The Lizard Attacks Comic-Con! (Updated 5:45PM CST)


Or more correctly Rhys Ifans, who plays Curt Connors (aka the Lizard) in the upcoming Spider-Man reboot movie, was cited for misdemeanor battery at the San Diego Comic-Con for an altercation between himself and a female security guard.

From the L.A. Times:

According to Lt. Andra Brown of the San Diego Police Department, Ifans was on his way to his panel and one of the members of his entourage didn’t carry the proper credentials to get into the backstage area for Hall H. When a female security guard challenged him about the passes, the actor was “rude, belligerent, hostile and struck the security guard in the chest, pushed passed her and went in to do his panel,” Brown said.

Following the panel, the security guard issued a misdemeanor citation for battery.

The guard, a privately employed officer, issued a citizen’s arrest because the alleged offense was not committed in the presence of a police officer. The attack did not require the guard to obtain additional care.

The story was first reported on the website The Wrap.

Sony spokesman Steve Elzer issued the following statement regarding the event: “Rhys Ifans was detained by Comic-Con security after a brief incident backstage prior to and immediately following the ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ panel. Police were notified and a citation was issued to Mr. Ifans, who deeply regrets this incident.”

Ifans flew out of San Diego Friday evening, and it is unclear whether the city of San Diego will press charges. According to Lt. Brown, that decision will be left up to the city attorney.

UPDATED – 5:45 PM CST.  Read on…

Yahoo! News has more on the Ifans incident from the Wrap, which the L.A. Times mentioned in their article.  From The Wrap via Yahoo:

The Amazing Spider-Man” villain Rhys Ifans was arrested and cited for misdemeanor battery for shoving a female security guard before Friday night’s Comic-Con panel for the film, police tell TheWrap.

Ifans, who smelled of alcohol, became irate when a member of his entourage was unable to enter the hall for lack of proper credentialing, police said. They said he shoved the guard in order to pass through, and was allowed to participate in the panel, but the guard subsequently made a citizen’s arrest.

A spokesman for Sony said that Ifans “deeply regrets the incident.”

“He was aggressive and belligerent,” Lt. Andra Brown said of the Welsh actor. “He was… berating everyone from the security staff to the United States of America.”

“He was cited and released, which is a non-custodial misdemeanor arrest,” added Brown, who said that the San Diego City Attorney will now determine whether to pursue charges. Ifans could be required to pay a fine, or could contest the case before a judge.

“But, according to him, the U.S. sucks and he doesn’t want to come back,” Brown said.

An individual with knowledge of the incident said security was very “tight and aggressive backstage.” The person said Ifans stepped outside to smoke a cigarette, and when he tried to get back in security tried to stop him and his entourage, which escalated into an argument.

Here is a statement to TheWrap from Lt. Brown:

“Rhys Ifans (the Lizard in the new “Spider-Man” movie) was placed under citizen’s arrest for battery on a security guard. A member of his entourage did not have proper credentials for the entrance he was at. He was abusive, belligerent, and aggressive, and shoved a female security guard aside to shove his way through. After the panel, he was cited and released. He was verbally abusive to all around…security, the PD and the USA. After receiving his citation he left the venue.”

So far we’ve not heard of any Crawl Space Crew injuries resulting from the Lizard’s rampage.  Heh.  Thanks to Crawl Space forum member Wombat 909 for the heads-up!

–George Berryman!

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  1. The security guard probably just heard his accent and played up the anti-us sentiment for greater sympathy. What he said in this case is irrelevent. Only thing that matters is he was physical and pushed her.

  2. Pushing a security guard will hardly effect the movie, but Sony probably won’t want him to go on anymore press junkets. I don’t think Rhys does those kind of things anyway….You think he knew the hammer was going to be dropped once the panel was over? Apparently he didn’t say much which is obvious now with the drink involved. I don’t think much will happen. The security guard will probably be compensated behind the curtain….

  3. Rhys, rhys, ryhs, when will you learn? More confrontation…..How many incidents before you get control? I mean I like the man, great actor, and I love his spirit, A super furry animal through and through, but you don’t push a cop, a female cop especially. And a female cop at comic-con on top of that! Love that he stuck up for his mates, but there is a time and place. This was not it. The panel was only like 35 minutes.

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