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San Diego Crawlspace Love # 11

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  1. “Ok I’m sure the PR folks planned this…”

    What was your first clue… the pre-written speech?

    And how bout that Lizard, huh?

  2. That speech just echoes everything I’ve thought and felt about the character since I was five. Andrew Garfield is my brother from another mother lol. And hey nice gag with the Spidey costume.

  3. I was a little lukewarm on this movie, but I’m starting to turn. The respect/admiration for the Spider-Man franchise that these actors have been displaying over the last few weeks is profoundly encouraging imo…

    And good point about Dunst butters, I remember her complaining about the script/plot for the Spider-Man movies saying that its ‘not Shakespeare’, ugh…I’m digging the Garfield/Stone combo a thousand fold over the Maguire/Dunst combo…I’m so glad to see them gone.

  4. That was really cool. emma stone seems excited too. I remember when they interviewed kirsten dunst for the movie and they asked her if she read any spidey comics and she said “Do i look like i read comics” i wish he would have mentioned ditko too, but still very cool

  5. add a spider to the back and that costume is much better than the one being used in the movie…

  6. This whole situation is getting better and better! If the rest of the movie was crap, at least I’ll enjoy Andrew Garfield’s performance and Emma Stone’s…performance. Right.

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