In the wake of horrified reactions from everyone’s most reliable pal the internet concerning the race changes of several different characters in other media, I thought I would take time to insert my own opinion concerning these vocalized quibbles.
Diversity in comics has always been one of the Comic Book industry’s favorite subjects to both carry and avoid discussion on. From the Marvel Renaissance in the 60s’ inclusion of the Black Panther and the Falcon to the early 70s’ creations of Green Lantern John Stewart , Shang Chi and Luke Cage, each decade saw more and more prominence of minority characters in the major Comic Book companies. It was those instances of diversity that serves as both a gift and a curse when it came to broadening the scope of variety in characters made available to readers of all races and backgrounds. While kids could say that Green Lantern was black, they still couldn’t say that THE Green Lantern was black, the classic one. The Falcon, the first African American super hero, played second fiddle to Captain America, as his partner or, using the more derogatory term, sidekick. Most notable of all was Luke Cage, who despite being the first black character to have his own solo title was often derided by readers as embodying Marvel’s attempt to cash in on the blaxsploitation phase of the 1970 s, with aspects of his title mirroring Black film hits such as Shaft and Superfly. Lest we forget Shang Chi, an asian character who at the time of his initial publication was a “Kung Fu Master” and the son of Fu-Manchu.
This isn’t to tear down the comic book industry’s attempts to diversify their characters. It’s an illustration that shows how difficult it has been historically to portray minorities in an industry run mostly by white men. The common denominator is this: “Why can’t there a black/Asian/Hispanic/insert-unsaid-minority-here character like Superman?”

One of the earliest instances of “blackening up” a mainstream white character I’ve read is in Batman #250. “The Batman Nobody Knows!” by Frank Robbins and Dick Giordano tells the story of millionaire Bruce Wayne taking three “underprivileged” youths on a camping trip. Passing the time, he asks each boy how they think Batman is. One kid in particular, a black kid, sees him as the living embodiment of every black hero big in the film industry at the time. Even after Bruce appears as Batman in front of the kids to give them a sense of reality, the boys still stick to their initial beliefs about the Caped Crusader, with the black boy still maintaining that Batman is literally black.
What this shows is not only a black hero black readers can relate to, but one that is seen as an “Icon” of all people everywhere. It demonstrates a shared desire to make the heroes of the world more like them, in order to make them easier to look up to.
For minority readers. Not for everyone.
While the notion of taking an iconic character and changing their race may appeal to non-white readers, mention it to the odd white reader and it’s tantamount to blasphemy of the most heinous quality. After all, “if Superman or Captain America were made to be white, then they should be white! That’s who they are, and they shouldn’t be changed for diversity’s sake. It’s as bad as Affirmative Action!”…I paraphrase.
Before I rant, this needs to stay in somewhat of a fair context. This article is not suggesting that any and everyone who prefer to have fictional characters that were originally created as white stay white are automatically racist. Comic fans are comic fans first and foremost, and one of the best things I’ve come to realize throughout my years in the game is that pretty much all of them no matter what racial background they belong to genuinely don’t care about a character’s color as long as he or she is worth reading about. And that’s what it should be. That’s why white readers can read comics like Black Panther, Steel, Static, Firestorm or Green Lantern: MOSAIC and not feel alienated because of the characters’ race. It’s the story content, first and foremost. This is what the large majority of the readership has proven to fall back on, and it’s what I do truly love about being a fan of the medium. The fan-ship truly crosses all racial, ethnic and national backgrounds and no place was this more apparent to me than at San Diego Comic Con. I saw so many different people of different racial makeups dressed as various characters, some that even contradicted their own race (like a black Sailor Moon). It just goes to show that this medium can bring everyone across the world together, regardless of how corny or even unthinkable that may sound.
However, the notion of changing a character’s initial race has in my experience always caused debate and contention with fans, fo fairly obvious reasons. To put it bluntly, many black people say “YAY”, many white people say “NAY”.
Again, does that automatically have to place them in a racially centered, highly opinionated class of close mindedness? Not necessarily, but it does suggest that they CAN be. At least to me it does.
One of the most notable instances of changing a “character’s” race that I’m familiar with is the Post-Crisis second wearer of the Batgirl mantle, Cassandra Cain. Not one of the first, as both John Stewart and Connor Hawke pre date her. But this is a character in particular who I feel is a successful example of what a lot of people seem to rally against in comics. The background for her case is that Barbara Gordon, the Once and Future original Batgirl, had been long since been confined to a wheelchair and had taken up a new identity as the cyber hacker “Oracle”. Until Cassandra picked up the cape, there hadn’t been a Batgirl in the comics for about ten years. So both time and distance had seemingly allowed for Cassandra to don the mask without too much furor over it. To my knowledge, no one has ever shown a problem with her being Batgirl. I’ve not heard cries of DC desecrating classic characters for the sake of diversity, and honestly how could they? If Cassandra was made Batgirl around the same time as Tim was made Robin, I.E. right after Babs was paralyzed, there might have been some backlash. However, when considering the aforementioned Robin scenario it does beg the question of the likelihood that Cassandra would not be taken as warmly if there were little distance between Babs’ paralysis and her first appearance. Tim Drake appeared less than a year after Jason Todd was murdered by the fans/Joker, and though his journey to become Robin was slower than most, it had been anticipated, built up and achieved in a little under two years time. So comparatively, there isn’t much cause for worry that Cassandra’s Batgirl debut necessitated a distance from Barbara’s permanent prevention from ever donning the cape again seeing as how relatively quick Tim Drake succeeded his predecessor in both comic book time and real time.
But these are all hypotheticals. The point is that just like the case with Ultimate Spider-Man, here is an instance where a classic superhero title is given to a newly created minority character (Cass first appeared in 1999 and is half Chinese) after the iconic predecessor has been put out of action for good. The difference is in both the time between the cause and effect, and of course the general reaction. But we’ll get one to that later.
Coupling Batgirl with John Stewart’s Green Lantern and Connor Hawke’s Green Arrow, it would appear that DC hasn’t really had too much trouble introducing non-white characters into classic hero mantles. Compare that to Marvel, which is an interesting case when considering that Marvel has historically featured a number of minority characters that have proven to be more popular than DC’s. Robbie Robertson, Storm, Bishop and even Blade to a degree have all become well known characters within their perspective Marvel corners. But when changing a classic white character to black in the different media interpretations, it always seems as though this is where the fans’ racial tolerance runs out.
Perhaps that last line was harsh, but consider this: with every race change Marvel has made in their film adaptations, there has been fan outcry to varying degrees. As said before, it can be understandable when considering that the classics heroes of old have always been traditionally white, yet at the same time I ask what characters of the following can really be considered classic? Michael Clarke Duncan’s the Kingpin and Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury are the two easiest examples to point at, with Kerry Washington’s Alicia Masters coming in at third. With each instance I’ve heard a wish that the actors weren’t cast to keep things consistent with the source material, and as said before that is a very fair wish. But be that as it may, I do wonder how strong of an opinion can one really hold with those instances in the first place. Are Alicia Masters and Wilson Fisk so sacred, so classic, so WHITE that they absolutely demand to remain in their initial racial makeup for a mainstream audience?
Nick Fury is a different an interesting example in that it’s not so much that it’s a black Nick Fury in the Marvel movies as it is the Ultimate Nick Fury. The classic character of the Jim Steranko era is a secret agent type of ex-army spy guy. The Ultimate version is a sort of FBI spook type of character who operates with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the shadows. What makes this particularly stand out is that while I have heard fan complaint of using Ultimate Fury in the movies, the overall opinion of this version’s inclusion has been particularly welcomed. So what, is it just Sam Jack’s star power that people love?
So the main thing we can observe is that between the Big Two, DC likes to create new interpretations of the characters in the comics, while Marvel movies tend to have characters’ races change up, and when it comes to the movies it’s there where the complaints emerge.
Or is it? In the early 2000s after “Infinite Crisis”, Blue Beetle, the Atom and Firestorm, three white super heroes were separately removed from the books and replaced with a Hispanic teenager, a black teenager and an Asian man respectively. This is where I started to really notice the heat being directed at DC’s insertion of minority replacements for classic characters. With the replacements being done within a year or less, fan outcry consisted of DC killing or writing off some of their favorite character solely for the sake of adding diversity. The backlash wasn’t huge, but it was significant and the fans who hated the changes made DC out to look like a company with a very basic idea of diversity…despite the fact that this type of move was nothing new to the company. See the aforementioned Batgirl and Green Arrow mentioned above.
But what was different for the readers this time around? Was it the sense that the replacements occurred too fast? Was it the fact that all three were completely new characters, as Cassandra and Connor were both introduced before they fully replaced their predecessors. Whatever it was, the main complaint was vocalized to be that DC tossed aside classic characters for minorities just for the sake of having them. My personal opinion? I did see that complaint as valid because the rapid replacing did feel a bit cold to long time readers. However what proceeded to happen with two out of the three characters is what got under my skin.
By 2010, the new Firestorm was on his way to be replaced by the original in the pages of Brightest Day, while the new Atom was killed by the Titans: Villians for Hire. Cassandra Cain’s series had been canceled in 2006 to make way for the upcoming Batwoman title, which as of this writing has yet to actually premiere due to a list of delays. Connor Hawke has been replaced as the premiere Green Arrow by the original, Oliver Queen, and the new Blue Beetle’s title was canceled by issue #36. Cries from fan-dom at DC for essentially removing all of their major minority characters from the front lines were made, with special outrage attributed to the Asian Atom, Ryan Choi’s death. Coupled with the resurgence of several long-time but until-recently dead old school characters like Hal Jordan and Barry Allen, a major complaint at DC was that it was heading back to the Silver and Bronze Age, or as some referred to it as, “white-washing” the company line.

And still, fan debate conflicted with each new instnace. Just as The original Question passed his mantle down to gay latina female Renee Montoya, Cassandra Cain was being replaced completely with Stephanie Brown, a blonde haired, blue eyed white teenager. Just as John Stewart enjoyed tremendous success as the main Green Lantern in the Justice League animated series, The Spectacular Spider-Man received criticism over changing half of the supporting characters’ ethnicity due to the fact that the show took place in 2008 New York. One of the most twisted instances for the sake of pure incredulity was the popular interracial marriage of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, contrasting with the much-out spoken union of Black Panther and Storm of the X-Men. As the industry grows more and more complex with it’s characters and storylines, race in comics seemingly becomes more and more of a hot button issue with each and every new obstacle.
Which brings us to the current time we’re in. As of yesterday, it’s been announced that the Superman character Perry White will be played by black actor Laurence Fishburne in the upcoming “Man of Steel” movie. Over at Marvel, the late Ultimate Peter Parker will be succeeded by a half black/half Hispanic teenager named Miles Morales. While fan response has been mixed, the negative side has appeared to be more vocal.
And here’s where I have my major contention with people.
First it should be said that more people have reacted negatively to the Ultimate Spider-Man news than the Superman movie news, so that more or less gets a pass. In any case, it’s another typical instance of a film adaptation changing a race due to the hiring of an actor. The fact that people seem to be up in arms over the new Ultimate Spider-Man being of mixed non-white race pretty much bugs the hell out of me. And when I say “up in arms over the new Ultimate Spider-Man being of mixed non-white race”, I mean that is the main problem people have specifically, whether it’s addressed directly or indirectly.
From what I’ve heard online, it’s the fact that this feels like a big gimmick from Marvel that people have a problem with. And they would be right, it is clearly a gimmick. Without a doubt. Why? Because Marvel released images of the character unmasked before the comic came out. Obviously, they wanted to ensure that people knew about the “race change” before deciding on whether or not to pick it up. Now I have a problem with this as well, as it’s basically Marvel Comics being sensational as all get out, getting across the fact that a minority character in an iconic character mantle has to be water cooler material. Essentially, Marvel wants you to know that this kid is half black, half hispanic and nothing else about him going into the comic. So I agree that it’s really stupid to assume that the readership is so attracted to anyone that’s black.
But my larger problem is with the people who think that Spider-Man as a character just should not be black whatsoever. The people with this opinion know that it is A) a different universe separate from the classic and happily white Peter Parker, B) a different character completely unlike Peter Parker, which leads to C) NOT A RACE CHANGE BY DEFINITION. By that token, every character listed earlier in the article is a race change. Batgirl, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and others such as Bucky, Captain Marvel, Goliath, Johnny Thunder, Mr. Terrific, and Dr. Light. Why people feel that Spider-Man is the exception to all of these characters leads to a larger, more disturbing point but the more immediate point is this: If a character you love is killed off, that’s one thing. If you know he’s going to be replaced, the thought that he might be of a different race should cross your mind. If you can’t reconcile with that possibility, you need to get your priorities in order. Spider-Man is supposed to be THE #1 most relatable character in the world, and a difference in people should not change that continual truism. Whether or not that fact will be kept up in the new title has yet to be seen. But if your knee-jerk reaction to the mantle being passed down to a minority kid is despondence or disgust, you need to leave the 21st century now.
However, this does lead to a number of questions that the situation poses…is changing the race of a classic character acceptable at all? Does it depend on the character? If it does, which character cannot be changed no matter what?
These are questions my brother and I asked ourselves while driving around town earlier today. We both went for broke, listing off iconic characters such as Superman, Batman, Spidey and Captain America. After a bit of thought, we came to the conclusion that, to us, it wouldn’t matter a bit if these characters were made to be black. In many cases, it makes the basic story more interesting. If Bruce Wayne were the heir to a rich black doctor, does that make him an Uncle Tom in the eyes of Gotham City? How would that affect his outlook when prowling the streets as Batman? Can an infant Kal-El be brought up by a black farmer in the mid-west? Would it make a difference if he landed in the deep south? How would the history of the Marvel Universe differ if in World War II Captain America was a man fighting both the Aryan ideologies of the Axis Powers and racism from his own infantry? Going from these ideas, would all the characters have to be switched? If Peter Parker changes, does Jonah and Robbie? Is Robbie the white best friend of the irascible Jonah, or is he the Publisher of the Daily Bugle. If all the characters change, does that change the geological scope of the planet? Are Middle Easterns in Japan and Asians in Pakistan?

Slowing down a bit, the main question is this: How does changing race service the story? In comic books, even I would admit that it would be odd and disconcerting to one day see Tim Drake wake up and looking like he’s Corbin Bleu. The character is as old as I am publication-wise, so it just would not the same Robin I’ve grown up with. At the same time, I only would get upset if it was done purely to serve as diversification and not for story purposes because that’s just plain exploitation. Before people call me hypocrite, every example of race changing in the comics has been done to service the story. Blue Beetle is Jamie Reyes because it’s a different character for a different story. Where the film adaptations are concerned, the actors cast for the classically white roles have been great each time. Michael Clarke Duncan captured the Kingpin’s vicious nature both in the theatrical version and director’s cut of the Daredevil movie. Kerry Washington…*tiger growwwl*…oh, and she did a fine job acting as well. And I’ve already mentioned the warm reception Jackson’s Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D has gotten.
But to not sugarcoat the possibilities, what if Donald Glover is cast as Spider-Man? Don’t care. Michael Jai White as Batman? Awesome. Morris Chestnut as Superman? Bad casting. It’s all about what they can bring to the story and characters, and everyone knows this. Same thing with black characters as traditionally white title characters in comics. Serve the story. Can it be a gimmick? Possibly, but is diversity automatically a gimmick? That’s something I don’t understand, the negative connotation accompanied with the word “diversity”.
Now while opinion is my own, it isn’t a unique feeling over the subject. Several different people have thoughts over general race changing in comics, and I asked a wide range of people throughout the day. From people you may know online to the people I know personally in my civillain identity, the concept of race changing in comics brought about a lot of opinions. Some different, some similar.
“In all seriousness: Does this reek of desperate, hasty diversification for the sake of superstar PR? We will say this: The fact that Marvel officials haven’t identified Morales as anything beyond half-black, half-Latino, which could mean a million things in America, isn’t a good starting point.”
“I hate changes of this sort because they positively reek of what they are — shit-stirring for the sake of controversy and gaining attention and forced “racial balancing” of something some fool has proclaimed to be “too white”. It is pure nonsense. What I’d really like to know is if other ethnicities are really all that cool with continually getting hand-me-down heroes in nerd world or wouldn’t they like to have more awesome and totally original ones to call their own?”
My brother: “It would automatically be interesting. You can’t change black characters to white because it’s an entirely different scenario. But if Superman or Captain America were made black, at the very least it would be interesting.
Black co-worker: “If Superman was made black, I would be interested. (Why?) Because he’s always been white, but if he were black I would care to read him.
White co-woker: “I’m a big Spider-Man fan…if he were made black I’d be pissed! I grew up with Peter Parker as white, I’m used to seeing him white.”
Jon Wilson: “There are two ways Bendis might have approached this. Either he wanted to kill Peter Parker and try to tell stories about another Spider-Man, and he decided to go with a minority character. OR he wanted to “de-white” the classic pantheon of superheroes a little and realized he could do so with Ultimate Spider-Man, so he killed Peter. I think fans might are assuming it’s the second and are pissed. But i think, either way, it says cool things about him creatively.People cry about “you don’t have to kill Peter. make a whole new character who is a minority” and they ahve a point, but that’s been done plenty of times, and none of those characters has ever reached the popularity level of the classic pantheon. You have all these guys who were created in the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, and they’re all white, and almost all male. And it should be okay to realize that that’s a product of the time and try to mess with the rules. And if there’s any place where messing with the rules is allowed, it’s the Ultimate Marvel universe.”
BerserkFury819: “I don’t really care one way or the other. I’m not buying USM anymore and haven’t been for awhile because I believe the quality dropped. I personally feel like its a bit stunty and Marvel is going “see, we’re diverse!” If they really wanted more diversity, shouldn’t they have done this in the main Marvel U? My only real issue was some comments Bendis made about how “now minorities can relate to Spider-Man” or something to that effect. Which to me comes off as elitest. I thought anyone could identify with Peter, thats why we all love him. I’m certainly not angry, and I don’t think its as a big a deal as people are making it out to be. I just think Bendis is being kind of obnoxious in how he’s talking about it. Also, I understand this new Spidey is 13. That seems kind of young to be alone and not have a mentor. Yeah the current Robin is 10, but he’s got Batman and two former Robins to help him out.”
Stella: “I like diversification, but I don’t like it being forced. *cough cough DC cough* (Him being hispanic) feels forced.”

Gerard DeLatour II: “Speaking as somebody that is mixed (about 3/4 black), this feels VERY exploitative. The entire gist of the change seems to be “ZOMG HE’S A DARKIE, HOW EXCITING AND DIFFERENT” rather than “Check out this cool new character that’s going to be Spider-Man, and we hope you like him.” In fact, they even made sure to add the obligatory statements in the press release telling you how you should feel about this before it even comes out. And making his costume black is pretty damn insulting, to boot. Yeah, this is probably a case of Marvel PR twisting this into something it isn’t (in other words, Bendis and Pichelli have the best of intentions), but I for one am very put off by how this is being presented.”
“We have to be fair to this character and give him a shot, but this press release didn’t get off to a good start. Miguel O’Hara was great because he wasn’t Peter Parker — and I mean that in a figurative sense. If this dude turns out to be a thinly-veiled Peter Parker clone (again, figuratively), then it would be a huge disappointment all around.”
Joshua Lapin-Bertone: “I will not be reading the new Ultimate Spider-Man. It has nothing to do with the color of the new Spider-Man’s skin. I just got tired of the relaunches and storylines a while ago. There is a new Spider-Man and it’s fine that he’s black. We had a new Spider-Man who was blonde (Ben) and at one point a Spider-Man without male body parts (Mattie Franklin masqueraded as Spidey for the first two of the relaunch). I saw Daredevil and Kingpin was black. Ultimates have had a black Fury. The FF movie had a black Alicia (at least she wasn’t a Skrull). It’s not as if this character is even white in 616 cause it’s a new guy.”
Brad Douglas: ” Ok here’s my 2 cents. Peter Parker as created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962 was a white kid from New York. If the two created him in 2011 they may have went with a different race, but they didn’t. Now if you want to create a new hero in 2011 to be just as good as Spider-Man sure go ahead. But I don’t understand changing his race. Sure it makes headlines and it sells a ton of books, and Ultimate needed it.”
Thomas Matis: “Well over all, I like the new character. I have no problem with his ethnicty and think that it great that a major comic book character is something different. My fear however is that people are going to jump on the promotion of the ethnicity as they have already done to use as an excuse to justify not reading the book just as they did when fans jumped on the promotion of the brand new ultimate universe back when Ultimate Spider-Man first came out in 1999. My fear is that yet again, a great comic book will be punished by fans by it promotion which has nothing to do with whether the comic is good or not.”
Zach Joiner: “Here are people, who for whatever reason, are offended because of the fact that the new Ultimate Spider-Man is Black. Er, excuse me, Half Black and Half Hispanic. For whatever reason, there are some out there who think it’s classic Political Correctness running amuck, or the fact that we’re now doing this because we’re trying to be ethically diverse for the sake of it. Clearly, there is a story to be told, and it’s not something that longtime fans haven’t seen before. In fact, off the top of my head, I remember a Peter Parker Spider-Man issue that Paul Jenkins wrote that had a little boy who was black wanting to be Spider-Man. The story ends with Spidey unmasking and it being a black man under the mask. The point of the story was that Spider-Man could be anyone. I remember discussing this one of the designers of the Hasbro Action Figure line. (I made the case that it could be Ben Reilly) Its one of the great things about Spider-Man! I remember discussing this one of the designers of the Hasbro Action Figure line. (I made the case that it could be Ben Reilly) Its one of the great things about Spider-Man! He could be you under the mask! His entire body is covered! He could be YOU! ME! Anyone! That’s what makes him great! The only thing that bugged me was the randomness of the Hispanic aspect of the character. Why? I mean, I get it: Axel Alonzo is half Hispanic, Quesada is Hispanic, but the randomness is there. If it’s a homage to another character, Miguel O’Hara, then fine by me. Like Brad said, it just makes headlines, which is what Marvel seems to crave. Plus it gave a new reason for people to hate Glenn Beck.”
So the people have spoken, and more importantly, so have I. But this is a topic worth debating about for years to come, so comments would especially be appreciated this time around. What are YOUR thoughts on the subject of race change in comics and comic book media?
I’m so glad marvel decided to go down this road. Not the race thing which does not bother me as a white Australia in the least. But the decision to make the new ultimate spider-man a brand new character, with no past I need to catch up on. I missed out on the start of, the original spider-man (born way to late)., and I didn’t really get in on the ground floor with ultimate spider-man either. So to be able to now follow miles on his journey as spider-man and getting to watch and learn about him from the very beginning is very exciting for me, can’t wait for the first issue. Not saying that its necessary to enjoy comics (collecting from the first appearance), but it’s a cool prospect for me.
My main problem is the minority overkill. Half black and half latino? what’s next? is he gonna be jewish and gay too? So everyone will be happy? Beside, minorities characters can be interesting (Arana, Green lantern, Luke cage, kitty pride…). But they have to be more than just a black version of a pre existing charatcer. But I’m afraid Miles Morales (notice how it both names start with the same letter like Peter Parker, Reed Richard and al.) will be nothing more than a black Peter Parker…
“Eerily prophetic in this day and age.”
More like Morrison totally took that idea and ran with it to create Batwing in Batman, Inc.
great article! I assume the guy you mentioned at the beginning was Glenn Beck *shudders*
Good piece Donovan, thanks for posting this.
I don’t have a problem with Miles Morales as Ultimate Spider-Man, Parker’s still around in the 616. Did Marvel do this for publicity? Maybe, probably, but so what if they did, if the net result is more diversity & representation? This “event” has made me think about an old column written by the late,great Dwayne McDuffie, about the Black Panther’s 70s adventures in ‘Jungle Action’:
“I’ve spoken ad nauseam about the importance of multiculturalism in fiction, as in life. I’ve preached about the sense of validation a kid feels when they see their image reflected heroically in the mass media. This particular summer afternoon, reading about the dastardly (but nuanced) Eric Killmonger’s villainous plot to usurp the Black Panther’s rightful throne, is precisely when it happened to me. I realized that these stories could be about me, that I could be the hero. Years later writing in my own comic I’d describe that wonderful feeling as “the sudden possibility of flight.” Milestone Comics was, among many other things, an attempt to pass that feeling along. It’s all about gaining the high ground. From up there, you gain the perspective to allow you to see the many possibilities open to you. This issue of JUNGLE ACTION single-handedly revealed to me that there were new heights to reach, new vistas to view. It also, not incidentally, entertained the Hell out of me.
Thank you, Don McGregor.”
I wonder what McDuffie would’ve said about this new Spider-Man.
Re:John Byrne’s comments(quoted in comment #20), let’s all thank goodness that Spider-Man wasn’t replaced by a Latina woman with blond hair, that would’ve sent the author of ‘Spider-Man:Chapter One’ off the deep end:
“Personal prejudice: Hispanic and Latino women
with blond hair look like hookers to me, no matter
how clean or “cute” they are. Somehow those skin
tones that look so good with dark, dark hair just don’t
work for me with lighter shades.”
-John Byrne on Jessica Alba being cast as Sue Storm in the FF movie
First of all, thanks to Donovan for writing such a comprehensive article. It’s one that I found incredibly fascinating in that he concisely explains his point of view in both objective and personal terms, which ain’t easy to do.
As for this entire Black Spider-Man issue…I don’t see what all the rumpus is about. If this were a Black Peter Parker I could understand the “WTF” attitude. But just like Ben Reilly and Miguel O’Hara, this is another character taking over being Spider-Man for awhile. I can’t work up an kind of feeling about this one way or another since this to me is just another way of Marvel trying to get people to buy comics. The industry is in piss-poor shape now and has been for years. Nobody’s creating any new characters for Marvel or DC so they have no choice but to recycle the ones they have in any way they can.
The solution as I see it is easy; if you don’t like the change, don’t buy the comic. But comic fans will and continue to BMW about it. Comic book fans are worse than crackheads. Eventually even crackheads wake up and say, “y’know, I’m tired of this shit” and quit. Not fanboys.
I find it shocking that they made a new character black or white. Why not have one of Peter’s friends get powers to take up the slack. It feels like he’s making Spider-man his way, and his comic, rather than giving respect to Stan Lee and ask him first. “Hey, what do you think of x’. There are film companies that ASK before they switch things, or add in new characters. I think I would preferred halfblack/halfhispanic Miguel, that would be related to the story than a random new character. Either way, if it inspires children of every ethnic background to read comics and learn a moral story, more power to them. I find odd that he’s even younger that Peter. How will a kid, barely a teen fight crime? Even Peter got beat up. I hope they find a way to train him to be good at martial arts at that young or something. Let’s see how this comic will role.
This isn’t exactly a new practice in comics though —>
did you just suggest michael jai white as in Black Dynamite, to be batman?
that’d be so cool
I’ll echo what Mr. Byrne said on his forums since I feel the same way
from: ( Don’t know how to link direct to the post, but it’s in there)
More creative bankruptcy. Remember the Black Panther? Remember Luke Cage?
Somewhere along the line — and, sadly, it’s not recent — Black characters at Marvel suddenly were only allowed if they adopted the names of existing characters. Iron Man. Captain Marvel. Giant-Man (who’d begun with the staggeringly original name “Black Goliath”). Nick Fury. Now, a Black Spider-Man.
I’ll admit to having created only a handful of Black characters, but at least NONE of them were forced to follow in some White guy’s footsteps.
Aren’t Black audiences weary yet of this modern-day Minstrel Show?
@17 ChaosInc… I’m not advocating for it to be done and can’t ever see it happening, I’m just agreeing that its a double standard and as long as these double standards are present, this will always be an issue. When you say stuff like “it’s a different situation” or the like, you just perpetuate this idea that there are groups of people out there who feel like they are owed something or that they are constantly victimized. Are there people out there who discriminate against other people, sadly yes, but that is not the way everyone feels, made apparent by the fact that we, as a country, were able to elect someone like Obama. In order to achieve equality in all mediums, this mindset of “well we can change this about this person because he’s white and that’s ok because we’re just ‘balancing’ it out and ‘making it fair'” is wrong and needs to end. If you want more minority characters, then make a minority character, don’t just change the race of established characters or do some big publicity stunt like this to try and prove that you are diverse. The characters created were a representation of the time that they were created in, so create new characters to reflect the current status if you have a problem with the way it is, and that’s what Bendis is trying to do it seems. Marvel is just shoving this aspect of the character down our throats, making it a much bigger deal and issue than it should be.
I have no problem with races and background being changed in alternate universes such as Ultimate as long as it makes sense, and I have no problem with a minority being Spider-Man as long as the story is good. So I guess I’ll see come Ultimate Spider-Man number 1 how I really feel about this change.
@Iron Patriot, Yeah that’s exactly what I meant. My only real issue with this is that this kid is 13. For some reason or another it’s a hard pill to swallow for a thirteen year old to be called Spider-Man. I don’t know why Bendis decided to make him younger than Peter.
@ 14: ““You can’t change black characters to white because it’s an entirely different scenario.” Why is that a completely different scenario?” It’s different because we don’t live in a perfect world where popular entertainment showcases more than just straight white dudes. It’s a double standard but it’s a tiny one because those guys are the only diverse ones standing next to the white guys.
You take away the whiteness of Nick Fury or Kingpin and you’re still left with an ocean full of white dudes but now there’s some more diverse guys showing there’s more than just the ocean out there. Take away Falcon, Luke Cage, Black Panther, and the others and you’ve only got white dudes filling up your universe. Now if there wasn’t such an ocean but a mix of all different ethnicities all out there as big, if not bigger, as the current white dude situation then it’d be fine if Falcon was not black. But that’s not the world we live in and comics don’t have such a huge mix of ethnicities but a tiny one. Take away one of that tiny number and you’re left with an even bigger eclipsing ocean, take away one of the massive amount of white guys and the ocean won’t notice as there’s still plenty left in there.
A tiny double standard in a not so perfect world.
I think most people dislike changing the race of an already-established character because it reeks of pandering to a market, while disrupting continuity in the name of politics. Marvel and the media did their share to stir up controversy here, however. Headlines led you to believe that the original Peter Parker was changing his race. Most Americans have no idea that the Ultimate series even exists, so what else were they going to think?
Great article as always Don. I agree with Zack. Spider-man could literally be anyone under the mask.
Stan Lee himself has said many times over, that’s something he liked about the character. (Even years before the Donald Glover Controversy).
They aren’t changing anything about PETER PARKER. They are simply adding a new webslinger to the mythos. Keeping Peter 15 was getting stale.
People are overreacting for the wrong reasons. This does not even affect the classic M.U. what-so-ever. Stan Lee did not create Ultimate Spider-man. Brian Michael Bendis did and he made this move HIMSELF. Nothing sacred has been destroyed…
You guys know what?
Miles is not the first character to be introduced this way.
What about Rhodey? (War Machine) Steel (Originally a superman replacement.) Green Lantern? (Jon Stewart) Miguel O Hara (Half Mexican)? Kyle FREAKING Rayner!!!
(The BEST GL. Also Half Mexican)
All of these characters are still incredibly popular and have done the same thing. Jon Stewart also faced controversy like this in Justice League TAS. He was so popular after that run that people actually complained with the same reasons when they used Hal Jordan in The Batman. (Jon still sucks in the comics though)
Making Miles half Hispanic is forced? Don’t get me wrong, but that’s like saying people like me shouldn’t exist.
Mixed race is represented far less than strong minorities and in this generation, I’m not as alone as I was in the early 90s. It’s more common to see an interracial couple.
I always felt different in my neighborhood.
I’d get racist comments on BOTH sides for being black and from having different eyes, skin, and hair. That’s always fun. =/
Most people say “It doesn’t matter. If your 12% black that’s the way the world treats you”.
And that’s how most headlines have been running with this story. “Black Spider-man”.
Obama is half white and people ignore that fact and call him a terrorist all the time when it’s impossible for him to do a worse job than Bush.
Than you have some black people saying “He’s not black” and jumping in on the racism. I know how that feels.
You know what? As a kid (growing up in the hood if you will) I think the saddest thing from my childhood is not being able to pretend that I was my favorite Superhero when I played with white kids.
Now you won’t have a team of 5 Static (Shocks) and 2 War Machines vs Superman Batman Spider-man and Wonder Woman (For the weird kid).
I still say this is a FANTASTIC idea. How Marvel ran with it in the “MERRY NEW MARVEL FASHION”….not so much.
I’m totally fine if most of you say you prefer Peter Parker. I feel the same way about Bruce Wayne…
But c’mon….some of these “excuses” not to dislike this character are just so not cool. I remember feeling the same way about Batman Beyond that idea NEVER should have worked.
Now it’s one of my favorite Batman shows ever.
I find some of your opinions unintentionally offensive, HOWEVER you guys are GREAT people who did not grow up the way I did. So I don’t hold anything against you. We cool. 🙂
I find it interesting that they chose to reveal so much about him already in the news. You don’t get a name, or ethnicity from reading Ultimate Fallout 4 and they could have left it at that and had it be like “who is this guy, what’s he’s background” but Marvel wanted to make it a point and say “hey, he’s black and hispanic.” That’s what I find annoying, they should just let the story tell itself.
I agree with TonyD in comment #7… this is not a big issue because this isn’t a race change. This isn’t them saying Peter Parker is now black. I think that’d be wrong. I’m not a fan of changing the characters race, but a different character taking up the mantle is fine. Do I like that they did it with Spider-Man? No, because I like Peter Parker as Spider-Man because that’s what I grew up with. It’s part of the reason I don’t like Spider-Man 2099. But as long as it’s a good story and they can give me a good explanation why this 13 year old kid is parading around as Spider-Man I will give it a chance.
Great article though, my only gripe is with your brothers comment: “You can’t change black characters to white because it’s an entirely different scenario.” Why is that a completly different scenario? That is my biggest problem with racial differences. I don’t understand why it’d be ok for the Waynes brothers to portray stupid white girls in a movie, but if a white guy were to do it, it’d be the most racist thing in the world (yes, Downey did it in Tropic Thunder but the whole point was the ridiculous aspect of it). Why can’t a white guy take over the mantle of the Falcon? Sure I agree that Black Panther would be a tough sell, but if there was a good story established where maybe a white South African or someone gets involved with Wakanda and takes up the mantle to protect his new home, why shouldn’t they do it. It can’t go just one way, that’s not fair and part of the reason why the race card will always be an issue. Making T’Challa a white guy would be wrong, sure, but then so should making Peter Parker black because that’s who Peter Parker is, a white, middle-class nerd. That’s just the way it is. Nobody should think they are off limits if you want to start changing races.
I detest it almost universally when a character’s race is changed just for the sake of diversity. Sometimes in movies it can be necessary and work quite well (Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin), but 95% of the time it’s pointless and I hate it. The new Superman thing with Laurence Fishburn irks me. There was no reason for that. And I like Fishburn as an actor.
The USM thing I’m perfectly fine with. He’s a new character altogether which is what should be done every single time. I won’t be reading USM but that’s because of OMD/BND. I hope the character succeeds on his own merits. I think that will be a good thing.
That’s my two cents.
Utterly fantastic article!
Whatever happened to Connor Hawke? I always liked him.
I’m a 21 year old white male, and I was pumped for this change. I guessed about two months ago that the new Spidey would be a minority, and I was even more excited about the possibility of Ben Reilly (I’m a huge 616 BR fan). When Marvel revealed Miles, I was thrilled. I thought this was new, interesting, and exciting. Like people have said, this is not changing Peter Parker’s race. This is someone else taking on the mantle of Spider-Man. Has Marvel pushed the race thing too hard? Probably. But it doesn’t change the fact that SOMEONE ELSE IS SPIDER-MAN. It wouldn’t matter if that someone else was white, black, male, female, straight, gay, or any other myriad of religions, economic statuses, etc.
What I’m most interested in is just how did Miles get his abilities? Did he have them prior to Pete’s death? How are they different to Peter’s? Now I don’t read USM regularly, like I said I’m a 616 guy. But this intrigues me. Honestly the only thing off-putting about Miles is his age–I’m not sure I’m crazy about reading the adventures of a 13 year old, but I’d love to be wrong about that.
Also did anybody else notice the similarities between Miles’ current costume and Andrew Garfield’s?
“I disagree with this statement… Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Parker is just as important, if not more so, to the Spidey mythos as the mask is.”
He probably means,to the fictional average Joe on the street of the Marvel U, Spidey can be anyone, he can be white, Asian, a cross-dressing woman(well, Spencer Smythe did, anyway), etc. because he is in a full body costume.
Almost forgot to add…
Great article Donovan!!
I find it very interesting when I hear “changing his race” comments. They’re not changing Peter Parker’s race. This is a new Spider-Man. I don’t remember an outcry over Miguel Ohara’s ethnicity when he took up the webs.(Probably because it was set in an alternate future) This is a new character. I think this might have been easier had Bendis introduced and developed Miles earlier in the book. Bendis has written himself into a corner. If Miles is just like Peter, as Brian just noted, then what was the point? And when the story shows anything to do with his ethnicity, Bendis’ll be accused of not understanding the culture or being a “white guy trying to write black/hispanic”.It’s becoming a no win scenario for Marvel.
Here’s the thing people calling it a gimmick seem to be missing; the news articles are gimmicky and writing headlines like “Spider-Man is now Black” is there to get people reading the story, to stir up controversy so people are talking rather than being a representation of the story or character (like the “Batwoman is gay” news bits). Then there’s the logical fallacy of “Marvel sent out the news is a gimmick = therefore the story itself is a gimmick” which could easily not be true. Bendis could have created Miles on his own with the best intensions of making another diverse character, Marvel marketing could have went “Spider-Man’s black now, that’ll get headlines and sell comics” independent of Bendis’ decisions as a writer. Just because the marketing is gimmicky doesn’t mean the story will be.
Anyway great article. Though I have found people more agreeable to this new character than you have apparently.
@2 Robert Bell: “The thing about Spider-Man is that he is just some guy. the mask is colorless, gender-less, he could just be anybody you want him to be. That’s the power of Spider-Man.”
I disagree with this statement… Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Parker is just as important, if not more so, to the Spidey mythos as the mask is.
Haven’t read this piece yet since I’m getting ready for work, but my gut reaction to the whole Ultimate race change is that it’s just to pander and try to win people over. But if there’s a good story behind it I’m fine. After reading Ultimate Fallout 4 I have to say I don’t see the point of it yet. The kid acted just like Peter Parker with the quips and such, so if he’s just going to act exactly like Peter, then why even replace him to begin with? My biggest problem is how they feel they need to make it a newsworthy event. “Hey look what we did, minorities!” instead of letting the story sell itself.
Loved the article, I think you make a great point Donovan! 🙂
From Zach’s comment: “Plus it gave a new reason for people to hate Glenn Beck.” Nobody needs a new reason to hate Glenn Beck, he is a moron…
As a fairly young African American living here in the US it’s disheartening to read such negativity from people who are supposed to be fans. I don’t care about the race about a character I just care about what stories you can tell with the character. People with this much hate surprised me. With all the crap that goes on in peoples everyday lives this is the thing the pisses them off.
For some reason or another minorities of race, gender, and sexual preference usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to shelf life in comics.
These characters are either killed or put in comic book limbo where they will be place on a bus. I’ve noticed a lot of these characters happen to come from DC(Firestorm, the Atom, Cassandra Cain, Grace Choi and Thunder) where they have all been placed in limbo at some point another where only a competent writer comes along and makes them relevant. The sad thing is that honestly over the last decade the guys in charge don’t seem to understand the fact that in order to make a character relevant you have to not tie the hands of writer in the creative process. So if the writer like Bendis wants to shake things up let him. It’s not like people aren’t going to by it. The thing about Spider-Man is that he is just some guy. the mask is colorless, gender-less, he could just be anybody you want him to be. That’s the power of Spider-Man.
Diversity- Here’s what I think the comic companies need to do when introducing a non-white character: Don’t make a big deal of it. I’ve been reading some Silver Age Marvel, and black people frequently appear, either in the background or being a supporting character, yet Stan never wrote: “Hey True Believers! Look, we have African American people! Hope you appreciate us for doing so!” If Stan could do that back in the day, then we should be past that now.
Changing the race- Man, I don’t know how to feel about this…