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  1. @23 nioo
    Blame omd for that. Shipping 3 times a month made it impossible for them to coordinate it with the bigger marvel universe.

  2. it was weird that spideys title only tied to dark reign for 5 issues. youd think it would factor in his life more

  3. sure im curious as to what the team is composed of, but after that initial curiosity it will quickly fade again. Its just not that deep.

  4. @#20 Two-Bit Specialist
    One reason why some may consider it a bad thing is b/c over the years Norman has been depicted as a person with an obsessive hatred toward Spidey (no surprise there), but it’s been defining him as a character, everything that he does revolves around that growing hatred toward Spidey. One could always argue that Norman should move past Spidey and on to bigger and better things, but then, he’s not really the Norman everyone has grown to love, he might as well be another character. I personally don’t mind Osborn clashing with other heroes (he has for years anyway, look at his relationship with Stark), I just think that Spidey should always remain at center stage. The web-head is the fuel that drives the Osborn-engine 🙂


    @#18 J. garrett
    First, I hated Siege’s ending and Spidey’s significant lack of involvement with Norman’s takedown (but thats also BND’s fault as well). However, I would consider that more of an issue with the way Spiderman was depicted throughout Dark Reign, not Norman. I read every DR book and although Osborn was whored out throughout that run (basically becoming enemies with everyone), Spidey still held a center role when it came to driving Norman mad. Specifically within the Dark Avengers books, the Molecule Man induced an illusion/hallucination that landed Norman in the Spidey costume. Aside from that, a recurring theme within DR was if you wanted to really get at Norman, bring up SpiderMan…Franklin Richards, Coat-of-Arms, Mystique all come to mind in that regard. Norman even said to Cloak and Dagger, “with great power comes great responsibility”…unbelievable! Norman was in hundreds of books during DR, and not all of them could address the Spidey/Norman dynamic.

    End of the day, I’ll definitely read this but I have no idea what to expect or if this even means that Osborn will be out of jail for sure…we’ll see I suppose, thanks for posting this BD

  5. @Two-Bit Specialist, I’m not saying Doom didn’t show up in other books, but you always knew who his arch-Nemesis(s) are. If an average joe picked up dark reign they wouldn’t have any idea Osborn was a spidey villain.

  6. If this spins off into a Dark Avengers ongoing, then I’ll be excited. Dark Avengers was one of my favorite books during Dark Reign and I’d love for it to return

  7. I’m still waiting for Ultimate Comics New Dark New Ultimates vs. Ultimate Avengers 2 #2.

  8. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll justify the undoing the righteous symmetry of Amazing #121-122!

  9. I’m honestly not sure how to feel about this. It’s been three years since the other series premiered and less than two since it wrapped with Siege. That sounds like a lot of time but it feels a bit short.

  10. @j.garrett – Actually, Doom was in a lot of things for a while. The Doomwar mini, one issue of New Avengers, Avengers: Children’s Crusade, Spider-Man/FF mini by Christos Gage, World War Hulks.

    Also, Marvel has been hyping Norman’s return in New Avengers for a while.

  11. Based on the image, looks like it’s just New Avengers #18, don’t think there’s a new Dark Avengers title. Although it is the same creative team as Dark Avengers.

  12. Damn the shadows again just show who it is. Bulleye as Hawkeye or Hawkeye himself Skarr or Hulk

  13. Maybe we will have a good avengers title again. And if dark avengers takes New avengers place, it will be one less team in which spidey will be.

  14. While I like Norman being a big player in the Marvel U., you don’t see Dr. Doom showing up in every book BUT FF…..grow needs to return to ASK for a while.

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