Ultimate Fallout #2 – Review

What’s up web slingers, long time no see? Last time in Ultimate Fallout we saw Steve Rogers telling Aunt May that he’s to blame for her nephew’s death. Did she take that kind of news kindly? Well by now you know that answer so I’ll just say, “no, she doesn’t.” That plus Rogue and Thor look at death in their own perspectives (or do I mean Chris Hemsworth?) Don’t know what I’m talking about? Well, click that more tag and read the review.

Ultimate Fallout #2

Writers: Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman & Nick Spencer
Artists: Gabriel Hardman, Bryan Hitch & Lee Garbett
Inkers: Paul Neary & Roger Bonet
Colorists: Frank Martin, Paul Mounts & Guru eFX
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Cover: Bryan Hitch, Paul Neary & Paul Mounts

Story: Captain America – Bendis, Hardman & Martin
Aunt May doesn’t take what Steve Rogers told her too kindly and asks him why it’s his fault that Peter is dead. Steve says that he told Peter that he wasn’t ready to be a hero, that he was a child and that he hadn’t earned the right to wear the uniform yet and then tells her about the gun shot that was intended for him but instead Peter took it instead. Aunt May blames the Ultimates for pretty much causing all this to happen as she notes that Peter was fine before he met any of them. She then slaps Steve Rogers across the face before walking out of the church to see the crowd of people standing outside. Aunt May collapses into tears but J. Jonah Jameson helps her back up to her feet before they head back in the church, Jameson noting that she would regret not going back inside.

I wish they could have named this short bit “Aunt May” and not “Captain America” as technically this part of the issue revolves around Aunt May. Just a small nitpick but not too serious. Now, picking up from last issues cliffhanger I saw the spot on reaction I wanted to see from Aunt May. I’m just echoing other peoples’ voices here but yeah, Peter was fine on his own. Sure he was young and maybe a bit reckless at times but that’s why the Ultimates were supposed to train him. Instead, Cap believed he didn’t “deserve” to be a hero, to be Spider-Man. It doesn’t matter now but we all know that Peter proved himself to be the ultimate hero that he was each and every issue. The emotions that were laid out in the previous issue keep on delivering in this first part of the issue and I give props to Bendis as he keeps on doing a great job. It is a shame that Bagley’s art went missing (though I believe he’ll be back later in this mini) but that’s not being fair to Gabriel Hardman who depicts the emotions greatly seen on these characters’ faces. This was defiantly the strongest part of this issue.

Story: Thor – Hickman, Hitch, Neary & Mounts
Thor sits in the church as he thinks to himself that those who are noble and faithful that there is a place for them in Valhalla. There, he pictures heroes like Wolverine, Wasp and even Spider-Man. In that place legends never die.

Honestly, this part of the issue was a bit jarring. From what I read, and re-read, the world tree is connected to Earth and that the heroes who die in battle may find a place in Valhalla. Even though it was a bit out there for me I’m trusting Hickman with what he’s doing. From seeing a preview for Ultimates #1 we see Valhalla playing some role in the first story. Is this leading up to something? Possibly. Hitch’s art is nice to see in this issue but I can’t help but note that Chris Hemsworth appears in one panel. It’s another “movie-adapting-into-the-Ultimate-Universe” moment again. This part of the issue wasn’t bad of course since this is Thor depicting death but it’s a bit weird to see Peter drinking beer with the other heroes in a hall for Asgardians.

Story: Rogue – Spencer, Garbett, Bonet & Guru eFX
Rogue is crying in a diner about the news of Peter’s death even though she barely knew him. As the waitress asks Rogue if she wants her to turn off the TV, she touches her hand. (We all know how her powers work.) Rogue quickly runs out of the diner as the guys sitting inside question what she did to the waitress. As Rogue walks through the rain she looks back at her friends’ deaths while heading into an abandoned church. She kneels down and begins to pray as she believes the end of the world is near. She’s praying not because of the people that have been lost but because their next.

Nice to see Rogue again as she hasn’t really been seen since Ultimatum (besides Ultimate X but let’s not get into that). It was also nice to see Rogue bring up the “angel and demon” thought back when she saw Angel and Nightcrawler together for the first time and believed it was a sign of bad things to come… and yeah, bad things have happened in the universe. The art is good in this part and clearly Nick Spencer has done his background check on Ultimate X-Men. This was my second favorite part of the issue, especially the scene with Rogue praying in the middle of the church. I look forward to seeing her role be played out further for Ultimate X-Men.

Final Page – Bendis, Hardman & Martin
The last page depicts Mary Jane sitting on her bed, typing up an article on her laptop titled “How the world killed Spider-Man”.

After MJ and Fury’s confrontation last issue, I’m interested in where Bendis will take her. She’s set herself a goal to expose that Fury played a role in Peter’s death and what’s really got me tuned in is that Nick Fury really isn’t that great of a guy in the Ultimate Universe. Is MJ right or is this her own way of dealing with the death of her boyfriend?

I should also note that this is technically the first time we see the new Ultimate Universe writers working together.

Was this amazing as last issue? Not really but this was a pretty good issue nonetheless. Spending some time on one particular scene for two issues (the funeral) may bore some people, but with this being Peter Parker it seems alright. The Ultimate Universe was launched from his title after all. Were moving towards something and I’m looking forward to what it is and getting my hands on the next issue. 4 out of 5 slaps across the face.

*Guy walks up to Nate and whispers something into his ear*
Wait… what do you mean the next issue comes out today? Seriously? Where the hell have I been?? Well then, I guess you’ll be hearing from me again sooner rather than later!

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  1. Well, I respectfully disagree with you on the art. Gabriel Hardman’s art was like a slap in the face for me after coming off the last issue. The story with Cap was powerful and emotional, changing artists in the middle ruined it for me. Especially considering that Aunt May has suddenly become a black-lipped Emperor Palpatine … ugh!

  2. After reading the third issue, I got to say this series seems to be getting better as it goes on.

    And Logan was ripped to shreds by Magneto and Cyclops was beheaded by Quicksilver, I think?

    Excited for issue 4, wonder who’ll put on the mask….

  3. @7 – I can see the point about Cap not being the golden boy in this universe, and I can’t imagine what May is thinking, but I felt a little sorry for Cap as well. He seemed to honestly be upset about Peter’s death too, and a slap was a bit harsh. But maybe him telling May that was like a verbal slap in the face to her.

    As far as the training goes, I don’t think Iron Man or Cap should be blamed for that. I mean, both situations seemed to only be one quick session… Iron Man picked him up for the night and had very little training involved, and Cap was just getting the training started the day the Ultimates fight broke out. Neither had the appropriate amount of time to actual train him to do anything so they can’t blame themselves for that I don’t think.

  4. @Brian Bradley – Does Cap deserve to be slapped? Up to how you view it. Is he partially to blame for Peter’s death? Whether he likes it or not he is. Cap was supposed to train Peter after all but instead kept diminishing him about being a hero. Stark was barely any better as all they did was team up but with Cap all he saw in Peter was a boy screwing around. You forget though that this Cap isn’t exactly “the golden boy” that he is in the regular universe. Do I agree with what Aunt May did? Partially, yeah. Just picture being in her shoes and suddenly someone like Steve Rogers, everyone knows as one of the great heroes, walks up to you and blames himself for your nephew’s death and explains that at the time he thought your nephew wasn’t fit to be a hero (when clearly Peter did his best time and time again).

    @Dexter Fletcher – Hey, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea. 🙂

    @crutch – Gwen was there with Aunt May pretty much the whole time. MJ was in the background sitting with Johnny, Bobby and Kitty I believe. She didn’t play much of a role at the funeral.

  5. without going back and re-reading this book. why was gwen and mary jane not at the funeral? or did i just read the whole thing wrong?

  6. I’m convinced Mary Jane will become the new Spider-Man’s Jonah Jameson…

  7. Nice review, we talked briefly about it last week, but I think May maybe acted a little too harshly. Sure Peter has proven himself time and again, but Steve was only doing what he thought was right and that was protecting a young teenager from dangerous situations. The guy is an American hero and didn’t deserve to be slapped like that in front of all those people. But she’s grieving so I can’t really blame her and her crazy emotions I guess.

    Wasn’t Cyclops and Wolverine in Asgard as well? How did they die in the Ultimate universe? I didn’t make the connection that it looked like Hemsworth, but you’re right. I like that though, might as well model it after the guy most people will now associate with the God of Thunder.

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