Marvel Spoils Identity of New Ultimate Spider-Man just sent me a press release spoiling the identity of the new Ultimate Spider-Man. Click the link below to read the release and learn the identity. Or wait and actually read the book. 

Marvel Reveals New Ultimate Comics Spider-Man

Meet Miles Morales, the all-new Spider-Man debuting in Ultimate Comics Fallout #4  in stores tomorrow


New York, NY—August 2nd, 2011—Pop culture history will be made tomorrow as Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 hits shelves and introduces readers to the all-new Ultimate Comics Spider-Man! That’s right, for the first time ever, someone other than Peter Parker will be Spider-Man! But, after the death of Peter Parker, who will rise up to defend the Ultimate Universe? Meet Miles Morales, a seemingly normal teenager from New York who will soon discover  that with great power comes great responsibility…and even greater danger! But just what are the secrets behind Miles’ shocking abilities? What’s his connection to the original Spider-Man? And just why does he wear that costume? Courtesy of superstars Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli, Ultimate Comics Fallout #4  begins the story that’ll have everyone talking for years to come!


“When the opportunity arose to create a new Spider-Man, we knew it had to be a character that represents the diversity—in background and experience—of the twenty-first century,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor in Chief. “Miles is a character who not only follows in the tradition of relatable characters like Peter Parker, but also shows why he’s a new, unique kind of Spider-Man—and worthy of that name.”


With its inception in 2000, the Ultimate Comics Universe reimagined the world’s most popular super heroes for a new generation and has been critically lauded for its bold, resonant stories. In particular, Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is widely considered one of the most important comics of the century, setting records for trade paperback sales and introducing one of the most popular versions of Spider-Man ever. With the death of Peter Parker in June 2011, all eyes were once again on the Ultimate Comics Universe, as mainstream media and fans alike speculated just who Marvel would put under the mask of this beloved hero. Now, the chart-topping team of Bendis and Pichelli begin the next major chapter of the Ultimate Comics Universe with September’s historic Ultimate Comics spider-Man #1, giving readers a chance to learn the origin of the most important new character of the century.


“The chance for the world to join a new Spider-Man as he discovers what that means in this modern world is one of the most challenging and crazy fun opportunities I’ve had as a writer,” explained Bendis. “The Ultimate Comics Universe according to Miles is completely unique.  I can’t wait to write every issue and I can’t wait for people to start reading them.”


Pichelli added, “I promise, you will fall in love with Miles– I already did. ‘Nuff Said.”

The world’s greatest super hero icon is about to undergo the most groundbreaking reinvention in comic book history—where will you be when the mask is lifted? Pick up Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 tomorrow at your local comic shop or digitally on the Marvel Comics App for iOS devices.











Cover by KAARE ANDREWS (Cover will be POLYBAGGED)

Variant Cover by SARA PICHELLI

FOC—8/22/11, On-Sale—9/14/11






FOC—8/29/11, On-Sale—9/21/11

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  1. @ eddiebrock: See it’s actually better from a writing point of view that they’re using a new character instead of one that has a lot of baggage they probably don’t want to use. Ult Ben is an above 20-something lab assistant who participated in illegal cloning experiments for the government, creating new life and having it brainwashed to serve the agenda of the government, with no previous displays of heroism. That’s something a writer would have to consider if he was Spider-Man and try to fit that backstory into it, most of it probably won’t, to just have a Spider-Man with the same name as a previous one.

    With a new character they can create him to be Spider-Man and have a backstory that fits as well as not being tied down to an age, job, and several questionable past activities. There’s a freedom to do what ever they want with the character rather than already being in a box before they even start.

  2. It’ll probably be a solid run, and if it’s long standing, a brave one. Sales will spike, but I don’t think this will last. Spidey’s had people replace/stand in for him in the regular line. They’ve been blonde, ginger, and even female. No real problems with that – they’ve just never been as interesting to read about as the actual Peter Parker Spider-Man. That’s where the appeal in Spider-Man stories for me lies.

  3. Well, this is interesting; but I would have rather they went with Ultimate Ben Reilly as the new Spider-Man instead. At least that would have drawn from the backstory. This kid has no prior connection to Ultimate Peter or that world.

  4. I’m sorry, but I just can’t go with this. No Peter Parker = No Spider-Man. Sure, a multi-racial superhero is a good thing. But Peter Parker is and always will be Spider-Man in my book. I don’t really care if this is another expression of Bendis’ ham-fisted left wing soapboxing. I’m used to that and I like his dialogue enough to continue to read his stuff. But I won’t be reading Ultimate Comics anymore. The only reason I read it in the first place was that I like all the things Bendis was doing with Peter Parker and the Spider-Man pantheon. But now that Peter is dead, so is my interest in this comic.

  5. @ Crutch I was just curious why you are out? Why would you get rid of all of your previous issues? I am confused?

  6. stupid. i quit. anyone want to but all of the ultimate series from me? lots of varients and EVERY issue!

  7. I.. don’tknowwhothisis…

    And… I don’t care. Written properly.. ANYONE could work. That’s the key.

    Quesada isn’t trying to shoehorn another relative into our Spider-Man books, is he?

  8. Honestly, the fact that there’s a new, “permanent” (I put the word in quotes because this is comics after all) Spider-Man who is not Peter Parker is interesting enough to me on its own. I couldn’t care less about Ultimate Spider-Man’s new ethnicity. I’m actually more intrigued by the fact that the man under the mask is a completely new character with no (well, unrevealed as of yet anyway) ties to Peter, the Parker family, or any other prominent Spider-Man-related character in the Ultimate universe. I’m curious to see where this all goes.

  9. @Masterwslinger – If Jonah died and the new editor of the Daily Bugle was Asian, then yeah, I’d be okay with that. But they are not making “Jonah” Asian and “Peter Parker” black and Hispanic. It just so happens that the new Spider-Man is black and Hispanic.

  10. I kinda guessed they’d do something like this. Thing is, why change Spider-man’s race? Can we make Jonah Chinese? I mean, why change him at all? Is nothing going to be canon? I wonder if Connor’s clones spiderman, and mixes in those two races so no one would know. My qualm is if everything has to be so politically correct. S.H.E.I.L.D leader was white in tv show, then he’s black now a black Spider-man? How much is left to be Spider-man vs an imitator? I do applaud Bendis for thinking outside the box though. Can he portray another race authentically without offending anyone? You know?

  11. I’m still convinced that poor old MJ will become this new Spidey’s version of Jameson, what with her blaming the superhero community for the death of her best friend.

  12. “Miguel O Hara is Irish/Mexican but they’ve never played into that.”

    I always thought they did a decent job of working that in, especially Miguel’s issues with his ‘dad.’

  13. I imagine this going the route of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, one slayer dies to be replaced by another

  14. I thought they did a decent job of reflecting Miguel’s Latino heritage, primarily his costume being from a Day of the Dead festival. My dad’s from Mexico, and I didn’t learn about that custom until spanish class in high school!

  15. I’m still iffy about these replacement heroes in the UU. I’ll still give it a shot tho.

  16. I just hate the fact they spoiled it so soon. Just one more freaking day man! Sheesh! #2 has a great point!

  17. Interesting. Not sure if I can bring myself to read and support the Ultimate line, and I am not a fan of Bendis at all. But I have to admit I am intruiged at learning more about this character and why he thinks he has the right to take up the mantle of Spider-Man.

    They should have given his title a better name than “Ultimate comics: “All New” Spider-Man”. If they are going to start again at number 1 with a non Peter Parker Spider-Man, then it should have it’s own title.

    “Ultimate Spider-Man Black” would be a cool name but it’s too on the nose and insensitive even if it is referring to the costume rather than skin color. Hmmm, how about “Miles Morales: Spider-Man”, seems a good way to separate him from Peter and tell those not in the know that this is not Peter (rather than just a new gimmicky costume) right from the cover.

  18. I don’t really care either way as I stopped reading ultimate books a long time ago. I just wish they would take the time to try and invent original heroes for the purposes of diversity rather than to constantly try and change previous characters. Oh well. Hope it works for them somehow.

  19. I’m sure some jackass will look at my first comment and scoff than attack me for my opinion.
    So I’d like to point out that if this were the original Peter Parker. I would not be on board with this decision.
    But alternate universe? Sure it’s fair game for me. This isn’t the first time we’ve had a mixed Spider-man. Miguel O Hara is Irish/Mexican but they’ve never played into that.

    I hope they do this one justice. 😀

  20. YES!!! A mixed Spider-man, and both of my ethnic sides are being used. Some people are going to be pissed.
    I can understand that but it’s about freakin time we got into SOMETHIN. I’m breaking my rule. I’m picking this up. 🙂

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