Entertainment Weekly has posted 15 images from the new Amazing Spider-Man movie. What do you think of them? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. I posted all 15 images in the Crawlspace image gallery.
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on Marvel.com and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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That Spider-Man suit looks more and more awful to me each time I see it. On the other hand, blonde Emma Stone looks more and more attractive to me each time I see her.
Wow! Emma Stone is really attractive. Im sure Im not the first to notice that
Well, the skateboard might have been a bit much but Peter, during his early days DID have a motorcycle. He should have been given a bike for this adaptation as well. I always thought Petey was a hot thang on this cafe racer during the Romita Sr. days. I wish they would revisit this.
I like the costume looks like a mix of the movie and comics with a few changes can’t wait to see it in motion
To me the skateboard is no different than Peter buying a motorcycle in the 60s. He’s trying to find a faster way of going from Place to place when he isn’t webslinging. This movie looks like it might be as good if not better than the Rami movies. Andrew Garfield and Emma feels like they are made for the role of Peter and Gwen. Gwen in the Ultimate universe found out Peter is spidey ( she wasn’t supportive at first because her dad died but became more supportive as time went on even dating Pete for a while) . I like how this movie is taking the best ideas of amazing, ultimate and apparently the spectacular cartoons and still looks unique.
I agree, I won’t condemn the movie on the suit alone.
I have other concerns too though. Peter has a Skateboard? The professional wallflower and bookworm Peter Parker would not be a Skateboarder! Gwen knows he’s Spidey and is supportive? That could not be more out of character for her. Aunt May is too young (while I love Sally Field, she would not be my Aunt May choice).
I fear they are making Peter into a hipster from the clothes, hair and skateboard. Appealing to the Twilight generation by the looks.
But believe me, I do REALLY REALLY want to love this movie. As I want to love all Spidey related media. Hell I’ve been a huge defender of the musical, although I have not seen it yet (my tickets are for in 2 weeks). If I can find something to love about the movie, I will, but it betrays everything that I hold dear about Spider-Man, I am going to be very unhappy.
What I do like about the movie so far…
Andrew Garfield is a good actor and could certainly be a great Peter. I LOVE Emma Stone (although she was a more suitable MJ). I think Ryhs Ifan is a great actor and inspired casting for the Lizard. I am also a big fan of Martin Sheen and love him as Uncle Ben. And I very much enjoyed 500 days of Summer. So I’m not dead set against the movie at all, but the more I see the more I feel that this is not my Spider-Man or Peter Parker, or Gwen, or Aunt May.
Not gonna condemn the movie just because of the suit… I will say that I like the original better. A LOT better.
How can anyone say they hated the Raimi suit? It was so close to the original it’s like saying you hate Spidey’s costume.
I understand things are subjective and everyone has a right to an opinion, I don’t wish to take that away from anyone. But I am SHOCKED to hear anyone say the Raimi suit was not as good as this atrocity!
Seriously, look again at this Reboot VS. Raimi mask comparison shot I did with a couple of comic pics inset to compare –
Other than the raised shiney webbing the Raimi version is essentially IDENTICAL. While the reboot is a mess. Literall! It’s covered in filth! Why?! And look at the mess they have made of the webbing on Spidey’s face in the reboot, it’s supposed to be a web over his face, it looks nothing like webbing. And the way the lines below his mouth wrap around the back instead of circle over the face, make it look like a gimp mask. It’s looks rubber, like a basketball! They eyes are too small, have no real point in the top left, do not match the shape of the comic eyes in any version he’s even been drawn in and WORSE of all we can see his actual eyes!
And that’s JUST the mask! The rest of the suit is terrible too. So unhappy with this remake, probably the worse thing to happen to Spidey ever, worse than Clone Saga and BND!
@Wheatcake Don’t forget Peter is supposed to be a genius, I have no problem believing he could come up with a great costume. That’s why I have problems believing he would come up with THIS costume 🙂
@#5 No, I’m with you. I disliked the Raimi suit as well. Though the basic design of his was closer to the comic than this one. I’m a bit torn. I know they change it so they can market it as toys and whatnot, but still, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. The Spider-Suit has remained mostly unchanged since the 60s. It obviously works. I don’t have high hopes for this film though. C’mon Marvel / Disney, buy back the rights to your flagship franchise already!
I feel like I’m the only one who HATED Raimi’s Spider costume (and his spidey films in general). I couldn’t stand the raised webbing or navy blue parts. I thought it strayed too far from the comics. But for some reason I really like this costume, which makes no sense.
@#3-suit looks synthetic. Maybe he made it in the attic lab? It looks like the webs were burned into it with wire or something. Either way, he created web fluid/shooters, I don’t think a bodysuit could be that difficult compared.
It’s different, that’s for sure, but I’m not vehemently opposed to it. Though I can’t imagine Peter putting together something so elaborate like that outfit, where would one even buy the material to sew (?) a costume like that?
Looks pretty good, keen to see the final product
I laughed out loud when I saw photo #11…Is Spidey starring in the remake of Eminem’s “8 Mile”? XD