Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #49-“The Return of the Green Goblin” Review: “1. Why use of portal is “most clueless possible”? He’s stuck there in -between, and what’s to say father-son bond…” Mar 18, 13:42
Evan Berry on Panel(s) of the Day #1653 (Ditko!): “Panel 2 contain a really gigantic leap in reasoning. He’s not wrong, though, if I remember correctly.” Mar 17, 14:23
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Bill Slattery III on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “Glad you enjoyed it, Mister Mets, and thank you!” Mar 11, 21:18
Mister Mets on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “I did not know I needed this list.” Mar 11, 05:57
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Evan Berry on Spider-Variants of the Week 3/5/25: “If Count Parker is going shirtless, I wonder why he would bother pulling those independent glove/sleeves on. It’s a striking…” Mar 4, 13:32
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 27, 00:06
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 26, 23:58
Umm, Cartoony? U do remember that these movies are about a guy who wears a skin tight red and blue spider costume that shoots webbing out of his wrists right?
I don’t know – the kid just doesn’t look like Peter Parker to me. Hope it’s good but I saw the trailer on the big screen last night when I saw Cap and I just never felt excited about it.
wait, what? no carlie cooper??? boycotting this for sure
Looks interesting, though anything that has to do with Denis Leary is a complete turn off.
Well, if the suit isn’t a big problem, why are they still hiding it? Oh, and I see everyone that claimed he didn’t wear the silver booties in the movie were apparently wrong.
This looks quite good. I´m looking forward to seeing Andrew Garfield as Peter. I don´t really mind the costume.
Looks like it has a better grip on reality than Raimi’s overly cartoony apporach…which is good
I must say that it does look very good.
In the Ultimate comics i don’t remember Richard and Mary as spies. It crazy how you can see the Ultimate influence on this film.
Official? It’s the exact same teaser posted before
Looks really really awesome.
NEED TO SEE THE LIZARD!! hopefully soon anyways.
Wish the eyes on the costume were like really big
like Mark Bagley or Todd Mcfalerne style but not bad.
Um, the costume isn’t bad at all. It’s a much more realistic costume for a high school person to have compared to Tobey’s. The POV was to show what it’s like in Peter’s eyes and who knows if that’ll even be in the movie, it could be something they made just for the trailer. This trailer looks better then anything Raimi did with three movies. Everything I’ve seen/heard from this movie seems to be a lot more believable then Raimi’s trilogy of fail.
I’m sure if they get involved with the spy storyline (which hopefully won’t be an issue until at least the second or third film, if at all) they don’t need to relate it to SHIELD. It is nice to see his parents get some love though.
Pretty underwhelmed though at this point sadly. Will still see it of course and am still hoping it’ll be good.
With the POV webslinging, I guess they realized how ridiculous the costume is. I wonder why they’re delving into the Richard and Mary spy stuff when they don’t have the rights to SHIELD.