helping Peter with science stuff)

    2nd movie-Curt Connors is a major supporting character.

    3rd movie-Near the end, the main villain manipulates Curt Connors and turns him into the Lizard for one big fight scene. I know Todd McFarlane’s “Torment” story-line failed, but that’s a six month arc, and this will only be a 20 minute fight. At the end, the Lizard dies. My biggest problem with the Lizard is that, he turns into the Lizard, kills a few dozen people, but gets cured and all is forgiven, with Connors not even thinking of what he did.

    However, I’d rather have less villains created by SCIENCE, since almost every villain in the last franchise was created by an accident.

    For a movie, I want to see a Gang War story-line. With the Kingpin belonging to FOX, the Spectacular Spider-Man Tombstone will have to do. He has super-powered henchmen like the Shocker, the Rhino,and Hammerhead. It might take a lot of money, but hey, toys! Marketing!

  13. The only person responsible for SM3 was Raimi Parabolee, accept that. 3 years between SM2 & SM3. The same amount of time between Batman Begins and TDK. And Nolan actuall made a film in between the two, The Prestige. What was Raimi doing? Wondering how he got such a high profile gig to begin with? Quit making excuses You sound ridiculous

  14. @6 WebHead529, what was your problem with William Dafoe in the first set of movies? I thought he did a pretty good job. A Scorpion story would be kind of cool, would need to involve JJJ in the next movie then, but I could definitely see how they could build this set of movies with a bunch of enemies that are all animalistic/science experiments gone wrong.

    @7 Butters, I remember a rumor for the third movie saying that Chameleon was the bad guy and that Topher Grace and Thomas Haden Church would be the Chamelion in different forms messing with Petes mind. I thought that would have been a cool story. Mysterio would be awesome, he’s one of my favorite Spidey baddies and his powers would be perfect for some Hollywood movie magic.

  15. “Could this date have anything to do with the requirements Sony has to meet in order to hold on to the license and prevent it from defaulting back to Marvel?”

    That’s what this is, 100%.

  16. I would like an enemy that Spidey could match wits with. maybe the Chameleon or Mysterio?

  17. Would LOVE to see Norman Osborn done right. Could definitely see Scorpion, or Kraven. Personally, I’d LOVE if they did the Clone Saga, put Kaine/Tarantula in there.

  18. In regards to your comment though, #2, I would say this is more of an attempt by Columbia to get that coveted first weekend of the summer box office. The report said no other movies have been lined up for summer 2014 yet so I’m sure they’re just trying to mark their territory. I would love it if it had to do with timing, but I would think with the success they had with the first trilogy they have a longer lease on the licensing rights and we’ll see them keep the rights for at least a third movie in this set. But what do I know about the movie biz.

  19. Maybe you’ve been officially labeled a disturber of the peace… you know, like Gandalf

    Not sure though, but I also got an email notice about it for some reason… I let your first comment go through, not sure if I’m allowed to do that, but it seems like a harmless comment

  20. My comment is awaiting moderation? Strange, as a writer for the blog I thought I’s get the benefit of the doubt 🙂

  21. LOL! I’ll start working on my article detailing why this sequel is going to suck right now 😉

    Seriously though, the quality of Spider-Man 3 suffered due to Sony demanding a set in stone release date that didn’t give the director the time he felt he needed to produce the quality of movie he desired. Are they not getting a little ahead of themselves again announcing a release date before the first one is even out?

    Could this date have anything to do with the requirements Sony has to meet in order to hold on to the license and prevent it from defaulting back to Marvel?

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